Additional Information Sound Galaxy (Oriole) Device Driver Installation Version 1.00 For OS/2 Warp 3.0 Installation Method ******************* All the instructions below are intended for a system which is configured for booting OS/2 from the C: partition. If your boot driver is other than C:, please substitute your boot drive letter for C:. Please take a moment to decide which of the following method will suit your situation: *** NOTE: Please note that these installation instructions only apply to the following products. If your sound card is not on the list, please contact your computer manufacturer for futher instruction. - Waverider 32 plus - Sound 16A - Washington & Oriole family - Sound144AM/AMSP I. If you already have OS/2 Warp installed with the embedded "Sound Blaster ..." driver on your system, please begin the installation on section A to uninstall "Sound Blaster ..." driver. II. If you are installing OS/2 Warp for the FIRST time, please skip section A and begin the installation on section B. III. If you are installing Sound Galaxy WIN-OS/2 driver, please begin the installation on section C. IV. If both methods I & II don't apply to your situation, please proceed to the troubleshooting section at the end of this document. A. Begin with this section ONLY if you already have OS/2 Warp installed with any embedded audio driver such as Sound Blaster Pro (MCV or OPL3) driver. In order to install Sound Galaxy Oriole OS/2 Warp driver, you have to UNINSTALL the Multimedia Software Support under OS/2, and then reinstall the Multimedia Software Support 1. Open the System Setup folder 2. Open the Selective Uninstall program 3. Check the box next to the Multimedia Software Support (5.7MB), and then select "Uninstall" button. 4. Select OK to confirm on delete, and then select Yes again. 5. Select OK when it is done, and then select "Cancel" to exit the Selective Uninstall program. 6. Shut down the system and restart the computer. Note: If you get an error message when you restart your system, please refer to troubleshooting section at the end of this document. If not, please proceed with the following procedures: 7. Open the Selective Install folder 8. Click at the icon next to the Multimedia Device Support option 9. Select "<< Remove" to remove "Sound Blaster..." driver or any audio drivers on the right window. 10. Select OK to continue. Note: Please note that a "Multimedia Device Setting" dialog will appear on your screen, and the selection under Multimedia Device Support option will become "None". If you do not get this, please proceed to Section B for RE-INSTALL OS/2 Warp on your system. Otherwise, please continue the installation below. 11. Select OK again in Multimedia Device Setting dialog box. 12. Make sure that "None" is selected under Multimedia Device Support option. If yes, select OK to continue in the System Configuration screen. 14. Check at the box next to Multimedia Software Support to indicate the feature that you want to install on your system. 15. Select Install to continue the installation. 16. Continue and complete the installation by following the screen instructions. 17. Shut down and restart the system. 18. Continue the installation to Step 27 of Section B. B. Install OS/2 Warp On Your System For The First Time ====================================================== Because OS/2 Warp detects AZTECH Oriole family sound cards to be Sound Blaster compatible, OS/2 Warp will choose "Sound Blaster..." driver driver for the Multimedia Device Support under "System Configuration" screen during the installation. Therefore, this "Sound Blaster..." driver has to be removed in the System Configuration during the installation. Please read and follow the procedures below to begin OS/2 Warp installation. This section also applies when you want to reinstall OS/2 Warp together with Sound Galaxy Oriole driver. 19. Begin your OS/2 Warp installation according to OS/2 manual. 20. The "System Configuration" screen will appear after rebooting the system at the first time during the installation. 21. Click at the icon beside the "Multimedia Device Support" when the "System Configuration" screen pops up during the installation process. 22. Highlight and remove the "Sound Blaster ..." drivers from the "Device[s] in System to be install" in the window on the right hand side. 23. Select OK The [None] option will be shown under the Multimedia Device Support. 24. Select O.K again and check that "None" is chosen under Multimedia Device Support 25. Continue and complete the installation of OS/2 Warp. 26. Shut down and reboot the system after the installation is completed. 27. Open the Multimedia folder 28. Open the Multimedia Application Install folder. 29. Insert Sound Galaxy OS/2 Warp Audio Driver Diskette in floppy drive A: or B:. 30. Change the source drive to where the Sound Galaxy OS/2 Warp Audio Driver diskette is. (i.e. A:\ or B:\). 31. Highlight "Sound Galaxy" feature and then select "Install". 32. Select "YES" in "Change CONFIG.SYS" dialog box and continue with driver installation. 33. Select "1" when the system prompts you to select the total number of Sound Galaxy sound card. 34. Select OK for using default setting. It is recommended that you use the default settings for the Sound Galaxy Sound Card. 35. System will then update the CONFIG.SYS file, and please follow the on-screen instructions to continue the installation. 36. Shut down and reboot the system after installation is completed. C. Installation of Sound Galaxy (Oriole) WIN-OS/2 Device Driver =================================================================== Please note that any previously installed Windows sound card driver under DOS's Windows have to be removed before installing the WIN-OS/2 driver. If you receive "16-bit Audio Driver Alert" or a repeated syllable "TADA" sound during the opening of WIN-OS/2, please refer to Q1 of the Troubleshooting section at the end of this document 37. Open the Command Prompts folder. 38. Open the WIN-OS/2 Windows or Full Screen folder 39. Open the CONTROL PANEL from MAIN group. 40. Double click on the DRIVERS icon. 41. Choose the "ADD" button to add a new driver. 42. Highlight the "Unlisted or Updated Driver" item and then select the "OK" button. 43. Enter the drive and the path (i.e A:\WIN_OS2\ ) in where the Sound Galaxy OS/2 Audio Driver is and then select OK button. 44. Highlight the "16-bit Audio Driver" in the windows and then select OK to continue. * Note: If you receive a "Driver Exist" dialog box, always choose New to install a new driver. 45. Select Close to use the default setting in 16-bit Audio Board setup windows. 46. Select "Restart Windows Now" to restart the Windows in order for the added driver to take effect. Troubleshooting Tips and Q&A **************************** Q1) Receive "16-bit Audio Driver Alert" error message or a repeated syllable of "TADA" wave file when you load WIN-OS/2. A1) 1. Use "DRIVERS" program under CONTROL PANEL to remove the following drivers from WIN-OS/2: 16-bit Audio Driver MicrosoftADPCM Audio CODEC Microsoft Sound Mapper Super Sapi FM Driver 2. Make sure that there is no Sound Blaster, Adlib, or any other vendors drivers installed under "DRIVERS" program. 3. After removing the above drivers, please exit WIN-OS/2 program. 4. Proceed to the Installation of Sound Galaxy WIN-OS/2 Device Driver for installing the new WIN-OS/2 galaxy driver. If the problem doesn't go away after you re-install the Sound Galaxy WIN-OS/2 driver, please remove the following statements in SYSTEM.INI file under your WIN-OS/2 windows: [386enh] : device=vsglx16.386 : [drivers] : wavemapper=msacm.drv msacm.msadpcm.acm=msadpcm.acm midi=sapi!opl.drv After removing the above statements in SYSTEM.INI file, please re-install the Sound Galaxy WIN-OS/2 driver again. Q2) Receive "SYS1719" Error Message which indicates that the file C:\MMODEVICE specified in the DEVICE statement on the line xx of the CONFIG.SYS file does not contain a valid device driver or file system driver. A2) If you receive this error message after removing Multimedia Software Support from your system in the step A, this means that OS/2 didn't modify your CONFIG.SYS file correctly. In other word, you need to help OS/2 fix this problem before you continue the installation. Please follow the instructions below to fix your CONFIG.SYS file. a. Open OS/2 System folder b. Open OS/2 System Editor c. Open C:\CONFIG.SYS file under your OS/2 root directory d. Locate the line xx which is caused the error message. Most likely it should be at the end of your CONFIG.SYS file. The following are the correct statements which you should have in your CONFIG.SYS file and correct them if you do have them right. : DEVICE=C:\MMOS2\SSMDD.SYS DEVICE=C:\MMOS2\R0STUB.SYS e. Save the file as the Plain Text file type f. Close the OS/2 System Editor program. g. Shut down the system and then restart the system. h. Continue the installation in step A. Q3) The sound card still not work properly or there is no sound when you play Wave file or MIDI file. A3) Please check your OS/2 CONFIG.SYS and MMPM2.INI files for the following statements. If they exists, please REMOVE them. * For example, if Sound Blaster Pro device driver is installed, the following lines must be removed from the respective files. C:\CONFIG.SYS file Device=C:\MMOS2\SBP2D2.SYS 1 1 5 220 4 /N:SBAUD1$ Device=C:\MMOS2\AUDIOVDD.SYS SBAUD1& C:\MMOS2\MMPM2.INI file [Drivers] Waveaudio = IBMWAVESB01 Sequencer = IBMSEQSB01 Ampmix = IBMAMPMIXSB01 After all the previously loaded audio device drivers have been removed and the system is rebooted, proceed to step 27 of Section B to re-install the Sound Galaxy Sound Card Device Driver. Q4) Why some Voyetra applications such as Audiostation and MIDI Orchestrator do not work under WIN-OS/2 session ? A4) As WIN-OS/2 is not 100% compatible with Microsoft Windows Sound System, there might be problems encountered when running Voyetra application like Audiostation and MIDI Orchestrator in WIN-OS/2 platform. To play WAV or MIDI files, please use MediaPlayer in WIN-OS/2 instead. ------------ The End -------------