Welcome to XFmail for OS/2 ! To use this program you will need: - OS/2 (Tested here with Merlin and Warp V3) - the EMX runtime environment (at least 0.9c) - XFree86 for OS/2 - xforms086 (available on http://set.gmd.de/~veit/os2/xf86ported.html) WARNING: Versions dated before 2nd May 1997 will approximatly not work. Optional you could install pgp (I have not tested this yet) and other helper apps like mosaic as viewers. I had no success with ispell, because it will not run in a xterm. The version you find here is xfmail-1.1 which, in my eyes has many improvements over 1.0. I have not tested everything, especially only sending and receiving via POP and would like to here about your success or missuccess. Port-specific questions and suggestions to: Peter Ganten University of Bremen j09g@zfn.uni-bremen.de http://www.uni-bremen.de/~j09g For everithing else visit: http://burka.netvision.net.il/xfmail/xfmail.html Have Fun ! Port Specific Changes: 5/5/97: Fixed a Problem with rename() under WARP 3. While it is stated in the EMX Library Reference, that rename() under EMX will fail, if the target exists, it seems not to fail under Merlin. No we look for every target, deleting it before renaming.