PCI Support in SIO2K A great big thanks to Sam Detweiler of IBM for a kick start to supporting PCI cards in sio2k. Sam provided source code examples and information, without which, sio2k may not be supporting PCI yet. SIO2K can now support almost any PCI serial card. However, you may need to add information about your PCI serial card to the file PCI.INC. This file (PCI.INC) is included in the sio2k distribution zip. At boot time the sio2k drivers scan all PCI cards found on that computer. If a serial card is found, the card's information is compared against the data found in PCI.INC. If a match is found, the card, and its serial ports (uarts) will be supported. There is documentation at the beginning of PCI.INC that should help you in adding information that will allow sio2k to support your PCI serial card. If you are successful, please send me the config line that you added to PCI.INC, and I will add it to the PCI.INC that is distributed. Please be sure that any config line you send me is complete. That is, the config line will match only your type of card when the scan is made by sio2k. If the PCI.INC looks too complicated for you to handle, then contact the support people of the company that made your PCI card. Send them a copy of PCI.INC, they should understand it and should be able to provide you with the PCI.INC config line that you need. If they cannot do this, then you should find another supplier to buy hardware from. If the support people fail you, all is not yet lost. There are many free programs on the net that will dump (display) the information contained in the nonvolatile memory of PCI cards. People with some technical knowledge should be able to examine the data from the dump, and create the config line that needs to be added to PCI.INC. Have fun.