MAKE720.BAT or MAKE144.BAT are used to create a Device Support Diskette containing the Iomega OS/2 OAD Drivers version 2.33. To create a 720K diskette: (To create a 1.44MB diskette see below) 1. Place a FORMATTED 720k floppy diskette into drive A: or B:. 2. From a DOS window or DOS full screen session type the following command: MAKE720 a: or MAKE720 b: depending on the drive containing the formatted floppy. 3. After confirming that a formatted floppy is contained in the desired drive, press any key to continue. 4. The diskette can now be used by the OS/2 DDINSTL.EXE utility to install the Iomega OS/2 OAD Drivers. Refer to the README file on the diskette for more information. To create a 1.44MB diskette: 1. Place a FORMATTED 1.44MB floppy diskette into drive A: or B:. 2. From a DOS window or DOS full screen session type the following command: MAKE144 a: or MAKE144 b: depending on the drive containing the formatted floppy. 3. After confirming that a formatted floppy is contained in the desired drive, press any key to continue. 4. The diskette can now be used by the OS/2 DDINSTL.EXE utility to install the Iomega OS/2 OAD Drivers. Refer to the README file on the diskette for more information.