Alligator Software 8200 West 93rd Way Westminster, Colorado 80021 FAX (303)-431-1603 Duck Hunt II can be registered onLine on Compuserve, GO SWREG ,ID# 10436 Name ______________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ City _________________________ State/Province __________ ZIP _______________ Country (if not USA) ____________________ Phone ____________________________ WINDOWS VERSION [ ]3.1 [ ]3.11 [ ]95 [ ]NT MB RAM [ ]4 [ ]6 [ ]8 [ ]12 [ ]16 OR MORE GRAPHICS [ ]VGA [ ]SVGA RESOLUTION USED [ ]640x480 [ ]800x600 [ ]1024x768 [ ]1280x1024 COMPUTER: [ ]386 [ ]486 [ ]Pentium [ ]Pentium-Pro SPEED/Mhz [ ]33 [ ]40 [ ]50 [ ]60 [ ]66 [ ]75 [ ]90 [ ]100 or better Where did you get this program from ? [ ]Our Internet Page [ ]AOL [ ]CompuServe [ ]BBS [ ]Other, please describe ______________________________________________ Duck Hunt II...........................Qty.______$20.00 each Total Amount enclosed..........................$_________ We can be reached at: FAX (303)-431-1603 Compuserve ID# 72202,2453 72202, Visit our Internet Page at Duck Hunt II can be registered onLine on Compuserve, GO SWREG ,ID# 10436 Mail check or money-order to: Alligator Software 8200 West 93rd Way Westminster, CO 80021