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Please use the Certificate Manager.

a Certificate' '', '/admin/secure/cert/hcreates.htm' )" -->

> > >
value="LICENSE"> value="MERCHANT"> value=""> Filename for Certificate:
The certificate will be stored within the "cert" directory of your server configuration directory. Do not type a filename extension.
Issuer's Name:
The distinguished name of the certificate issuing authority.
You must have the private key for this authority. Your certificate will be submitted to this authority for signing. Note: Only PowerWeb Certificate Authorities currently support this direct automation.
Merchant ID:
Type your Merchant ID issued to you by your Acquiring Bank.
Server Name:
Type the full host name of the Server. If you have multiple host names, you must submit multiple requests to obtain multiple certificates.
Common Name:
Type the Person's full name. Type the full name of the Certification Authority.
Organisational Unit:
The department's name.
The company name, preferably one that is registered with ISO (the International Standards Organisation) for uniqueness.
The city name.
State / Province:
The name of the state or province (whichever is applicable).
The country's abbreviated name.
For example: US for United States, DE for Germany, ZA for South Africa.
> value=""> E-Mail Address:
The Internet e-mail address of the responsible person for this certificate.
Key Bits:
The number of bits in the key contained within the certificate.
Most browsers force a choice of at most 1024 bits for a server, unless you want to use Client Certificate Authentication, in which case the maximum is 512 bits.
Valid From:
The date from which the certificate is valid, in the format dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss.
Valid Until:
The date until which the certificate is valid, in the format dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss.
You must contact BankGate to obtain a limited-expiry-time password which allows you to obtain a Merchant Server certificate.

Certificate generation can take from several seconds to several minutes depending on the speed of your CPU and the number of bits chosen for your key.