------------------------------------------------------------- This Package Contains Beta OS/2 code (Drop 2 ) for Removable Disk Drives Updated: 04/18/97 ------------------------------------------------------------- Changes since Beta 1 marked with | (important info for BETA 1 users in the installation steps below) This package contains the software needed to install OS/2 support for removable disks such as Iomega Zip and Jaz drives, Syquest drives and SyJet optical drives that are of the 512 byte sector format, and other drives that are removable. If you cannot read the media that is inserted in your drive you will have to FDISK it to define 1 partition and then format the removable media that is in the drive in order to have the media recognized by this package. Running FDISK will destroy all the data on the media being FDISK'd. Media shipped by Iomega and Syquest is shipped with 1 partition defined. This function is tracked internally by IBM as: OS/2 Defect 170941 and APAR JR09402. --------------------------------------------------------- The files contained in this package are: 1. OS2DASD.DMD Replacement disk driver which replaces the original version. 2. PMFORMAT.EXE Allows FAT and HPFS formatting for removable media. Replaces the original version of PMFORMAT.EXE. | this program is invoked by the WPS Format option on the | drives object and is NOT intended to be run from the | commandline 3. NEWDISK.DLL This DLL adds a new class to the Work Place Shell that allows media to be ejected from the file dialogues. 4. REGDLL.EXE A utility to register replacement WPDisk class DLL. 5. EJECT.EXE A command line utility to eject a disk. Syntax: EJECT [drive_letter:] 6. IBM1S506.ADD Replacement IDE Driver. 7. IBMIDECD.FLT Replacement IDE CDROM Driver 8. NEWDASD.DDP Device Driver Profile for Device Driver Install Warning: Old files are overlaid and not saved. | 9. FDISK.COM | Replacement FDISK.com | | 10. FDISKPM.EXE | Replacement FDISKPM.exe ------------- Support status ------------- This package is a beta package not to be used in a production environment. Support is provided by IBM, but fixes may or may not be provided in the future. Please check our on-line DDPAK web site (http://www.service.software.ibm.com/os2ddpak/) for new packages or new information. Users can also report problems via: USENET: comp.os.os2.setup.storage Internal users: IOMEGA or SYQUEST forums IBMLINK users: OS2HW or OS2MISC CFORUM ---------------- Application Notes: ---------------- This package will treat removable disks such as: Iomega Zip (SCSI/IDE), Jaz, | Syquest 44/88/135/230, Avatar 170meg, optical drives supporting 512 byte sectors as fixed partitionable disks. This will also allow removable disks to be formatted and accessed as either HPFS or FAT. It is possible that media used by previous support in Warp will not be readable after this package is installed. See important note #2 below for instructions on how to save data and add partitions. Drive letters for removable media, regardless of partition type, will be placed AFTER the normal fixed disks IN DISK ORDER (ie., all primary AND extended partitions, if any, from the first removable disk, followed by next disk, etc) If no media is detected at boot time, one drive letter will be allocated. If, subsequently, media is inserted that has multiple partitions, only the first partition will be accessible. This will not cause any problems with the unaccessed partition. If MULTIPLE partitions are detected on the media at boot time, the media will NOT be removable, except at reboot. All partitions will then be accessible. ------------------ IMPORTANT NOTES: ------------------ 1. This new code will lock removable disks in the drive. You MUST use the EJECT command, or the new WPS function to Eject the media in order ensure that the file system caches are flushed. Ejecting media by circumventing this step will potentially damage the media or produce unexpected system results. 2. Inserted media formatted as large floppy (after boot) will NOT be accessible when the /RF (see description below) parameter is specified on OS2DASD.DMD. This was the default support mode for OS/2 previous to this package offering. If you have media that has been formatted as a large floppy, you can remove the /RF parameter from the OS2DASD.DMD CONFIG.SYS statement and reboot, then copy the data from the removable media to a temporary location. Add the /RF parameter back to OS2DASD.DMD, reboot, then repartition with FDISK to allocate 1 partition (either Primary or Extended) and then reformat the media, then copy the data back to the removable disk. 3. The IBM1S506.ADD and IBMIDECD.FLT must be replaced as a matched pair. ---------------- Known problems: ---------------- 1. FDISK does not display the correct drive letters if a primary partition is in the removable drive. This is cosmetic only and will not cause any problems in the use of applications other than FDISK. The drive letters will follow the rules stated above. | Using the New FDISK/FDISKPM this problem no longer occurs | HOWEVER, there are two new 'problems' | | a. drive letters for DEVICE= type disk drivers (Like the | Iomega OAD OS2.SYS) will NOT be shown. | | b. Drive letter display AFTER deleteing a partition | PRIOR to Save and Reboot will be incorrect or missing. | this is ONLY a DISPLAY problem, and does NOT affect | the actual working of FDISK. 2. Media remains locked in drive after shutdown. Workaround: power the drive off/on, eject, power off, or eject before shutdown if not HPFS. (see 3) 3. Occasionally shutdown doesn't complete when HPFS formatted media is removed prior to the shutdown request. Workaround: before shutdown, insert media, access by issuing a DIR or some other command to access the media, then shutdown. Media will be locked in drive, use procedure above to get the media out. 4. Trap on Trantor T128/T13b adapters, externally attached. The device driver associated with these adapters are the T128SCSI.ADD and the T13BSCSI.ADD. No fix available at this time. 5. Unreproducable problem that has been reported: After rebooting the system, the media cannot be accessed. However, ejecting the media using the WPS function or EJECT command will allow access of the media and allow the unit to function correctly. 6. Write protected media formatted as HPFS causes a trap upon access. System is halted and has to be repowered. Fix: don't write protect HPFS formatted media. | 7. Syquest Parallel port drives will not eject. Reporting 'Drive in use' | This is a known problem with the Syquest EPATH.ADD. | | 8. Syquest EZ135 IDE drives may appear non-removable. | even with the new IBM1S506.ADD supplied here. | This is a downlevel firmware on the drive. Removable | support was added in Firmware level R1A1_11. Syquest | will provide firmware upgrades thru their technical support | phone numbers. | The drive firmware level can be displayed by adding /v (verbose) | to the basedev=ibm1s506.add line.. | 9. Syquest EZ135 IDE drives are not seen at boot if no media is | present in the drive. The drive will not be seen by BIOS | or by IBM1S506.ADD.. | Workaround: | boot with media in the drive. No other solution is available ----------- Installation: ----------- 1. Unpack this driver by executing the self extracting zip file by copying the file NEWDASD.EXE to a directory and then open an OS/2 Window and type at the command prompt NEWDASD. This will unzip the package into the current directory. ---------------- Notice to Beta 1 users run Regdll remove from this directory and reboot PRIOR to completing ANY of the following steps. NEWDISK.dll has been updated to correct a problem, and step 3 will fail unless this dll can be replaced. ---------------- Notice to Beta 1 users 2. Rename OS2\BOOT\OS2DASD.DMD to OS2\BOOT\OS2DASD.ORG Rename OS2\PMFORMAT.EXE to OS2\PMFORMAT.ORG | Rename OS2\PMFDISK.EXE to OS2\PMFDISK.ORG | Rename OS2\FDISK.COM to OS2\FDISK.ORG Rename OS2\BOOT\IBM1S506.ADD to OS2\BOOT\IBM1S506.ORG Rename OS2\BOOT\IBMIDECD.FLT to OS2\BOOT\IBMIDECD.ORG 3. Then use the Device Driver Install program in the OS/2 System Folder/System Setup Folder. (In Warp 4, Device Driver Install is found in the OS/2 System/System Setup/Install-Remove Folder). Point the Device Driver Install file dialogue to the directory that you unzipped the files into. | for users of the previous Release 1 package, | the DDP file has been corrected and OS2DASD.DMD will | now be copied.. 4. Run REGDLL.EXE from an OS2 Command Line This EXE should report: register successful replace successful 5. Edit CONFIG.SYS as follows: Add the /rf (removable to fixed) parameter to OS2DASD.DMD. The new line should be: BASEDEV=OS2DASD.DMD /rf 6. If you are using the Iomega filter (iomgdrv.flt) rem this out. The new line should be: REM BASEDEV=IOMGDRV.FLT | 7. If you were using the Syquest provided OS2DASD.DMD and | their lock filter, then rem this out | REM BASEDEV=SYQLOCK.FLT 8. Shutdown and Reboot. 9. If you cannot access the media, you must partition and format the media in the removable drive using FDISK before you will be able to use the media and then format the drive. We suggest you define only 1 partition on your removable media drives. (NOTE: Partitioning and formatting a disk will destroy all data previously stored on the disk.) ------------------------------------ Parameters supported by OS2DASD.DMD ------------------------------------ /RF - "treat Removable media as a Fixed disk" This parameter will treat removable media as a fixed disk allowing it to be formatted as either FAT or HPFS and allowing removable disks to be partitioned. See application notes above for a description of drive letter ordering. /OF - "treat Optical disks as Fixed Disks" This parameter will cause all optical drives found to be treated as fixed disks. This will allow the media to be formatted as FAT or HPFS. Low level formatting of optical media is not supported at this time. Media formatted previously by OPTICAL.SYS or OPTICAL.DMD will not be accessible (as described above in IMPORTANT NOTES #2). Media must be FDISK'd in order to be usable. TRADEMARKS The following terms, are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: IBM OS/2