Help - Service Proxy Settings

SettingExplanationDefault /
Enable Set to TRUE to allow PowerWeb to act as an HTTP Proxy Server. Yes IntegerR,W
FirewallExclude If a client sends a request to PowerWeb and the destination host is listed amongst these IP addresses or domain names, then PowerWeb will service the request directly instead of chaining to the Firewall Host. If no Firewall Host is specified, then all requests are serviced directly by PowerWeb. 196.12.34.| TextR,W
FirewallHost The fully qualified host name or ip address of the Firewall Server to connect to for proxy requests if PowerWeb is not acting as the Firewall itself.

This setting is commonly used when you have two types of servers on your network. The first type of server (PowerWeb) is on your internal network and services internal requests from within your network. The second type of server is a firewall (which could also be another PowerWeb server) which connects your private network to the external Internet.

In this scenario, you would set this PowerWeb server to chain to the Firewall server for all requests that are not destined for your internal network. TextR,W
FirewallPort The TCP/IP port number to use when connecting to the Firewall Host. 80 IntegerR,W