Help - Cache

Operating a cache does not in any way compromise security, unlike most other servers. The cache is kept permanently updated, so if you change any documents which are contained in the cache, they are automatically refreshed so that users will always see the most current version.

SettingExplanationDefault /
Bypass Set to TRUE to bypass the cache even if it is enabled. Caching of replies will still occur but the cache will not be used until the "Bypass" is set to FALSE again. This variable allows for temporary disabling of the cache without emptying the cache contents. No IntegerR,W
Enabled Set to TRUE to enable caching of replies to requests for documents and files protected by this resource. Yes IntegerR,W
TotalSize Set this to the total size in kilobytes of the memory cache. Do not set this beyond the amount of free physical memory, otherwise disk thrashing will occur and negate the benefits of caching. 512 IntegerR,W