═══ 1. About Association Editor ═══ Association editor by Henk Kelder The association editor (ASSOEDIT.EXE) is a tool that allows you to inspect and, optionally change associations set for file types and file filters. The Workplace shell uses these associations to determine the action it should take when a user clicks on a file object that is show in a folder. Associations can be made based on file types and on file filters. File Types A file type is a short descriptive text. Some existing types are 'Plain text', 'C code' or 'Executable'. File Filters A file filter is a mask that can be used for selecting files. In this mask the so-called wildcards(* and ?) can be used. An example of a filter is '*.TXT' meaning all files with extention .txt. You could also specify a filename (e.g. 'MAKEFILE'). For more help select the Help button in the various dialogs, or Press F1 for specific help for buttons, lists, entryfields or other dialog elements. Related information: o The associations dialog o Add new type or filter o Add association dialog o Note about unknown objects ═══ 2. General Help ═══ Use this choice to get general help for the program. General help provides general information about the Association editor. ═══ 3. Extended ═══ Use this choice to obtain information on how to use the Help facility. ═══ 4. Index ═══ Use this choice to display the help index. The help index lists the titles of the help information that is available. ═══ 5. Tutorial of Keys ═══ Use this choice to see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys. ═══ 6. Information ═══ This dialog displays information about the application, such as version number and the author. ═══ 6.1. Key Assigments ═══ The list of keys is arranged in groups. ACCELERATOR KEYS HELP KEYS F1 Get help Esc Previous Help Panel, or End help if only one panel Alt Switch IN/OUT action bar Alt+F4 End help or End program SYSTEM KEYS Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List Alt+k Call key help F3 Exit immediately WINDOW KEYS Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs submenu or execut the function chosen ═══ 7. Associations dialog ═══ Associations Dialog The associations dialog shows all types or filters in the lefthand listbox. When a type or filter is selected the righthand listbox shows all associated objects or programs. The first item in the righthand listbox (if any) is the Default associated item. You can change this default using the 'Default' button. You can add an association by dragging a single program object from the workplace shell and drop it on the righthand listbox You can add or delete file types or filters. You can also add or delete associations with programs or objects. Also you can change the default associated program or object for a type or filter. The Delete button below the lefthand listbox will become active once an item is selected in the lefthand listbox. The Delete button below the righthand listbox will become active once an item is selected in the righthand listbox. The Make Default button below the righthand listbox will become active once an item other than the first in this list is selected. For more help press F1 for help about the current selected dialog item. Related information: o About association editor o Add new type or filter o Add association dialog o Note about unknown objects ═══ 8. Types or filters listbox ═══ This listbox shows all types or filters depending of the choice you made from the menu. You can select a type or filter. A selected type or filter can be deleted. Related information: o The associations dialog ═══ 9. Add type or filter ═══ Use the Add button below the lefthand listbox in the associations dialog to add a new file type or File filter. Related information: o The associations dialog ═══ 10. Delete type or filter ═══ Use the Delete button below the lefthand listbox in the association dialog to remove the type or filter that is selected in this listbox. Related information: o The associations dialog ═══ 11. Add association ═══ Use the Add button below the righhand listbox in the association dialog to add an association with a program or object for the current selected file type or filter. Related information: o The associations dialog ═══ 12. Delete association ═══ Use the Delete button below the righthand listbox in the association dialog to delete the association that is currently selected in this listbox. Related information: o The associations dialog ═══ 13. Set the default association ═══ Use the Make Default button below the righthand listbox in the association dialog to make the current selected program or object in this listbox the default association for the selected file type or filter in the righthand listbox. Related information: o The associations dialog ═══ 14. Association listbox ═══ This listbox shows all programs or objects currently associated with the selected file type or filter. The first item in the list (if any) is the default associated program or object for the file type or filter. You can change this default by using the Default button. To show items in this list make sure you have selected an element from the lefthand list. You can add a new association by pressing the 'Add' button. Alternatively you can drop a program object from the desktop into this listbox Related information: o The associations dialog o note about unknown objects ═══ 15. Add association dialog ═══ Add Association Dialog In the Add Associations Dialog you can add a new association for the file type or filter you have selected in the Associations dialog. There are two possibilities for a new association. You could add an association with an Workplace shell program object, but you can also add an association with an executable (DOS, WIN-OS2 or OS/2 program). The listbox shows all program objects present on your desktop, but is inactive if the radiobutton 'Object' is not selected. In the entryfield you can type a programs filename if the radiobutton 'Program' is selected. Note: You can add 20 new associations per type or filter in a session. If you encounter the message that the maximum has been reached, close the association dialog and retry. For more help press F1 for help about the current selected dialog item. Related information: o About association editor o Add new type or filter o The associations dialog ═══ 16. Type Object ═══ Select this button if you want to add an association with an existing workplace shell program object. You can then select an program object from the list and press the Ok button. Related information: o Add association dialog ═══ 17. Type Program ═══ Select this button if you want to add an association with an existing program. You can then specify the programs name in this dialog and press the Ok button. Related information: o Add association dialog ═══ 18. Objects listbox ═══ This listbox shows all objects installed on you desktop. This listbox is only active when the 'Object' radiobutton is selected. Related information: o Add association dialog ═══ 19. Associated programs filename ═══ In this field you can specify a program that will be associated to the file type or file filter that is selected in the underlying dialog. This field will only be active if the 'Program' radiobutton is selected. Related information: o Add association dialog ═══ 20. Add new type or filter dialog ═══ Add New type or Filter In this dialog you can fill in a new file type or file filter depening of the selection you have made in the menu. Fill in a new value and press OK or press cancel. File Types A file type is a short descriptive text which types a file. Some examples of existing file types are: o Plain text o OS/2 Command File o DOS Command File o My own file type File Filters A file filter is a file specification which applies to one or more files. The filter can contain the wildcard characters * and ?. Some examples of filters are: o *.INF o *.W51 o *.ICO o *.XL? Note: You can add 20 new types or filters in a session. If you encounter the message that the maximum has been reached, close the association dialog and retry. Related information: o About association editor o The associations dialog o Add association dialog o Note about unknown objects ═══ 21. Special note about unknown objects ═══ Special note When you add a associations to a program (executable) it is possible that the listbox shows Unknown object xxxx instead of the programs filename. This is due to the fact that the workplace shell caches some informations and writtes it when it has time. Simple close the associations dialog and reopen it again and the proper description will appear. If it doesn't appear it will probably appear later. If you have not added an association but still see some unknown objects you should remove them! Unknown objects can be created when one deletes a program file that is referenced in an association.