MODES Replacement for OS/2's MODE.COM for serial ports Copyright (c) 2000 by Raymond L. Gwinn 26 Tanager Place Beckley, West Virginia 25801 All Rights Reserved November 10, 2000 InterNet: FAX: 1-304-255-7902 WEB FTP Documentation YOU CANNOT USE THIS PROGRAM WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. EVEN THEN, YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES OR SUPPORT. The program MODE.COM (aka "the MODE command") that is supplied with OS/2 has some limitations with respect to serial ports. For example, at the date of this writing, the mode command supports only com1 to com9. The author's SIO drivers, sio and sio2k will support more than 9 serial ports. Over the years, I have received numerous requests for a MODE (like) program that supports more than 9 serial ports. Not being an easy undertaking, I resisted writing the program for years. MODES.EXE (the MODES command) is an end to resistance. The MODES command is not unique to the sio2k drivers. The program should work with any drivers remotely similar to com.sys. However, some features, such as locking the bit rate, are unique to the sio2k drivers and will not work with other drivers. I would like to make a few personal comments, or thoughts about the MODE command. I suspect the program/command may be a test by an advanced alien civilization for intelligent life forms. If not that, then it may be a mind control experiment by the CIA. That is to say, if you can understand the command, then your mind may be one that should be controlled. That being said, the syntax of the MODES command is intended to be identical to the MODE command, as far as com ports are concerned. Things like MODES LPT1 will NOT work, but as to serial ports (ie MODE COM1) the MODES command should be a direct replacement for the MODE command. To access IBM's OS/2 documentation for the MODE command on WARP 4, go to an OS/2 command prompt and type VIEW CMDREF. If you insist on going the GUI way, open (double click) the "Assistance Center" on the desktop, then open the "Information" folder, then open the "Reference and Commands" folder, and finally open the "OS/2 Warp Command Reference" document. IN THIS DOCUMENT, I WILL ONLY DOCUMENT THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MODE AND MODES. There are some features of the MODES command that are not currently being documented because the drivers are not yet completely ready to implement the commands. The intended differences between MODE and MODES are: 1 - The displayed information is very similar, but not identical. MODES often provides more information than MODE. 2 - MODES DOES NOT VALIDATE THE BIT RATE, except with respect to minimum and maximum. So, if you type 56700 instead of 57600, you will NOT get an error message, and you will get strange results. 3 - The bit rate can be preceded by "LOCK" or "UNLOCK", without the quote marks. If LOCK is specified without a following bit rate, then the bit rate is locked at the current bit rate. When the bit rate is locked, application programs, are prevented from altering the bit rate. The UNLOCK option enables application programs to again set/reset the bit rate. Some examples are: modes com1:lock 115200 ;lock at 115200 modes com1 unlock 57600 ;unlock and set bit rate to 57600 modes com1 lock ;lock at the currently set bit rate modes com1 unlock ;obvious 4 - The next difference is an experiment, and I really need feedback to about success and problems this feature may cause. THIS FEATURE HAS NOT BEEN ADDRESSES IN VSIO2K YET, so the effects on DOS/Windows sessions is unknown, and at this point is/are unpredictable. Okay, what is this experimental feature. Well, MODES will allow you to swap COM ports. That is you can swap com4 with com1, or com10 with com6. Note that sio2k.sys does not keep track of the swapping, so there is no automatic undo. Of course, you can undo a swap by re-swapping the ports. Multiple ports can be swapped on a single MODES command line. Some examples are: modes com1=com10 ;swap com1 with com10 modes com10=com1 ;the same as the first example modes com1=com4 com7=com2 ;swap com1 with com4, also com2 and com7 I will address and expand this feature into DOS/Windows sessions in the near future. Have fun.