Help - Multi-Homed Server Certificates


This page allows you to specify which server certificate to present for each IP address for a multi-homed server. If an IP address is not listed, the default certificate is presented to clients.

Note that you will want to register a separate host name for each of your IP addresses. You will need to set up your domain name server (DNS) to achieve this, as well as notifying the people responsible for your parent domain.

You will need to have a separate certificate for each host name because client browsers check the host name of your server against the host name specified in the server's certificate.

You do not need to specify your main IP address, as all connections to that IP will automatically be presented with your default certificate.

Each entry in this table is an IP address of the host and its corresponding certificate filename (with no path or extension). You can see a list of valid certificates with their filenames.

Wildcards are not allowed.