Server Software:

The preferred version is IBM OS/2 Warp Connect or Warp Server which contain all the software you need to run PowerWeb Server++.

IBM has some serious bugs in TCP/IP version 3.0. We suggest you use TCPIP version 4.0x (Merlin).

Browser Software:

The preferred OS/2 browser is Netscape Navigator for OS/2, the latest version of which supports SSL version 3.

If you use IBM's OS/2 WebExplorer, you require version 1.1e or later. Earlier versions can create huge swap files and cannot display tables reliably. Note: IBM WebExplorer does not currently (December 1996) support SSL version 3.

Server Software:

You must have Microsoft Windows 95 or later with TCP/IP installed and operating correctly.

Browser Software:

Netscape's Navigator 3.0 and MicroSoft's Internet Explorer 3.0 are both capable of SSL Version 3 connections and are much preferred over version 2.0 of each browser, having also fixed many display bugs.

Server Software:

You must have Microsoft NT 3.5x or later with TCP/IP installed and operating correctly. Either the workstation or the server version of NT may be used.

Browser Software:

Netscape's Navigator 3.0 and MicroSoft's Internet Explorer 3.0 are both capable of SSL Version 3 connections and are much preferred over version 2.0 of each browser, having also fixed many display bugs.

PowerWeb Server++ will require Solaris version 2.4 or later.

PowerWeb Server++ requires IBM AIX version 4.1 or later.

PowerWeb Server++ will require IBM OS/400 version 3.1 or later.

PowerWeb Server++ will require IBM MVS Open Edition version 5.1 or later.