Gliffic Plus Mouse/Pen Set Driver for OS/2 2.1 by Steve Flynn, C-Scape Computing, Australia Compuserve ID: 100351,2607 Portions of this driver are Copyright IBM If you upload this driver to other services please make sure that this file is included in an UNMODIFIED form. ****************>> This driver is FREEWARE <<**************** (Not much of it about these days is there !) (It seems like everyone wants at least $10 ) (for even the crappiest little utility ) NOTE: This driver has only been tested under OS/2 Performance Beta v2.99, but should work fine on previous versions of OS/2 2.1. However, if it does not work or destroys your system, I take no responsibility whatsoever. INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ These instructions assume that you have installed OS/2 2.1 and specified a generic serial pointing device like a Microsoft Mouse during installation. If you have not done this you may use the OS/2 Selective Installation program to add support for a serial mouse. Once this is done you need to follow the instructions below. 1) This is very simple. Just copy the GLIFFIC.SYS driver to the \OS2 directory on your boot drive. 2) Find the section of the CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory of your boot drive so that looks similar to this: DEVICE=C:\OS2\POINTDD.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS Then change it to look like this: DEVICE=C:\OS2\POINTDD.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\GLIFFIC.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS TYPE=GLIFFIC$ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS 3) Thats all thats required. DEVICE RESOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Gliffic Plus has a Pad Area of 5inches x 4inches and a resolution of 5080 x 4064 according to its specification. I found mine to be a little larger than this. I have found it most convenient to allow at least a small margin and use a maximum resolution of 5000 x 4000. This allows the mouse cursor to be positioned right at the edge of the screen with greater ease. If you are lazy like me and don't like moving the puck a lot you can use an even larger margin. I use a 1inch margin on all sides and its quite comfortable. The puck movement still covers the whole screen but it only has to be moved in an area of 3inches x 2inches. See below for how to do this. COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GLIFFIC.SYS device driver will accept several command line parameters. All parameters are optional, default values shown below are used if the parameter is not specified. These parameters are as follows: COM= Specifies the serial port that the Gliffic Plus is attached to. For example, COM=2. The default value is COM=1 RATE= Specifies the report rate divisor. The report rate is the number of times per second that the Gliffic Plus sends coordinate information to the PC. The specification of the Gliffic Plus says that its maximum report rate is 50 per second, probably way too much for most people. The fastest report rate is acheived by using RATE=1 and the slowest by using RATE=9. The default value is RATE=4, which seems pretty good to me and does not load the system with too many mouse interrupts since the Gliffic Plus sends its coordinate information CONTINUOUSLY, NOT just when you move it or press a button. LEFT= The desired left hand side margin in device units. 1000 device units to the inch. For example LEFT=500 would give a 1/2inch margin. Default LEFT=40. TOP= The desired top margin in device units. Default TOP=32. RIGHT= The desired right hand side margin in device units. Default RIGHT=40. BOTTOM= The desired bottom margin in device units. Default BOTTOM=32. The default margins are designed to give the pad an area of 5000 x 4000 and allow the cursor to be positioned at the edge of the screen easily. I strongly recommend that you DO NOT SET THE MARGINS TO 0. EXAMPLE ~~~~~~~ My system uses the following settings in CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\POINTDD.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\GLIFFIC.SYS LEFT=1000 TOP=1000 RIGHT=1000 BOTTOM=1000 DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS TYPE=GLIFFIC$ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS This give me a Gliffic Plus attached to COM1 with a Report Rate Divisor of 4 using a 1inch margin on all four sides. I hope this driver is of use to you. It's FREEWARE but if you really would like to send me a donation I will of course accept it. My address is P.O. Box 377 Woolgoolga 2456 AUSTRALIA Regards, Steve Flynn Revision Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.01 29th August 1994 Fixed program error when no margins were specified on the command line. (Silly little bug, just a program label in the wrong place). Added my Compuserve ID to the driver sign on banner. Version 1.0 17th August 1994 Initial Release