DumbDrv Dummy DOS Device Driver Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Marcus Better Version 1.10 January 3, 1996 What is DumbDrv? ================ DumbDrv is a device driver which creates a null block device - a device that does absolutely nothing, except for occupying one or more drive letters. This can be useful if one wants to reserve a drive letter at boot time, so that another driver can use that drive letter. The KillDrv utility may be used to delete a DumbDrv device. Here's an example where DumbDrv is useful: Let's say we have a hard disk called C:, a CD-ROM drive (accessed by MSCDEX.EXE), and a ramdisk created by RAMDRIVE.SYS. We now want the CD-ROM drive to be D: and the ramdisk E:. Since RAMDRIVE.SYS is loaded before MSCDEX.EXE, the ramdisk will automatically become D:, though. This is where DumbDrv comes in. By loading DUMBDRV.SYS just before RAMDRIVE.SYS, we reserve the drive letter D:, forcing the ramdisk to become E:. We can then delete the DumbDrv using the KillDrv utility, and load MSCDEX as D: instead. License ======= DumbDrv is free software, and is distributed under the GNU General Public License. Please see the file COPYING for details. Installation ============ DumbDrv is installed by entering the line DEVICE=d:\path\DUMBDRV.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS file. The driver will be loaded the next time you boot your computer. DumbDrv will display a message saying what drive letters it occupies. You may also specify the number of drive letters you want to reserve. To reserve three drives, use the line DEVICE=d:\path\DUMBDRV.SYS 3 in your CONFIG.SYS. If you do not specify a number, the default value is 1. If you specify a number higher than the number of available drive letters, DumbDrv will use all available drives. NOTE: Drive letters are assigned to block device drivers sequentially in the order they are loaded in CONFIG.SYS. Contacting the author ===================== You are welcome send me any ideas, comments and suggestions for DumbDrv. If you have found any bugs, please let me know. My email address is Marcus.Better@abc.se