Take a Guided Technical Tour of PowerWeb Server++ features and capabilities.

Powerful Resource Document Objects
PowerWeb Server++ exploits the concept of an object to simplify the administration and configuration of the server. Virtually every server on the market forces the administrator to work with entire directories of files, whereas PowerWeb Server++ can work with individual files, all files matching a given wildcard pattern, all directories matching a wildcard pattern, or simply an entire directory or an entire disk. We call a collection of documents a resource.

NCSA-type Server Performance Problems Overcome
The problem with using .htaccess files in servers such as the NCSA server, is their very low performance. Not only does an NCSA server need to consult the .htaccess file in the document's own directory, it must also load the .htaccess file in each of the parent directories too, before it can decide upon its access control.

PowerWeb's Access Control Database
PowerWeb Server++ bypasses these performance limitations by managing an object-orientated access control database that contains all the security rules. These rules have the advantage of being more powerful as well as being more flexible.

Re-Use of Security Rules with Templates
Taking advantage of object orientation, not only can groups of documents be considered a single object, so can groups of security rules. This means you can define an access control policy and store it in a template object which can be applied to any document object or resource.

Managed Consistency
This extremely powerful concept allows for reuse of security rules and for ensured consistency. For example, a security policy could be defined for all user home directories on a given server. If that policy changes, the rules only need changing in one place.

Simplification Through Inheritance
PowerWeb Server++ takes the concept still further. Unlike any other server on the market, it can use inheritance to define a security template based on another existing security template, overriding just those rules that differ.

Use Your Browser Anywhere for Anything
With PowerWeb Server++, you can configure or administer your server from any location, whether it is local or remote, by simply using your Web browser. There are no restrictions on the capability of remote administration.

Restrict Administration Access
Administrators can define security rules to restrict remote administration to particular workstations based on their IP address or host name. In addition, a separate database of user names and passwords is used to control who may access the administration facilities.

Examine Real-Time Status
Administrators can monitor their server at any time while it is running. A simple menu-driven Web browser interface lets them view the status of every connection, the current throughput of the server, its load and its response times, among much other information.

View Diagnostic Information
Administrators can use their browser to examine diagnostic information such as error and audit trails, which are always available.

Configure PowerWeb Server++ While it is Running
PowerWeb Server++ is designed for maximum up-time. Administrators can configure their server while it is running. Changes to user databases occur immediately. Changes to other settings occur using a parallel copy of the configuration. When the administrator has completed making configuration changes, this parallel copy is switched into production.

Secure and Fast
PowerWeb's approach has the benefit of ensuring completeness and consistency, as well as minimum downtime. If the live configuration was modified as each change was made, security leaks would occur because the administrator would still be busy making further modifications.

Bypass CGI Performance and Capability Limitations!
PowerWeb Server++ APIs let you create custom applications and services with languages such as Rexx, Perl and C, independently of CompuSource. The APIs let you modify all aspects of the server's operation at several different levels. The APIs are not limited to script execution. With PowerWeb APIs, you extend the server at no cost in performance, and you only override those facilities that you need to. The PowerWeb APIs and PowerWeb Macros share a common access method for manipulating the PowerWeb Server++ status variables.

Why not CGI?
The CGI interface is a simple-to-use method of executing programs to deliver custom responses within a Web server. PowerWeb Server++ provides the full functionality of CGI, while also offering PowerWeb Server++ APIs as a much faster and more powerful alternative.

Reference Manual
See the API Extensions Reference Manual for detailed information.

Dynamic Documents
PowerWeb Server++ Macros let you create dynamic documents with unprecedented ease and power, without having to program in CGI or any other complex programming language. PowerWeb Macros are an extension to the HTML tags, and work with all Web browsers.

Reference Manual
See the Web Macros Reference Manual for detailed information.