═══ 1. Help for Selecting Number of Adapters ═══ Use this window to select the number of AudioDrive ES688 Adapters that you have installed in your system. The maximum number of AudioDrive ES688 Adapters supported by MMPM/2 is one. If you select zero, then you will de-install all AudioDrive ES688 Adapters that have been previously installed by MMPM/2. However, this feature is currently broken under this version of MINSTALL.EXE. ═══ 2. Help for Selecting AudioDrive ES688 Values ═══ On this screen, you specify the values that you want to use with your AudioDrive ES688. The values are described below. Select Ok to save the selected values and continue. Since ES688 PnP is Plug and Play, in a system with Plug and Play support the optimal settings will be used instead of the settings specified in CONFIG.SYS. I/O Address This field allows you to select the I/O address for the AudioDrive ES688 you have installed in your system. Use the drop down box to set the correct I/O address. The valid I/O addresses are: 220, 230, 240, and 250 If the device driver fails to initialize (during system reboot following install), it might be necessary to change the I/O address. To change the I/O address setting: Perform a multimedia application installation and select the new I/O address, or Edit the CONFIG.SYS, specify the new I/O address (It is the value immediately after the /B on ES688PP.SYS line of the CONFIG.SYS), and reboot. DMA Channel This field allows you to select the DMA channel for the AudioDrive ES688 you have installed in your system. Use the drop down box to set the correct DMA channel. The valid DMA channels are: 0, 1, and 3 If the device driver fails to initialize (during system reboot following install), it might be necessary to change the DMA channel. To change the DMA channel setting: Perform a multimedia application installation and select the new DMA channel, or Edit the CONFIG.SYS, specify the new DMA channel (It is the value immediately after the /D on ES688PP.SYS line of the CONFIG.SYS), and reboot. Interrupt Level This field allows you to select the interrupt level for the AudioDrive ES688 you have installed in your system. Use the drop down box to set the correct interrupt level. The valid interrupt levels are: 2, 5, 7, and 10 If the device driver fails to initialize (during system reboot following install), it might be necessary to change the interrupt level. To change the interrupt level setting: Perform a multimedia application installation and select the new interrupt level, or Edit the CONFIG.SYS, specify the new interrupt level (It is the value immediately after the /I on ES688PP.SYS line of the CONFIG.SYS), and reboot. ═══ 3. Windows Audio Help ═══ This installation allows you to install AudioDrive ES688 Windows Audio Support onto your system. Use the drop down boxes to set the correct values. The values chosen should be based on your AudioDrive ES688 hardware settings. See Help for Selecting AudioDrive ES688 Values for more information. Select Ok to save the selected values and continue.