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Database Reference Manual

SettingExplanationDefault /
Logon The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to perform a logon to the database server. HookR,W
Logoff The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to perform a logoff from the database server. HookR,W
Query The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to execute a query on the database server. HookR,W
Columns The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to analyse the returned columns from a query on the database server. HookR,W
NextResult The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to retrieve the next result set of a query. Not all DBMS software supports multiple result sets. HookR,W
NextRow The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to retrieve the next row of the current result set of the current query on the database server. HookR,W
EndQuery The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to perform resource cleanup after the execution of a query on the database server. HookR,W
DictDatabases The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to perform a data dictionary query to retrieve Database names from a database server. HookR,W
DictTables The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to perform a data dictionary query to retrieve Table names from a database server. HookR,W
DictColumns The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to perform a data dictionary query to retrieve Column names from a database server. HookR,W
DictKeys The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to perform a data dictionary query to retrieve key fields from a database server. HookR,W
DictForeignKeys The name of the C, Rexx or Perl function to call to perform a data dictionary query to retrieve foreign key fields from a database server. HookR,W