Help - Service Limits Settings

SettingExplanationDefault /
MaxClientBody The maximum size client message body allowed.
Note: this setting is currently ignored.
50000 IntegerR,W
MaxClientHeaders The maximum size client header allowed.
Note: this setting is currently ignored.
10000 IntegerR,W
MaxClients The maximum number of simultaneous client connections allowed. Connections that cannot be immmediately serviced are queued. 512 IntegerR,W
MaxFiles The maximum number of open files that each client connection is allocated. You may need to increase this from the default 5 if you write API extensions that use many files simultaneously. 5 IntegerR,W
MaxKeepAliveConnections The maximum number of dormant Keep-Alive Connections that will be allowed for this service. Subsequent requests by new connections will be honoured, but the oldest dormant connection will be terminated. This ensures that currently active connections get priority over connections waiting for the client's browser to send more requests. 20 IntegerR,W
MaxKeepAliveRequests The maximum number of Requests that will be allowed for a single Keep-Alive Connection. A browser wanting to send more requests must open a new connection. Note that some browsers will only use keep-alive connections once their maximum number of network connections are in use.
Change this setting to 0 or 1 to disable the keep-alive feature.
10 IntegerR,W
MaxOutgoing The maximum number of simultaneous outgoing connections allowed. Only applicable to services which perform outgoing connections such as SMTP. 32 IntegerR,W
MaxUpload The maximum size in bytes of any individual file that may be uploaded with FTP, or message that may be received with SMTP.

If multiple files are uploaded, each one is subject to this limit, there is no limit per session.

5000000 IntegerR,W
MinFreeSpace The minimum free space in bytes available on an "incoming" drive before a file upload or mail message will be accepted.
If you have multiple incoming directories on multiple drives, then the available space refers to the specific drive being referenced.
This must always be set to be at least as large as the MaxUpload limit.
8000000 IntegerR,W
PriorityOutgoing Sets the priority of outgoing connections. For example, if your PowerWeb server is mainly being used for mail, you would change this setting to "normal" for the SMTP service. In general, this priority should be lower than that for incoming connections. low IntegerR,W
RejectIfBusy Whether the server should drop incoming connections if it is already busy with the maximum number of connections. If set to 0 (FALSE), the incoming client will be put on hold until a connection becomes available. No IntegerR,W
ResponseGoal The desired average response time for the server. Each server can have its own response goal.
Note: this setting is currently ignored.
0 IntegerR,W
TimeoutConnection The maximum time in seconds for which any connection is allowed to be established. Most services should have this set to 0 (no timeout), and use the inactive timeout to govern connections. 0 IntegerR,W
TimeoutDeliver The elapsed time in seconds before delivery of a message is abandoned. Applies only to outgoing connections, such as SMTP mail delivery.
1 day  =  86400 seconds
5 days = 432000 seconds
432000 IntegerR,W
TimeoutInactive The maximum time in seconds of inactive time with no reading or writing before the client connection is rejected. This timeout is applied even if there is no connection timeout, so inactive clients will be terminated anyway. 300 IntegerR,W
TimeoutInit The maximum time in seconds before server initialisation is rejected. 60 IntegerR,W
TimeoutKeepAlive The maximum time in seconds that is allowed to elapse between successive requests within a Keep-Alive connection. The time is calculated from the time the server first examines the socket after having completed processing the previous request. 15 IntegerR,W
TimeoutRead The maximum time in seconds allowed for reading the client request. 0 IntegerR,W
TimeoutScript Timeout in seconds before script execution is aborted. 600 IntegerR,W
TimeoutWrite The maximum time in seconds allowed for writing the reply to the client. We suggest 600 for HTTP servers that won't be distributing files larger than 1 megabyte. FTP servers should set this to 0 (no timeout). 0 IntegerR,W
WarningClients The number of simultaneous client connections after which a warning will be shown on the console. Set to 0 to disable.
Note: this setting is currently ignored.
0 IntegerR,W