Help - Resource Cache Settings

Operating a cache does not in any way compromise security, unlike most other servers. The cache is kept permanently updated, so if you change any documents which are contained in the cache, they are automatically refreshed so that users will always see the most current version.

You might also need to adjust the Cache Global Settings to set the total cache size, or to enable/disable caching overall.

SettingExplanationDefault /
Enabled Set to TRUE to enable caching of replies to requests. Caching will only occur if global caching is also enabled (via Global Settings). Yes IntegerR,W
Permanent Set to TRUE to force all files controlled by this resource to be loaded into the cache, subject to space availability. These files will be given priority over other cache files when cache space is full. No IntegerR,W
MaximumSize Set this to the maximum size in kilobytes of files to cache. Files beyond about 64K in size do not benefit much from caching, because the percentage overhead of accessing the file system compared to the overall elapsed time to send the file to a remote client is not significant. 60 IntegerR,W