----------------------------------------------------------------------- PKZIP(R) Version 2.50 FAST! Compression Utility for OS/2 5-1-1997 Copyright 1989-1997 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shareware Version PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. Patent No. 5,051,745 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This disk contains the SHAREWARE version of PKZIP for OS/2. If you distribute the Shareware version of PKZIP for OS/2 to friends, associates, or to an online service, please distribute the file PKOS2250.EXE rather than the individual files for PKZIP for OS/2. If you need assistance with installing or using this software, please contact our Technical Support Department as follows: Phone: 414-354-8699 Fax: 414-354-8559 Email: support@pkware.com Web: http://www.pkware.com CompuServe: Go PKWARE PKWARE BBS: 414-354-8670 Address: 9025 N. Deerwood Drive Brown Deer, WI 53223-2480 USA Printing the documentation files -------------------------------- To print the documentation files, complete the following: 1) Using the "cd" command, change to the directory into which you installed the documentation files. 2) Type the following and press ENTER: copy *.txt PRN Files included with this release -------------------------------- PKOS2250.EXE ------------ This is the self-extracting file containing PKZIP for OS/2. The following files will be installed on your system: LICENSE.TXT License information for using PKZIP for OS/2. OMBUDSMN.ASP Association of Shareware Professionals statement. ORDER.TXT A list of distributors and an order form for purchasing PKWARE products. PKUNZIP2.CMD Batch file for extracting. PKZIP.EXE PKZIP 2.50 for OS/2. PKZIP2.CMD Batch file for compressing. README.TXT Information about PKZIP for OS/2 (this file). WHATSNEW.TXT A file describing the new features in this release. Please see the file WHATSNEW.TXT for a complete list of the new features in this release.