Help - Document Settings

SettingExplanationDefault /
AlwaysWelcome If it is desirable to have a requested resource directory name without a trailing slash "/" character to produce a directory index, and only the ones with a trailing slash to cause the "Welcome" document to be returned, set this variable to FALSE. Yes IntegerR,W
CaseSensitive Set to TRUE to make pattern matching on filename extensions for MIME typing to be case sensitive. No IntegerR,W
CookieName The name of the server-generated "Cookie" to generate when a user accesses any document controlled by this resource. This "Cookie" feature works with any Web Browser that supports client-side cookie storage (such as Netscape 2.x, but not WebEx 1.1).

PowerWeb scans for an existing cookie supplied by the client and will only generate a new cookie if there is no existing cookie and if this setting supplies a cookie name. In addition, a cookie will only be created if you have not already created your own (such as with a WebMacro or API Hook).

If your resource is within the document root, the generated cookie will be specific to the directory specified by this resource. In other words, each resource can have its own cookie name, and the client's Web Browser will automatically supply the correct cookie according to the URL of the requested document.

You can access the value of the cookie supplied by the client by reading the WebObject "Request:/Header/In/Cookie".

PowerWeb TextR,W
DefaultType The default MIME type and subtype to assume for a file that has no explicit MIME type rule. It is normally set to "text/html" for use by the HTTP protocol. If you have files with many different extensions all using WebMacros, you may wish to change this setting to "text/x-server-parsed-html" to ensure that PowerWeb correctly interprets your WebMacros. text/html TextR,W
MaxSize Sets the maximum number of kilobytes of disk space to be used by documents contained within this resource. Use a value of 0 (the default) to be limited only by available disk space.

This setting is most useful for FTP incoming directories or for user directories to govern the amount of disk space used by external parties.

If the user uploads into a directory which has both a resource size limit as well as a user home directory size limit, then the most restrictive size limit is applied.

Note: Usage of this setting with a non-0 value incurs some overhead on the server every time an FTP upload occurs. The amount of overhead depends on the number of files contained within the resource and the depth of nesting of any sub-directories.

0 IntegerR,W
NoAudit Set to TRUE to prevent the audit log recording requests made regarding this resource.
Note: this setting is currently ignored.
No IntegerR,W
Trailer Each resource can have a customised trailer message added to the bottom of each HTML document served. If this setting is empty, no trailer is output. This setting can contain any valid HTML commands as well as PowerWeb Macros. Your existing documents are not modified and do not need to be modified - the trailer is a dynamic document that is appended to existing documents.

A good example is our PowerWeb referral trailer (#PowerWeb) which refers users to our home page, or the Test Drive trailer (#PlugNPay) which displays the home page reference as well as the Test Drive expiry date (if appropriate).

If you want to include an entire HTML document as your trailer, you must use a WebMacro. For example:

<!--#include virtual=/trailer.htm -->
Test Drive users cannot change this setting.
#PowerWeb TextR,W
Welcome This is the home page of the given resource. It is the document that is delivered to users if they do not specify a document name within a directory. A typical example is when a user accesses the home page of your site, for example, through "".

It is only applicable if the resource is a disk or directory. It gives the name of the file in the current directory of the resource to process if no file is specified by the client. If this variable is empty, or the file does not exist, a directory index will be generated (subject to access control permissions).

index.html TextR,W