Help - Service Statistics

SettingExplanationDefault /
AverageClients The average number of clients connected, sampled on a periodic basis. 0 IntegerR
BytesRead The total number of bytes received from the network so far. 0 FloatR
BytesSent The total number of bytes sent to the network so far. 0 FloatR
Clients The number of clients currently connected. 0 IntegerR
Connections The total number of client connections serviced. 0 IntegerR
CountBusy Number of connections dropped because the server reached its limit regarding the maximum number of connections. 0 IntegerR
CountOverflow Number of connections dropped because the client request overflowed the maximum limits set on client data sizes. 0 IntegerR
CountSecurity Number of connections dropped because of security violations. 0 IntegerR
CountTimeout Number of connections dropped because of transmission timeouts. 0 IntegerR
Errors The count of errors detected. 0 IntegerR
PeakClients The maximum number of clients that have been simultaneously connected. 0 IntegerR
ReadTime Average elapsed time in milliseconds taken to accept a connection and read the client request.
The actual number of milliseconds of CPU time is typically equal to this value divided by the average number of simultaneously connected clients, assuming no other tasks running on the server.
0 IntegerR
Requests The total number of client requests serviced. For HTTP, this may be less than the number of connections if some requests were aborted by the client browser. For protocols with multiple requests per connection (such as FTP, SMTP, POP3 and also HTTP when keep-alive is enabled), this figure is typically several times higher than the number of connections. 0 IntegerR
ServiceTime Average elapsed time in milliseconds taken to service the request, ignoring reading, logging and writing times.
The actual number of milliseconds of CPU time is typically equal to this value divided by the average number of simultaneously connected clients, assuming no other tasks running on the server.
0 IntegerR
LogTime Average elapsed time in milliseconds taken to write the audit log entry to disk.
The actual number of milliseconds of CPU time is typically equal to this value divided by the average number of simultaneously connected clients, assuming no other tasks running on the server.
0 IntegerR
WriteTime Average elapsed time in milliseconds taken to write the reply back to the client, including closing the socket.
The actual number of milliseconds of CPU time is typically equal to this value divided by the average number of simultaneously connected clients, assuming no other tasks running on the server.
0 IntegerR