Help - Mail Settings

SettingExplanationDefault /
AllowForwarding Set to "yes" to allow mail delivery of mail to a host other than the current host. You would only want to set this to "no" if you are processing incoming mail only. Yes IntegerRW
AllowRelay Set to "yes" to allow another mail server to ask your mail server to relay mail to a specified "closer" destination on its behalf. Yes IntegerRW
Bad Mail messages without a valid recipient are stored in this file which is contained within the "MailRoot" directory.
Note: this setting is currently ignored.
bad TextRW
Boundary When a mail storage type of "single file per user" is chosen, the mail messages are separated by boundary lines within that single file. This setting allows specification of a boundary line prefix which will not conflict with any mail message. The standard setting is "From ", where the space character at the end IS significant. From TextRW
FilePattern When a mail storage type of "multiple files per user" is chosen, each mail message is stored in a separate file. This setting specifies a wildcard pattern for listing all mail files. *.rcv TextRW
Hook Customise how Powerweb handles and delivers mail by writing your own API hooks to override certain aspects of mail processing. ListR
MailRoot All mailboxes are stored within this "MailRoot" directory. When "single file per user" is chosen, there will be a file for each user, whereas when "multiple files per user" is chosen, there will be a sub-directory for each user and multiple files within each directory. The default "MailRoot" under Unix is "/usr/spool/mail". On other systems, the default is "/powerweb/mail". /powerweb/mail TextRW
MaxDeliver The maximum number of outgoing mail connections allowed for delivering mail. If your SMTP Warnings Log shows many rejected domain name server connections, then your DNS is not capable of keeping up with PowerWeb and you should reduce this MaxDeliver setting. 64 IntegerRW
MaxHops The maximum number of hops before a mail item is bounced. Every mail server that handles a mail item increases the hop count. This limit prevents infinite mail loops and mail items that are unlikely to ever reach their final destination. 16 IntegerRW
QueueInterval The time in seconds between each scan of the mail queue. As each mail item arrives, it is queued for delivery and is dispatched immediately if an outgoing connection is available. Mail items which cannot be immediately delivered are held in a pending state until the next query scan which occurs at the interval specified by this setting. 900 IntegerRW
Realm Each user mailbox is protected by a user name and password combination. This setting specifies the name of the database of valid users and their passwords. Point your browser here to manage the user list. mail TextRW
Storage Two mailbox storage types are supported: "single file per user", which is the UNIX standard, and "multiple files per user" which is an alternative with better concurrency control. single file per user IntegerRW