SoundBlaster Live! OS/2 Audio driver version 0.25 (beta) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents ======== 1 Description 2 Features 3 Requirements 4 Installation 5 Config.sys options 6 Known problems 7 File listing 8 Source code 9 Contacting the author 9.1 SoundBlaster Live OS/2 mailinglist 10 Warranty 1 Description ============= This is the port of the open source Creative Labs SoundBlaster Live Linux audio driver. Although the driver is almost feature complete, it should still be considered beta software. (see the warranty section) This work would never have been possible without the support by Creative Labs and the current maintainers of the Linux driver. 2 Features ========== - Up to 32 simultaneous wave playback streams - One record stream - Full duplex - Support for the IOCTL90 mixer interface (designed by Joe Nord of Crystal Semiconductor and supported by the Crystal OS/2 audio drivers) - RTMIDI playback & recording (not yet implemented in this release) 3 Requirements ============== - OS/2 Warp 4 or Warp Server for e-Business (Warp 3 not tested) - Creative Labs SoundBlaster Live! soundcard 4 Installation ============== - Unzip driver archive - Run install.cmd - Select 'SoundBlaster Live! Wave Audio' and continue installation - Reboot - During OS/2 boot, press Alt-F1 and select 'Enable Hardware Detection' 5 Config.sys options ==================== DEVICE=J:\MMOS2\SBLIVE16.SYS /V /C /M /L - /V: verbose (prints copyrights during driver init) - /C: enable CD audio input - /M: enable microphone audio input - /L: enable linein audio input The installation adds the verbose and CD settings to the config.sys line. 6 Known problems ================ - Users have reported that sometimes applications can no longer play audio (unable to load mdm.dll). This apparently happens from time to time (requiring a reboot), but I have not been able to reproduce this myself. If you find a way to reliably reproduce this, please contact the author. (see section 9) - Small distortions when recording at 44.1khz 16 bits stereo - Crash in PMMERGE when installing the driver on a system that uses the Scitech display drivers. Workaround: move the first minstall window (which asks you to select the sb driver) almost completely outside of the screen and press enter. 7 File listing ============== Installation files: 23-04-00 16:55 326 0 audfiles.scr 19-07-94 17:54 4395 0 audplay.ico 24-04-00 10:37 952 0 AUDHELP.HLP 24-04-00 17:09 20519 0 CARDINFO.dll 24-04-00 17:09 3500 0 control.scr 19-07-94 17:54 4395 0 midiplay.ico 19-07-94 17:54 4395 0 vidplay.ico 16 bits MMPM/2 audio driver: 24-04-00 17:26 40382 0 sblive16.sys 32 bits SB Live Core audio driver: 25-04-00 21:38 81056 0 sblive32w4.sys 32 bits SB Live Core audio driver: (uses the new KEE api found in Warp 4 + Fixpack 13 or Warp Server for e-Business) 25-04-00 21:42 63936 0 sblive32kee.sys 8 Source code ============= As this driver is based on the open source SoundBlaster Live Linux driver, the source code is available under the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. The CVS repository is located at the Netlabs server: set set USER=guest Login as 'guest' with password 'readonly'. 9 Contacting the author ======================= When you find a bug in the driver, you can contact the author by email at Bug reports should include the following information: - SoundBlaster Live model - OS/2 version + fixpack level - Description of the procedure to reproduce the bug Please note that I do *not* want people to mail me about problems that aren't clearly bugs in the driver. There is a mailinglist at that can be used for general questions about the driver. Also, do NOT mail the Linux authors about problems with the OS/2 driver. If a problem in the driver turns out to be a bug in their code, then I will contact them. 9.1 SoundBlaster Live OS/2 mailinglist ====================================== A mailinglist to discuss the OS/2 sblive driver has been created at Go to to subscribe to 10 Warranty =========== EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE RESTRICTED BY LAW, THIS WORK IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR TITLE. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW, NO AUTHOR, COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR LICENSOR SHALL BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, EVEN IF THEY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.