The Poor Man's Line Monitor (PMLM.EXE) PMLM is basically of interest to developers of comm applications and those providing technical support for those applications. This SIO2K utility is released largely (in self defense) in the hope that some users can diagnose their own problems. PMLM's feature of saving trace information to disk will only work with registered and beta versions of SIO2K. PMLM provides basic line monitoring for OS/2 comm programs. All characters sent or received by application programs are displayed in the upper portion of the screen. Receive characters are displayed as "white on blue" and transmitted characters are displayed "yellow on violet". Line signals, such as CTS are displayed as "dim white on red" when turned off and "bright white on red" when turned on. In addition, a signals transition to OFF is displayed in lower case and a signals transition to ON is displayed in upper case. Status information is displayed in the lower part of the screen. A bright white display means the signal is on, a dim white indicates that the signal is off. In addition, when bright, Rxoff and Txoff indicate the SIO has sent (Txoff) or received (Rxoff) an Xoff, and an Xon is pending. "Rx Chars" and "Tx Chars" reflects the number of characters in SIO's receive and transmit buffers respectively. The last line on the screen shows the keys (from the keyboard) that PMLM will recognize. The bright character shows the key to hit for the associated function. The font keys never work in a windowed session, they will only work in full screen sessions. ADDITIONALLY some video drivers DO NOT correctly display loadable is any OS/2 sessions. Strangely however, they seem to always correctly display loadable fonts in DOS full screen sessions (note that viewpmlm.exe works in DOS sessions). PMLM's command line requires one parameter, the comm port number, and optionally accepts an additional parameter giving a save trace file name. For example, PMLM 1 COM1INFO.TRC will monitor COM1 and save ALL of the communications traffic in the file COM1INFO.TRC. The trace files created by PMLM contain exactly the same information that is displayed by PMLM, video attributes and all. VIEWPMLM.EXE may be used to view trace files created by PMLM. VIEWPMLM.EXE requires one parameter, the trace file name. The user can use the keys UP, DOWN, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, HOME, and END to navigate the saved trace file. Registered SIO users may send VIEWPMLM.EXE (along with saved trace files) to anyone for technical support purposes. VIEWPMLM can be used in native DOS, in DOS sessions under OS/2, and in OS/2 sessions. This means that even those developers and support people need not have OS/2 to view the captured communications data created by PMLM.