Zinc Data File Version 3.0 UIW_WINDOW UI_BITMAP UI_ICON UI_HELP UI_HPP UI_CPP/ paste DERIVE_TABLE CONFIG_CONFLICT_WIN MOD_CONFIG_WINi WRITE_ERROR_WINw INQ_ERROR_WIN] STORE_ERROR_WINV READ_ERROR_WIN FLOPPY_ERROR_WIN DISK_ERROR_WIN INSTALL_COMPLETE_WIN UTIL_BITMAPD PROMPT devicesC U14_1 PROMPT INT13_HELPBARN_HELP DEV_CONFIG_WIN_HELP CONFIG_CONFLICT_WIN MOD_CONFIG_WINj WRITE_ERROR_WINy INQ_ERROR_WIN^ STORE_ERROR_WINR READ_ERROR_WIN FLOPPY_ERROR_WIN DISK_ERROR_WIN INSTALL_COMPLETE_WIN OpenAboutWin OpenConfigWindow OpenOptionWindow MainWinHelp ExitMainWin DEV_ID_WIN MAIN_WIN> REBOOT_WIN) LAST_WIN9 ERROR_WINM PORT_WINY GET_ERROR_WIN_ STORE_ERROR_WINe DIRECTORY_WINQ READ_ERROR_WINk WRITE_ERROR_WIN PROMPT OKIoFloppyWarnWin DEV_CONFIG_WIN SCSI Device Configuration OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTIONitch` 64hd/32sctr (max. 1024MB) 64_63 DevConfigSwitch` 64hd/63sctr (max. 2016MB) 16_63 ddress, BIOS address and Floppy Port Control settings to take into effect. const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTIONevConfigSwitch` Controller Initiated 10 MB/sec SYNC_5 DevConfigSwitch` Controller Initiated 5 MB/sec SYNC_TARGET DEEBOOT_WIN INSTALL_REBOOT_WIN. LAST_WIN ABOUT_WIN PACKAGE_OPTION ASPI_COMMAND_LINEK PORT_WINc DIRECTORY_WING INSTALL_WARN_WIN WIN_REM WIN_CUSTOM_REM 3RD_FLOPPY FLOPPY_WARN_WIN !!! WARNING !!! FIELD_1 OKIoFloppyWarnWin FIELD_2 You have to turn ON switch SW1 in order for the Floppy Port Control setting to take into effect. 01EBOOT_WIN INSTALL_REBOOT_WIN- LAST_WIN ABOUT_WIN PACKAGE_OPTION2 ASPI_COMMAND_LINEL PORT_WINd DIRECTORY_WINI INSTALL_WARN_WIN WIN_REM WIN_CUSTOM_REM5 3RD_FLOPPY const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION = 0x0027;7 const USHORT FIELD_40 = 0x0028;7 const USHORT SYNC_COMBO = 0x0029;7 const USHORT FIELD_44 OKIoFloppyWarnWin N_WINJ INSTALL_WARN_WIN MOD_CONFIG_WIN INSTALL_COMPLETE_WIN DISK_ERROR_WIN FLOPPY_ERROR_WIN INSTALL_BARE4 3RD_FLOPPY ASPI_COMMAND_LINE INSTALL_KIT INSTALL_PRO const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; DEV_ID_WIN Choose SCSI Device ID FIELD_21 OpenDeviceConfigWindow FIELD_22 OpenDeviceConfigWindow FIELD_23 InstallWinOK InstallWinCancel InstallWinHelp ASPIManagerChecked Ultra3RD UltraCD UltraREM UltraFLOP const USHORT FIELD_17 = 0x001D;7 const USHORT INSTALL_ASPI = 0x0012;7 const USHORT INSTALL_THIRD = 0x0027;7 const USHORT FIELD_16 = 0x0022;7 const USHORT FIELD_20 = 0x0014;7 const USHORT INSTALL_BUTTON = 0x0023;7 const USHORT FIELD_26 = 0x0024;7 const USHORT FIELD_38 = 0x0026; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION const USHORT FIELD_21 = 0x0015;7 const USHORT FIELD_22 = 0x0016;7 const USHORT FIELD_23 = 0x0017;7 const USHORT FIELD_24 = 0x0018;7 const USHORT FIELD_25 = 0x0019;7 const USHORT FIELD_26 = 0x001A;7 const USHORT FIELD_27 = 0x001B;7 const USHORT FIELD_28 = 0x001C;7 const USHORT FIELD_30 = 0x001E;7 const USHORT FIELD_31 = 0x001F; OBJECTID! USER_FUNCTION" COMPARE_FUNCTION OpenDeviceConfigWindow OpenDeviceConfigWindow OpenDeviceConfigWindow OpenDeviceConfigWindow OpenDeviceConfigWindow OpenDeviceConfigWindow OpenDeviceConfigWindow OpenDeviceConfigWindow DeviceIDDone DevIDWinHelp ExitToDos const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001; MAIN_WIN UltraStor ULTRA 34F/34FA Utility FIELD_303$ FIELD_304 OpenAboutWinC &About FIELD_95 const USHORT FIELD_303 = 0x012F;7 const USHORT FIELD_304 = 0x0130;7 const USHORT FIELD_95 = 0x0060;7 const USHORT HA_COMBO = 0x00E7;7 const USHORT FIELD_234 OBJECTID* USER_FUNCTION+ COMPARE_FUNCTION = 0x0002; 64_63 DevConfigSwitch` 64 hd/63 sctr 16_63 DevConfigSwitch` 16 hd/637 const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT FIELD_21 = 0x0015; LAST_WIN MESSAGE FIELD_1 Rebooting ... Make sure floppy drive A: is open. ErrorWinHelp ErrorWinExit DEST_DIR GetDestDir C:\ULTRA const USHORT 3RD_FLOPPY_OK = 0x0009;7 const USHORT 3RD_FLOPPY_CANCEL = 0x000A;7 const USHORT FLOPPY_G = 0x000B;7 const USHORT FLOPPY360 = 0x0003;7 const USHORT FLOPPY720 OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION = 0x00EA;7 const USHORT CONFIG_BUTTON = 0x00EB;7 const USHORT INSTALL_BUTTON = 0x011C;7 const USHORT FIELD_267 = 0x011D;7 const USHORT FIELD_102 = 0x011E OpenOptionWindow &INSTALLATION FIELD_267 MainWinHelp &Help FIELD_102 ExitMainWin E&xit FLOPPY360 ThirdFloppyTypeB &1. 360 KB FLOPPY720 ThirdFloppyTypeP &2. 720 KB FLOPPY12 ThirdFloppyTypeP &3. 1.2 MB FLOPPY144 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT FLOPPY12 = 0x0005;7 const USHORT FLOPPY144 = 0x0006;7 const USHORT DRIVER-PROMPT = 0x000C;7 const USHORT DRIVER_DIR = 0x000D OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION Rebooting ... Make sure floppy drive A: is open. 23 = 0x0017;7 const USHORT PARITY_ENABLE = 0x001 ERROR_WIN !!! ERROR !!! FIELD_1 No ULTRA 34F or 34FA found ... This utility is to be used with ULTRA 34F or 34FA controllers only. FIELD_2 ErrorW 00inHelp! &Help FIELD_3 ErrorWinExit! E&xit FIELD_54 PROMPT OBJECTID6 USER_FUNCTIONB COMPARE_FUNCTION const USHORT SYNC_5 = 0x002E;7 const USHORT SYNC_TARGET = 0x002F;7 const USHORT FIELD_75 = 0x07 const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FIELD_3 = 0x0003;7 const USHORT FIELD_54 = 0x0036; RebootWin &ULTRA 34F/34FA Host Adapter(s) found : HA_COMBO FIELD_234 CONFIG_BUTTON OpenConfigWindow &CONFIGURATION U14_1 INSTALL_BUTTON REBOOT_WIN Reboot FIELD_1 You must REBOOT the system in order for the changes to be in effect. FIELD_2 RebootWin &Reboot OBJECTID@ USER_FUNCTIONA COMPARE_FUNCTIONConfigSwitch DevConfigSwitch DevConfigSwitch DevConfigSwitch DevConfigSwitch DevConfigSwitch DevConfigSwitch DevConfigSwitch DevConfigSwitch DevConfigSwitch const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; IO_WARN_WIN !!! WARNING !!! FIELD_1 OKIoFloppyWarnWin FIELD_2 You have to turn ON switch SW8 in order for the I/O Port address and BIOS address settings to take into effect. ptionChosen@ ULTRA 34FK -------- UltraSCSI Kit OptionChosen@ ULTRA 34FK PRO --- UltraSCSI Pro Kit FIELD_43 Please specify which package you purchased: = 0x003C;7 const USHORT BIOS_C4000H = 0x003D;7 const USHORT BIOS_C8000H = 0x003E;7 const USHORT BIOS_CC000H = 0x003F;7 const USHORT BIOS_D0000H = 0x007 const USHORT INSTALL_BUTTON = 0x0019;7 const USHORT FIELD_26 = 0x001A;7 const USHORT FIELD_27 = 0x001B;7 const USHORT FIELD_17 = 0x001D;7 const USHORT INSTALL_ASPI INSTALL_WARN_WIN !!! WARNING !!! FIELD_1 Neither ASPI Manager nor Third Floppy Driver is selected. FIELD_4 OKInstallWarnWin! const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004; OBJECTIDE USER_FUNCTIONF COMPARE_FUNCTION = 0x005D;7 const USHORT FIELD_96 = 0x0060;7 const USHORT HAID_0 = 0x0061;7 const USHORT HAID_1 OKInstallWarnWin OBJECTID3 USER_FUNCTION1 COMPARE_FUNCTION DWinHelp &Help ThirdFloppyOKCancel ThirdFloppyOKCancel ThirdFloppyType ThirdFloppyType ThirdFloppyType ThirdFloppyType FloppyDriverDir const USHORT FIELD_10 = 0x000A;7 const USHORT HW_DISPLAY = 0x000B;7 const USHORT SCAN_ALL_LUN = 0x000D;7 const USHORT EXCLUDE_SCAN_PORT = 0x000E;7 const USHORT FIELD_5 OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION InstallSoftware InstallSoftware InstallSoftware CommandLineWinOK CommandLineWinCancel PORT_WIN Port Excluded FIELD_1 P_130 GetExcludedPort 130H P_140 GetExcludedPort 140H P_210 GetExcludedPort 210H P_230 GetExcludedPort 230H P_240 GetExcludedPort 240H P_310 GetExcludedPort 310H P_330 OBJECTIDO USER_FUNCTIONP COMPARE_FUNCTION 0x00F6;7 const USHORT FIELD_643 = 0x00FC;7 const USHORT FLOPPY_COMBO = 0x00FD;7 const USHORT FIELD_256 GetExcludedPort 330H P_340 GetExcludedPort 340H FIELD_10 OKPortWin T = 0x0005;7 const USHORT P_240 = 0x0006;7 const USHORT P_310 = 0x0007;7 const USHORT P_330 = 0x0008;7 const USHORT P_340 = 0x0009;7 const USHORT FIELD_10 = 0x000A; const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT P_130 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT P_140 = 0x0003;7 const USHORT P_210 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT P_230 GetExcludedPort GetExcludedPort GetExcludedPort GetExcludedPort GetExcludedPort GetExcludedPort GetExcludedPort GetExcludedPort OKPortWin InstallWinHelp! &Help FIELD_17 INSTALL_ASPI ASPIManagerChecked &ASPI Manager INSTALL_THIRD Ultra3RD &THIRD FLOPPY drive Device Driv = 0x000F;7 const USHORT FIELD_21 = 0x0015; const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT FIELD_21 = 0x0015; READ_ERROR_WIN !!! ERROR !!! FIELD_1 Invalid source pathname. Check the source directory. FIELD_4 OKCopyErrorWin FIELD_21 WRITE_ERROR_WIN !!! ERROR !!! FIELD_1 Invalid destination pathname. Check the destination directory. FIELD_4 OKCopyErrorWin FIELQ OBJECTIDU USER_FUNCTIONS COMPARE_FUNCTION GET_ERROR_WIN !!! ERROR !!! FIELD_1 An error has occured while retrieving operating configuration data. FIELD_2 OKGetErrorWin FIELD_11 PROMPT const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FIELD_11 = 0x000B; OBJECTID[ USER_FUNCTION\ COMPARE_FUNCTION OKGetErrorWin DEV_CONFIG_WIN INSTALL_BARE INSTALL_KIT INSTALL_PRO8 ERROR_WIN 34F_WINW GET_ERROR_WIN} SAVE_CONFLICT_WIN IO_FLOPPY_WARN_WIN FLOPPY_WARN_WIN IO_WARN_WIN< STORE_ERROR_WIN !!! ERROR !!! FIELD_1 An error has occured while storing configuration data into EEPROM. FIELD_2 OKStoreErrorWin FIELD_21 PROMPT DEV_CONFIG_WIN INSTALL_BARE INSTALL_KIT INSTALL_PRO; ERROR_WIN 34F_WINX GET_ERROR_WIN SAVE_CONFLICT_WIN IO_FLOPPY_WARN_WIN FLOPPY_WARN_WIN IO_WARN_WIN= const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FIELD_21 = 0x0015; OBJECTIDa USER_FUNCTIONb COMPARE_FUNCTION CONFIG_WIN ABOUT_WIN# INSTALL_REBOOT_WIN DEV_CONFIG_WIN| CONFIG_CONFLICT_WIN SAVE_CONFLICT_WIN 34F_WINz INQ_ERROR_WIN IO_FLOPPY_WARN_WIN FLOPPY_WARN_WIN IO_WAR OKStoreErrorWin OKCopyErrorWin DIRECTORY_WIN Install FIELD_5 OKDirWin FIELD_6 CancelDirWin! &Cancel FIELD_1 &Source Directory : SRC_DIR GetSrcDir FIELD_3 &Destination Directory : DEST_DIR GetDestDir C:\ULTRA const USHORT FIELD_5 = 0x0005;7 const USHORT FIELD_6 = 0x0006;7 const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0007;7 const USHORT SRC_DIR = 0x0008;7 const USHORT FIELD_3 = 0x0009;7 const USHORT DEST_DIR = 0x000A; OBJECTIDg USER_FUNCTIONh COMPARE_FUNCTION OKDirWin CancelDirWin GetSrcDir GetDestDir OBJECTIDm USER_FUNCTIONn COMPARE_FUNCTION OKCopyErrorWin PROMPT FIELD_1626 ConfigWinHelp &Help SCSI &Device Configuration devices FIELD_1143 SetDefaultConfig D&efault Settings FIELD_673 SaveConfig &Save FIELD_721 CancelConfig &Cancel DISK_ERROR_WIN !!! ERROR !!! FIELD_1 A hardware error has occured while copying files !!! FIELD_7 OKDiskErr! FIELD_16 const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_7 = 0x0007;7 const USHORT FIELD_16 = 0x0010; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION OKDiskErr FLOPPY_ERROR_WIN !!! ERROR !!! FIELD_1 DEVICE ERROR !!! Floppy drive is open ! FIELD_7 RetryFloppyErr! &Retry FIELD_17 PROMPT FIELD_20 AbortFloppyErr! &Abort const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_7 = 0x0007;7 const USHORT FIELD_17 = 0x0011;7 const USHORT FIELD_20 = 0x0014; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION RetryFloppyErr AbortFloppyErr REMPAR_2 REMPAR_3 REMPAR_4 CUSTOM_OK CustomWinOK0 CUSTOM_CANCEL PROMPT PROMPT ASPI_COMMAND_LINE ASPI Manager FIELD_10 HW_DISPLAY InstallSoftware &Display Controller Configuration Information SCAN_ALL_LUN InstallSoftware &Scan All Logical Unit Numbers in SCSI Bus EXCLUDE_SCAN_PORT InstallSoftware &Exclude Scanning Of Selected I/O Ports Command Line Options available : FIELD_5 CommandLineWinOK! FIELD_21 CommandLineWinCancel! &Cancel CustomWinCancel0 &Cancel WIN_CUSTOM_REM Removable Custom Installation Window FIELD_1 Number of logical drives reserved for Removable device #1 : FIELD_2 Number of logical drives reserved for Removable device #2 : FIELD_3 Number of logical drives reserved for Removable device #3 : FIELD_4 Number of logical drives reserved for Removable device #4 : REMPAR_1 const USHORT FIELD_497 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_542 = 0x09DA;7 const USHORT FIELD_653 = 0x09FE;7 const USHORT FIELD_1143 = 0x09FF;7 const USHORT FIELD_673 = 0x0A00;7 const USHORT FIELD_721 = 0x0A01;7 const USHORT FIELD_1626 = 0x0A02; PACKAGE_OPTION PROMPT PACKAGE_OPTION_BUTTON OpenInstallWin! &Continue OptionChosen@ ULTRA 34F DEV_ID_WINo CONFIG_WIN MAIN_WINWIN PACKAGE_OPTION DISK_ERROR_WIN INSTALL_KIT Software Installation INSTALL_BUTTON InstallWinOK! &Install FIELD_26 InstallWinCancel! &Cancel FIELD_27 FIELD_9 INSTALL_CD UltraCD C&D-ROM drive INSTALL_REM UltraREM &REMOVABLE drive INSTALL_FLOPTICAL UltraFLOP &FLOPTICAL drive ASPI Device Modules ThirdFloppyTypeB &4. 1.44 MB DRIVER-PROMPT Directory of DRIVER.SYS : DRIVER_DIR FloppyDriverDir C:\DOS\ = 0x0012;7 const USHORT INSTALL_THIRD = 0x0022;7 const USHORT FIELD_9 = 0x001F;7 const USHORT INSTALL_CD = 0x000C;7 const USHORT INSTALL_REM = 0x000D;7 const USHORT INSTALL_FLOPTICAL = 0x000E; INSTALL_BARE Software Installation FIELD_1 INSTALL_ASPI InstallSoftware Install &ASPI Manager HW_DISPLAY InstallSoftware D&isplay Controller Configuration Information SCAN_ALL_LUN InstallSoftware &Scan All Logical Unit Numbers in SCSI Bus EXCLUDE_SCAN_PORT InstallSoftware &Exclude Scanning Of Selected I/O Ports FIELD_7 Command line Options available : ASPI Manager Installation FIELD_2 FIELD_15 Third Floppy Type : INSTALL_THIRD InstallSoftware Install &Third Floppy Driver FLOPPY360 InstallSoftware &360 KB FLOPPY720 InstallSoftware &720 KB FLOPPY12 InstallSoftware 1.&2 MB FLOPPY144 InstallSoftware 1.&44 MB FIELD_20 &Directory of DRIVER.SYS file : 3RD_FLOPPY_DIR FloppyDriverDir C:\DOS\ Third Floppy Installation FIELD_3 InstallWinOK FIELD_4 InstallWinCancel &Cancel FIELD_5 InstallWinHelp &Help US = 0x004B;7 const USHORT 3RD_FLOPPY_DIR = 0x004C;7 const USHORT FIELD_3 = 0x0003;7 const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT FIELD_5 = 0x000 OpenDeviceConfigWindow FIELD_24 OpenDeviceConfigWindow FIELD_25 OpenDeviceConfigWindow FIELD_26 OpenDeviceConfigWindow INSTALL_PRO Software Installation FIELD_17 INSTALL_ASPI ASPIManagerChecked &ASPI Manager INSTALL_THIRD Ultra3RD &Third Floppy Driver Device Drivers FIELD_16 FIELD_20 DiskMirrorChecked &Disk Mirroring Fault Tolerance Utility INSTALL_BUTTON InstallWinOK! &Install FIELD_26 InstallWinCancel! &Cancel FIELD_38 InstallWinHelp! &Help const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT INSTALL_ASPI = 0x0019;7 const USHORT HW_DISPLAY = 0x0034;7 const USHORT SCAN_ALL_LUN = 0x0035;7 const USHORT EXCLUDE_SCAN_PORT = 0x0036;7 const USHORT FIELD_7 = 0x0049;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FIELD_15 = 0x000F;7 const USHORT INSTALL_THIRD = 0x0038;7 const USHORT FLOPPY360 = 0x0045;7 const USHORT FLOPPY720 = 0x0046;7 const USHORT FLOPPY12 = 0x0047;7 const USHORT FLOPPY144 = 0x0048;7 const USHORT FIELD_20 q OBJECTIDs USER_FUNCTIONt COMPARE_FUNCTION OpenDevIDWin SetDefaultConfig SaveConfig CancelConfig ConfigWinHelp OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION InstallSoftware InstallSoftware InstallSoftware InstallSoftware InstallSoftware InstallSoftware InstallSoftware InstallSoftware InstallSoftware FloppyDriverDir InstallWinOK InstallWinCancel InstallWinHelp INQ_ERROR_WIN !!! ERROR !!! FIELD_1 An error has occured while inquiring host adapter(s). FIELD_6 OKInqErrorWin FIELD_19 const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_6 = 0x0006;7 const USHORT FIELD_19 = 0x0013; OBJECTIDv USER_FUNCTIONu COMPARE_FUNCTION OKInqErrorWin const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION = 0x0002; IO_FLOPPY_WARN_WIN !!! WARNING !!! FIELD_1 OKIoFloppyWarnWin FIELD_2 You have to turn ON switches SW1 and SW8 in order for the I/O Port a OK34FWin ABOUT_WIN About FIELD_1 ULTRA 34F/34FA Software Utility Version 1.10 Copyright (C) 1993 UltraStor Corp. FIELD_2 OKAboutWin const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION OKAboutWin OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION OBJECTID~ USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION INSTALL_REBOOT_WIN !!! WARNING !!! FIELD_1 The device driver(s) installed will take into effect only after you reboot the system. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot the system or press [Enter] to exit to DOS. FIELD_3 ExitToDos &Exit to DOS const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_3 = 0x0003; 3RD_FLOPPY 3rd Floppy Option Window 3RD_FLOPPY_OK ThirdFloppyOKCancel" 3RD_FLOPPY_CANCEL ThirdFloppyOKCancel0 &Cancel FLOPPY_G CONFIG_CONFLICT_WIN !!! WARNING !!! FIELD_1 OKConfigConflictWin FIELD_2 CancelConfigConflictWin &Cancel OKConfigConflictWin CancelConfigConflictWin COMPARE_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; U14_2VICES_2DY DEVICES_2 OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION OKSaveConflictWin CancelSaveConflictWin 34F_WIN !!! WARNING !!! FIELD_1 ULTRA 34F can not be configured through this software utility. FIELD_2 OK34FWin CONFIG_WIN ULTRA 34FA Configuration Window FIELD_497 General Options FIELD_542 Advanced Options FIELD_653 OpenDevIDWi REM_DEF_BUTT &Default Installation REM_CUS_BUTT RemCustomP C&ustom Installation WIN_REM Removable Installation Option Window FIELD_4 RemOptionOK0 FIELD_5 RemOptionCancel0 &Cancel FIELD_1 SAVE_CONFLICT_WIN !!! WARNING !!! FIELD_1 OKSaveConflictWin FIELD_2 CancelSaveConflictWin! &Cancel const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; v+,YA OKIoFloppyWarnWin MOD_CONFIG_WIN PROMPT FIELD_2 Modify CONFIG.SYS file ? CONFIG_YES YesModifyConfig0 CONFIG_NO NoModifyConfig07 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT CONFIG_YES = 0x0003;7 const USHORT CONFIG_NO = 0x0004; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION YesModifyConfig NoModifyConfig INSTALL_COMPLETE_WIN PROMPT FIELD_1 Software installation completed ! FIELD_2 OKInstallCompleteWindow! const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION OKInstallCompleteWindow OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION ASPIManagerChecked Ultra3RD DiskMirrorChecked InstallWinOK InstallWinCancel InstallWinHelp DEV_ID_WINp CONFIG_WIN MAIN_WINWIN PACKAGE_OPTION PACKAGE_OPTION WIN_CUSTOM_REM WIN_REMCUSTOM_REM WIN_REM FIELD_27 OpenDeviceConfigWindow FIELD_28 OpenDeviceConfigWindow FIELD_30 DeviceIDDone &Done FIELD_31 = 0x002B; const USHORT PACKAGE_OPTION_BUTTON = 0x0015;7 const USHORT BARE = 0x001D;7 const USHORT KIT = 0x001E;7 const USHORT BARE = 0x001F;7 const USHORT FIELD_43 OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION OpenInstallWin OptionChosen OptionChosen OptionChosen const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FIELD_3 = 0x0003;7 const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT REMPAR_1 = 0x0005;7 const USHORT REMPAR_2 = 0x0006;7 const USHORT REMPAR_3 = 0x0007;7 const USHORT REMPAR_4 = 0x0008;7 const USHORT CUSTOM_OK = 0x0009;7 const USHORT CUSTOM_CANCEL = 0x000A; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION CustomWinOK CustomWinCancel const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT FIELD_5 = 0x0005;7 const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0006;7 const USHORT REM_DEF_BUTT = 0x0002;7 const USHORT REM_CUS_BUTT = 0x0003; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION RemOptionOK RemOptionCancel RemCustom