Vmodem for SIO version 2 Note: The VMODEM.EXE included with SIO version 2 is NOT compatible with the original SIO (version 1) drivers. To use VMODEM.EXE, one must load VMODEM.SYS. To load vmodem.sys, include a line similar to the following in your config.sys: device=c:\sio2k\vmodem.sys logfile=c:\sio2k\sio2k.log nPorts=8 In the above example, 8 vmodem ports will be created. Also note that the logfile option in the example is not required. Absent the optional sio2k.cfg file (explained elsewhere), sio2k.sys will automatically define 8 additional COMn ports (in this example) for the virtual modem ports. In addition to loading the driver a shown above, one must execute vmodem.exe and leave it running to access virtual modem ports. On my system, I use the TCPEXIT.CMD file to execute/load vmodem.exe. TCPEXIT.CMD must be located in the \TCPIP\BIN directory on your boot drive. By default, \TCPIP\BIN\TCPEXIT.CMD does NOT exist, so you may have to create the file. This batch file is executed once the TCP/IP stack (software) has completed initialization. My TCPEXIT.CMD file contains only the following line: start /win /min c:\sio2k\vmodem The above starts vmodem.exe as a minimized windowed session. Virtual modem ports may also be defined in the sio2k.cfg file. One can define as many COMn ports as needed in this config file (see SAMPLE.CFG). To make a given port a virtual modem port, simply change UART$ to VMODEM$ in the OS/2 port definition section of the config file. For example in SAMPLE.CFG, change AltDriver=uart$,3 to AltDriver=vmodem$,1 to make COM3 the first virtual modem port.