Installation Instructions for Conversion Pro For OS/2 version 1.6 (1/8/97 Shareware version 1.6 for OS/2 Warp) BUILD 1.601 DESCRIPTION: Conversion Pro for OS/2 is a 32-bit presentation manager application which enables the user to perform over 1800 'on-the-fly' scientific and engineering unit conversions. The application also includes a button calculator and a temperature conversion utility which can convert temperature data in either fahrenheit, centigrade (sometimes referred as Celsius) or Kelvin. REGISTRATION (license fee) is $19.95 US. Requirements: NEEDS: PC running IBM OS/2 3.X (WARP) operating system or higher. Read the note to Warp 3 users near the end of this file. An UnZIPing Program 1 Mb disk storage space 4 Mb RAM VROBJ.DLL (run time library). See Help from install.exe to see where to get this file. NOTE: Installation details can also be viewed with the cpro1_6.INF file. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: A. The Easy Way 1. If Conversion Pro comes to you zipped, unzip contents of the zip file into a empty desktop folder or a floppy. 2. Run the install program, specifying the drive and directory to which you want to install (if different from the default). Install help is available from the install program. B. Or, do it the hard way... 1. Create a directory on a hard disk drive such as 'CONPRO16' 2. Copy all the files from the distribution disk to the newly created directory. 3. Create desktop objects for the executables and the INF using templates. Or, just create a shadow of these objects if you prefer. 4. If you haven't already got one, acquire a copy of the file vrobj.dll with a stamp no earlier than Patch level "C" from Watcom (i.e., 2.14c). This file, which is a run-time library, needs to be copied to any directory in your OS/2 LIBPATH such as X:\OS2\DLL or X:\OS2\APPS\DLL where X: is the drive letter where the OS/2 operating system files reside. NOTE: This step must be accomplished or the application will not run. If you are uncertain what directories are included in the LIBPATH, the LIBPATH is defined in the OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file. 5. Conversion Pro automatically starts in demo mode. If you already have your registration key, you have the opportunity to enter it when the program is first started. Otherwise, the registration key may be entered at any time by accessing the Product Information dialog from under the Help menu. From the Product Information dialog, push the "register" button. You must enter the registration information EXACTLY how it was provided to you. Push the save button to save the registration information. 6. Online help is available within Conversion Pro under the help menu, or by clicking on the cpro1_6.INF file. This will allow viewing the contents of the help file in on-line book format. CHANGES AND BUG FIXES Beta 0.1, September 15, 1995. Ported Conversion Pro over from previously written Windows 3.1 version. Beta 0.2, September 20, 1995. Rewrote entire program from ground up. Added calculator and temperature converter dialog. Beta 0.3, October 2, 1995. Fixed problem in temperature dialog not handling negative temperatures correctly. Stole some icons. Beta 0.4, October 16, 1995. Minor tuning. Added product information dialog, and a dialog on startup while data loads. Edited conversion list for umpteenth time. Beta 0.5 November 1, 1995. Enhanced speed by splitting the data file into two files, one with conversion names and one with conversion factors. Version 1: November 5, 1995 release. Edited several conversions. Added NEGC Software logo panel with icon tied to product information dialog. Version 1.1 March 3, 1996. Removed startup dialog. Removed 'About' choice from menu bar. Redesigned 'Product Information' dialog. "Product Info" under Help menu tied to *.hlp file. Added on-line context sensitive help under the menu system and through INF book format. Changed text attributes. Added new splashscreen. Version 1.2, December 27, 1996. Split the two data files into 20 modular conversion files to speed up loading. A small miscellaneous file loads on start-up. Added the 20 files to a pull-down menu called Units categories. Version 1.3, March 4, 1996. Added right mouse-click pop-up menu over conversion list box to change data sets. Removed company logo from main window. Version 1.4, July, 1996. Added File menu, removed temperature and calculator from menu bar to the file menu. Added Exit choice under File menu. Added Numeric format to the menu bar. Changed color of on-the-fly conversion frame title. Added custom user data file so there are now 21 data files. Version 1.5 August 3, 1996 (Build 1.501). Added settings dialog for user preferences such as default startup file. Added button bar. The 21 unit types are grouped under a button bar the pull-down/pop-up menus. Fixed bug in button calculator not working right with the key. Fixed bugs in the child windows (calculator and temperature converter) which disabled the main window until they were closed. Added the option of calculator as a stand-alone program. Redid Product Information Dialog which is now accessed under Help menu. Settings dialog also accessed under Help. Added feature push buttons. On-the-fly converter Frame title now changes to reflect the data set loaded. New help file and on-line guide. Added installation program which also creates Desktop objects in a folder. Updated icon set and interface. Corrected several buggy conversions. Version 1.5 August 4, 1996 (Build 1.502). Added color settings in response to complaints about the cosmetic changes. Users can change and save colors of the data display fields. Button bar can now hide the Main window to reduce desktop clutter. Also changed modality of the child windows. Fixed bug in changing numeric format from the menu bar that reset the correct radio button but didn't automatically update the format in the display field. Fixed bug in conversion list that didn't auto-load the first conversion when changing datasets. Minor speed optimization. Version 1.5 August 8, 1996 (Build 1.503). Hopefully I've addressed all the user comments on the previous two builds. This build splits the settings into three pages- main, button bar, and colors. The major new feature is that the screen position of the button bar when it loads can be specified from the Button Bar settings page. Also, the temperature converter can now do negative temperatures without having to backspace. (this was fixed way back when but broke again somewhere along the way). Finally, I squeezed out a little more speed through code optimization. Version 1.5 September 9, 1996 (Build 1.504). Added a temporary fix to address the recently discovered bug in the OS/2 implementation of the REXX interpreter. Apparently, the bug manifests itself when the FORMAT command is used in a calculation involving the number "1" to any power of 10. The workaround involved adding spurious decimal places to each calculation and another digit to the characteristic in the scientific and engineering units notations. Also added the beta version of the new amoritization program Loan Pro. Version 1.6, January 8, 1997 (Build 1.601). Many new changes include Loan Pro 1.0 (amoritization program), Time Pro 1.0 (downloads offical time and sets PC clock), Base converter (converts strings between character, decimal, hexidecimal and binary, more settings saved to an INI file, button bar location now saved automatically, cosmetic enhancements for Warp 4-Merlin (see note below), Insert function when running Calculator from Conversion Pro. Registration key required to unlock all features. BMT Micro now handling marketing - Registration fee now is $19.95 US. SPECIAL NOTE TO WARP 3 USERS: Conversion Pro 1.6 is optimized for Warp 4. There will be sizing problems with Warp 3 screen fonts because of the cosmetic enhancements. A version just for Warp 3 may be released sometime later (e-mail me if you want to see this). Otherwise, you can update Warp 3 with the Warp 4 Warpsans screen font (which has a nice look IMO). To accomplish this, you need the Warp 4 version of dspres.dll (supplied in an accompanying archive called Copy the Warp 4 version to a floppy. Then boot to the command line (ALT-F1 on boot up) and switch to the X:\OS2\DLL directory, where X: is the drive that the OS/2 system files reside. Then rename dspres.dll to dspres.old. Immediately copy the new version of dspres.dll to this directory. Reboot. You should now have the WarpSans font in your font list. Thanks for trying the program, Jon F. Kaminsky, NEGC Software Tech support: Register Conversion Pro today by contacting: BMT Micro 1-800-414-4268 See the file bmtorder.txt for more information. (c) Copyright 1995, 1997. J.F. Kaminsky. All rights reserved.