═══ 1. X·File Introduction ═══ Select one of the following for more information: o Install and De-install o Command Line Options o Options Dialog o Registration and Phone Orders o Order Form (BMT Micro, USA) o Order Form (CodeSmith, Canada) o Technical Support and Updates o CodeSmith Products Press ctrl-c for Table of Contents. X·File Copyright (c), CodeSmith Software, 1997. All Rights Reserved. X·File replaces the standard tiny OS/2 "open/save as" file dialogs with a full height dialog (user customizable) and adds many enhancements such as drive buttons, file and directory histories, launcher for file and directory viewers/managers, and a frequently used directories list. The program will enhance many existing applications, such as DeScribe, System Editor (E), Enhanced System Editor (EPM), SmallEd, Mesa/2, Home Page Publisher, PMMail, BackAgain/2, FM/2, HTML Studio, PhotoGraphics, Netscape/2, EmTec's News, Program Commander/2, NeoN Grafix Lite, PMJpeg, Adobe Acrobat, PMuue, Iedit, Initor, PMMpeg, UNZip Shell, RPF Zip Control, Compuserve Information Manager, Icon Editor, Icon Heaven, WebExplorer, Internet Adventurer, ZOC, Mr2ICE, GVPM, HexEdit/2, IniMaint, ISDN Watcher, EquationEditor/2, ZIPme 1.3, Visual Age products, Borland development products, BlueCAD, DVI-PM, Emacs, Ghostview, Compare, PMpgp, RexxEdit, Maple V/2, OS/2 Disk Catalog, HyperAccess Lite, PM Hex Editor, Euler, HTML-Ed, Nota Musica LogoArt, PMSpy, Pastry Box, OS/2 Multimedia tools (Digital Audio, Video, etc), PMDMatch, Matrix, Mahjongg and many more. The first time the program is loaded, an Options dialog appears. The next time it is loaded, it will either minimize or hide, depending on the startup settings. You can now use the default settings, and simply press the Hide button to use. Then when any open file dialog is selected - such as from the OS/2 system editor - you will see an enhanced, larger dialog appear. Press the drive buttons to switch drives. Click on a file in the file list, then press the File Viewer button to view the file, using the default viewer that you have configured for WPS objects. Click on a directory in the directory list, then press the File Manager to open that directory using the default manager - usually a WPS folder. You can press the right mouse button (or shift-F10) over anywhere in the file dialog to show a popup menu that gives similar options, as well as to show the X·File options screen. This popup menu also allows you to rename/delete/shred a selected file, undelete file(s), and create directories. With the X·File Options dialog visible, you can adjust the height of open file dialog, set the file/directory history size (0-10), or configure your favourite file viewer (such as list.exe or hv.exe) and/or file manager - simply type in the name of the program to launch. X·File will remember the last position on the screen that the open file dialog appeared. Warning: If you set both 'Hide' and 'Remove from task list' options, you will not be able to access the X·File window from the task list. If this happens, press the right mouse button (sft-F10) over any open/save as file dialog, then select 'Show X·File'. This option is also on the file dialog system menu. You can also double click on the X·File program icon to display it (might need to do this twice). The truth is not in here. But you might want to try the system menu... ═══ 2. Install and De-install Help ═══ De-install You must first de-install any old copies of X·File before running the install. o Remove X·File from your startup folder or startup.cmd file. o Reboot - this is usually the only way to unload X·Files .dll file. o You can now delete the X·File files (xfile.exe, xfile*.dll, xfile.hlp). But keep XFILE.INI, or copy it to the directory where you install the new version. Install You must first de-install any old copies of X·File before running the install. But keep your old XFILE.INI file - your old settings will be preserved. Files required to run X·File are: XFILE.EXE, XFILEDLL.DLL, XFILE.HLP. Copy the files to any directory on a local drive. Insure this directory is in the LIBPATH statement in CONFIG.SYS or that the current directory is indicated (LIBPATH=.). It's a good idea to place a shadow of this program in the startup folder. A reboot is required if you made changes to the LIBPATH statement. X·File is now ready to run (xfile.exe). ═══ 2.1. Command Line Startup Options ═══ /NM - Force X·File visible (overrides Hide or Minimize settings). /Pnn - Pause "nn" seconds before loading - helps prevent boot conflicts with certain applications, such as Object Desktop 1.52 /W - Disable warning messages, such as 'Help not found'. ═══ 3. Options Help ═══ For other information on X·File: o Introduction o Registration o Exception list options o Reset dialog size defaults When finished with the Options dialog, press the Hide or Minimize button to clear the screen. X·File is enabled at all times, and configuration changes take effect immediately. Changing fonts Fonts are preserved for the file list box, directory list box, and the custom buttons (File History, Frequent Dirs, etc). To change the fonts, open up any "Open file dialog", then drag any font from the Font Palette (in System Setup folder) and drop over the file list box, or the directory list box, or the "Dir history" button. The default font for custom buttons is "10.Helv" - setting a larger font might cause truncation of the rightmost button. Custom buttons will display the new font when a new dialog is opened (after closing the current one). Dialog height in pels Specify the height of the open file dialog, in pixels or pels. The maximum height is shown to the right for the current screen resolution. If you switch from a higher resolution to a lower one, X·File will automatically adjust the size to fit the screen. Maximum history size A history of both the last files selected and the last directories accessed is maintained. This history can be set to a size of from 0 to 10 entries. Default is 10. File viewer The file viewer is loaded by passing the current hilited file (in the open file dialog file list) as a parameter to the program entered in this field. If blank, the default OS/2 WPS setting for the file object is loaded (usually the system editor, e.exe). You can enter your favourite viewer here, such as LIST.EXE or HVPM.EXE. A path name before the filename is not required if it is located in a path that is in the PATH statement in config.sys. Default is blank. File manager Same as file viewer above, except the current selected directory is passed as a parameter to the file manager. If blank, the default OS/2 WPS manager is loaded (usually a folder is opened, or the drive folder if at the root directory). Default is blank. Frequent directories To keep a fixed list of directories that you frequently visit, type in the directory name, then press ENTER or the Add button. The directory is verified, then added to the list on the right. To delete an entry, select it from the listbox and press DEL or the Delete button. When an open file dialog is displayed, simply press the "Freq Dir" button to select a directory to move to. Close file dialog when file history entry selected Enable this if you want the file dialog to automatically close when you select a file from the file history list. If disabled, you need to press ENTER or the Ok button to accept the file entry. Show drive buttons Enable this to display drive icons below the titlebar of the file dialog. These buttons save having to use the Drive drop down list. Show in tasklist If checked, X·File will appear in the task list (Window List). Turning this off will allow X·File to be hidden from task switching. Warning: If you set both Hide and remove from task list, you will not be able to access the X·File window from the task list. If this happens, press the right mouse button over any open file dialog window (except the filename field), then select "Show". You can also use the /NM command line option to force X·File to start in Visible mode. Hide/Minimize Selects the default action for the X·File window when loaded. If set to Hide, read the warning in "Show in tasklist" (above). X·File will ignore this field the first time it is loaded (i.e. window is visible). Test Open File Dialog Press this button to display a sample open file dialog, based on the current settings. This button is disabled if another file open dialog is currently active. ═══ 3.1. Exception List ═══ The exception list is used to allow compatibility with other programs that do not work with X·File. X·File will ignore a program by entering its filename in the exception list. Up to 30 filenames can be entered. When entering the filename, you need to enter only the program name, without the path. For example, the file C:\SUBDIR\APP.EXE would be entered as 'APP.EXE' in the list. The name check is case insensitive. Only PM programs can be entered in this list. Windows and DOS or OS/2 command line windows cannot be used in this list. Default list is: SWRITER3.EXE, SCALC3.EXE, SDRAW3.EXE, SIMAGE3.EXE, SMATH3.EXE, SCHART3.EXE Star Office (German version). Top buttons overlap, but X·File still functions, so you can remove these from the list if you wish. CORELDRW.EXE CorelDraw for OS/2. Preview doesn't work. ═══ 3.2. Reset open file dialog size to defaults ═══ Pressing the "Reset Dialog Size" button sets the default size (height and width) for an X·File open file dialog. This might be necessary if you are switching between screen resolutions. ═══ 4. Registration ═══ Click here for X·File Introduction To order X·File, phone these numbers in North America or use your Compuserve account. o 800-414-4268 (Orders only) 8am-7pm EST (-5 GMT) o 910-791-7052 (Orders/Order Inquires) 8am-7pm EST o Compuserve users: SWREG #14588 X·File is shareware. You may use it for a 33 day trial period, after which you must purchase it. Buying the product will provide you with a registration number that will: o Remove all dialogs referring to registration. The registration number will be valid for all future minor releases (eg. 1.1 -> 1.2 -> 1.9). o Allow you to upgrade to future major releases at a reduced cost. (eg. 1.1 -> 2.0) o Provide you with technical support via email or regular mail. Phone support is available for corporate accounts. The cost of X·File is 15 Canadian dollars or 15 US dollars. Orders can be placed with BMT Micro (USA or Australia), CodeSmith (Canada) or Compuserve (SWREG 14588). BMT Micro accepts US dollar purchases by Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diner's Club, cashiers cheques, personal cheques, Eurochecks in DM, and DM or Sterling via registered mail. Persons in Germany may transfer funds to BMT's Deutsche Bank account - see BMT order form for more info on this. CodeSmith accepts money order, cheque or cash, in US or Canadian funds. Make cheques payable to BMT Micro if ordering from BMT Micro, or payable to CodeSmith Software if ordering from CodeSmith. For bulk or site licenses (over 9 copies), or discounts for Team OS/2'ers or educational institutions, please contact CodeSmith directly for orders. If you order from BMT Micro, that name will appear on any credit card billing slips. Click here for BMT Micro Order Form Click here for CodeSmith Order Form Refer to the order forms for address and phone info. Please include an email address, if possible, with your order. This will allow you to receive your registration number as quickly as possible. For CodeSmith's contact information, click here. Once you have a registration code, click here for more info. ═══ 4.1. X·File Order Form for BMT Micro (1.1) ═══ Name: ____________________________________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State/Province: __________________ Postal/ZIP: _____________________ Country: _________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________________________________ Email #1: ____________________________________________________________ Email #2: ____________________________________________________________ Product Price Quantity Total -------- ------- ---------- ------- _X·File for OS/2_________________ _$15.00__ x ________ = $________ _Latest version on Diskette______ __$3.00__ x ________ = +$________ North Carolina residents, please add 6% sales tax: +$________ Shipping and Handling (no quantity limit / see below) +$________ Email - Subject to Credit Card Verification Free Fax (USA/Canada)........................... 1.00 US Fax (Non-North America).................... 2.00 US Worldwide 1st Class ....................... Free 2nd Day Priority, USA Only ................ $ 4.00 US US Postal Service International Express (Including Canada and Mexico), allow up to 7-10 days ............................... $ 15.00 US Airborne Select Delivery (USA Only) $ 8.00 US FedEx Overnight, USA Only (delivery by 3:00 pm the following day) .............. $ 15.00 US FedEx Europe/Japan (guaranteed delivery within 3 days) .......................... $ 35.00 US Total: $________ For credit card payment only: Circle one: VISA/Mastercard/Discover/American Express/Diner's Credit card number: _____________________________________________ Expiration date: ___________________________ Authorization signature: _____________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mail Orders (make checks payable to BMT Micro): BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (Orders only) (910) 791-7052 (Orders / Order Inquires) Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours, 7 days a week (800) 346-1672 24 hours, 7 days a week Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 28.8k line Ordering and general ordering questions: Via AOL: bmtmicro via MSN: bmtmicro Via Prodigy: HNGP66D via Compuserve: 74031,307 via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com telnet@bmtmicro.com http://www.bmtmicro.com/bmtmicro http://www.frankson.aus.net/bmtaust/ BMT accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Eurochecks in DM are welcome. DM, Sterling, and US Currency is welcome but send only by registered mail, return reciept requested. BMT cannot be liable for lost cash sent through the mail. Purchase orders are welcome, subject to approval. The minimum amount is $150.00. ORDERING FROM INSIDE GERMANY ONLY ================================= Persons in Germany wishing to order shareware may also transfer funds into BMT's account with Deutsche Bank. Once the money is deposited you may either fax a confirmation to us with proof of deposit or wait until Deutsche Bank notifies us of the transaction (usually 10-18 business days). Account information is as follows: Deutsche Bank / Frankfurt Branch EmpfДnger: Thomas Bradford / BMT Micro Konto-Nummer: 0860221 Bankleitzahl: 500-700-10 When you make the transfer, be sure to put your name and the program you are registering on the transfer. Current exchange rates can be obtained by sending an email to dm_to_us@bmtmicro.com. An automated reply will return todays exchange rates. It is very important that you send us a completed order form by either email or fax if you deposit money into this account for a registration. Fill the order form out as usual except in the credit card number field put "DEUTSCHE BANK". We will file the order and use it to match against the deposit information we receive from the bank. IMPORTANT! ---------- When you email us your order form, we will reply with an acknowledgement. If you do not get an acknowledgement within 24 hours please send your order again in case it was lost. This extra bit of caution can save a lot of confusion. If you are concerned that your order is taking too long to process, feel free to check with us about the status of your order. It's important to all of us that you feel safe doing business with our company and please feel free to suggest ways we can improve our service to you. ═══ 4.2. X·File Order Form for CodeSmith Software (1.1) ═══ Name _________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ Fax _____________________________ Email (please print clearly) ____________________________________________ Ship registration code to (check one) ____Email ____Regular mail Where did you find X·File __________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __________ X·File registration fee $15.00 x _________ copies __________ Latest version on 3.5" disk $3.00 x _________ copies __________ 7% PST (British Columbia residents only) __________ Total enclosed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mail registration fee (cheque, money order drawn on Canadian or US bank, payable to CodeSmith Software) and this form to: CodeSmith Software, RR 1, S-2, C-23 Fernie, BC, CANADA, V0B 1M0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Comments or Suggestions: ═══ 4.3. How to Register ═══ To register this product, you must first obtain a registration number. For info on this, click here for obtaining a number. Once you have the registration number, load X·File (if not already loaded) and select the 'About' button, then the 'Registration' button. A dialog window will appear. Enter your name in the first field, then enter the registration number EXACTLY as shown in the registration letter you received. Press 'OK'. The product is now registered. ═══ 5. Technical Support and Updates ═══ Technical support is provided for all registered users via email or regular mail. Phone support is available for corporate accounts at 250-423-6411 from 9am-5pm PST (-8 GMT). If you are currently evaluating the product and encounter a problem or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact CodeSmith. Do not contact BMT Micro for support unless you have an order enquiry. To automatically receive X·File update notices via email, send a message to: majordomo@bmtmicro.com To join the list, in the body of the message, type: SUBSCRIBE XFILE-LIST or to remove your address from the list, type: UNSUBSCRIBE XFILE-LIST Mail address is: CodeSmith Software RR 1, S-2, C-23 Fernie, BC, CANADA, V0B 1M0 Email address is: Via Internet, AOL, BIX mshill@elkvalley.net Via Compuserve TO:internet:mshill@elkvalley.net Via MCI EMS:INTERNET MBX:mshill@elkvalley.net Via GEnie mshill.elkvalley.net@inet# Via Delphi TO:internet"mshill@elkvalley.net" Latest versions of CodeSmith's shareware products can be found at: BMT Micro (web) http://www.bmtmicro.com/catalog/xfile/ or http://www.frankson.aus.net/bmtaust/ BMT Micro (ftp) ftp.bmtmicro.com /bmtmicro Hobbes (ftp) hobbes.nmsu.edu /util/system or /incoming Hobbes (web) http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/ Walnut Creek (ftp) ftp-os2.cdrom.com /wpsutil Compuserve GO OS2BVEN, OS/2 Shareware Library (#1) ═══ 6. CodeSmith Products ═══ X·IT X·it gives you a single click to many common actions that normally take a large number of mouse movements and clicking. o Multiple user defined titlebar buttons - assign a predefined action to them or launch any PM, Dos or Windows program. Place them on the left or the right side of the titlebar. o Over 30 useful predefined actions. o Window actions include close, rollup, next, previous, move, size, task list. o Edit actions include cut, copy, copy all, paste and clear. These actions are available in any PM window or any command line window. Copy all will copy the entire text in a PM multi-line entry field with a single click - no need to mark it first! Copy from static text or the titlebar! o Folder actions include open parent, open parent and close, sort, arrange and refresh. o User defined middle and right mouse buttons - assign them with the same actions available for the titlebar buttons. Plus, you can assign the right or left mouse button double click action to a single mouse button or a key - never have to double click again! o Keyboard keys can also be assigned any predefined action. o User defined popup menus for edit and folder actions. Copy and paste or sort a folder with almost no mouse movements. o Full OS/2 and Dos command window support, including font size and full screen actions. Bypass that pesky "are you sure" dialog when closing a command line window or doing a system shutdown. o Other available actions that can be assigned are X·it task list (single click to another program), OS/2 task list, LaunchPad, and Help. o Titlebar and desktop clock, with date and/or time in your country format. o Warp 4 support. o "Auto drop down combo box on mouse click" - a handy windows-like feature. where you don't have to click on the tiny down arrow to open a drop down list. o X-windows focus - window under mouse pointer is automatically activated. o Full DBCS support (for double byte systems in China and Japan). o Language support includes German, French, Spanish, Danish, Japanese, Chinese, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch and English. "I always feature the latest and greatest shareware in my demos and a LOT of people ask me where to get X·IT. I have grown to REQUIRE it (and can't stand working on a system that doesn't have it)." - David Barnes, IBM Senior Product Manager for PSP, on X·it 1.0 "A VERY cool WPS enhancement!" - David Barnes, IBM Senior Product Manager for PSP, on X·it 2.0 "There is a certain little desktop enhancement that is long overdue for a Rave - X·it v2.2. Everyone should know how incredible it really is. X·it is super useful, super small, and super slick. This software is extremely configurable, allowing users to place a zillion buttons on either the left or right of any window's title bar to do about a zillion things. ... I've never once had to look at a readme or manual to figure out what a feature does. ... X·it is solid and beautifully discreet." - Trevor Smith, editor, OS/2 e-Zine!, June, 1996 X·it was #2 in BMT Micro's Top 10 Shareware Sellers for March and from May to September, 1996, and has been in the top 10 since February, 1996. Available at most of the sites listed in the Technical Support section. The filename is XITnn.ZIP, where nn is the version number. Check out www.bmtmicro.com/catalog/xit/xit.html MATRIX Matrix is an OS/2 PM strategy shareware game. The game is easy to learn - like Tetris - but requires some brains - like Go. Matrix uses a set of coloured tiles, where each player attempts to score by matching tile colours. The game is played with two players, with the opponent being either computer (different levels) or human. To appeal to as many players as possible, the game is fully configurable. Board configuration includes size of board and the background displayed - either a selected colour or any bitmap. The shape and colour of the playing tiles can also be selected, making the game suitable for users with monochrome screens or those that have trouble distinguishing shapes or colours. Matrix is simple to install, and fully functional even if unregistered. The game can be played in any window size, at any video resolution. "Don't blame me for the time you loose on this Tetris like game!" - David Barnes, IBM Senior Product Manager for PSP "..it looks very very good! A game similiar to Tetris and just as addicting!" - Alex Bradley, Editor of OS/2 Game Review "This puppy can be quite addicting. I had a lot of fun playing around with it last night! I definitely like the customizing features, especially being able to load alternate bitmaps for the background." - PCA Dave, American Online sysop System Requirements for Matrix are: OS/2 2.0 or later, 220K of free disk space, 16 MHz 386 or better, any video resolution mode. Matrix registration cost is only $ 12 US and the game is available at most of the sites listed in the Technical Support section. The filename is MATRIXnn.ZIP, where nn is the version number. Check out www.bmtmicro.com/catalog/matrix/