MKMSGF ECause: The IrDA OS/2 NDIS device driver initialization was not successful. User Action: Check for additional messages specifying the problem. ECause: An unexpected error occurred when the program attempted to open the IrDA Protocol device driver. The IrDA OS/2 NDIS device driver has been removed. User Action: Check the drive and directory to ensure that the IrDA protocol driver is located in the specified path. ECause: An unexpected error occurred when the program attempted to open the Protocol Manager. The IrDA OS/2 NDIS device driver has been removed. User Action: Check the drive and directory to ensure that the protocol manager is located in the specified path. ECause: The parameter specifying the driver name (DRIVERNAME) was not found in PROTOCOL.INI. This parameter is required. User Action: Change PROTOCOL.INI to specify the proper information. ECause: The parameter specifying the IrDA device Network Address (NETADDRESS) was not found or is in an incorrect format. User Action: Change PROTOCOL.INI to specify the proper information. NETADDRESS is a mandatory parameter and it must be coded as a 13-digit string starting with an X and followed by 12 hexadecimal characters, for example: "X400012345678". ECause: The device driver was unable to register with the NDIS Protocol Manager. User Action: Reinstall the Protocol Manager and try the operation again.