Help - Request:/Header/In Variables

When a client sends a request to the server, it does not have to specify any headers. All those which were specified are placed into this directory. Some headers are repeated, in which case their values can be extracted as follows (using the Accept header as an example):

ServerFind(parcel, "Request:/Header/In/Accept", &header);   // gets the header object
ServerSize(header, &size);                                  // gets the number of headers
ServerReadText(header, "1", buffer, sizeof(buffer));        // retrieves the first "Accept" header
ServerReadText(header, "2", buffer, sizeof(buffer));

The list provided here is a representative sample of the types of headers that are typically supplied. Please read the HTTP Protocol Specification for a complete list of headers which may be supplied by Web Browsers.

SettingExplanationDefault /
Accept This header is either missing, or contains a single value, or contains a list of values. It specifies the MIME types that the client is willing to accept in reply. See the HTTP protocol definition for more detail. */* TextR
Authorization Specifies the authentication type, user name and password to be used to verify that the client has permission to access the requested resource. TextR
Content-Length The length of the message body that follows the headers. 734 IntegerR
Content-Type The MIME type of the message body that follows the headers. text/plain TextR
If-Modified-Since Specifies that the resource is not to be returned if the resource has not been modified since the specified date. Instead the server responds with an abbreviated reply telling the client that it may use its own local copy. Fri, 01-Sep-95 TextR
User-Agent The name and version of the client's browser. Power Browser/2.0 TextR