Setting up OS/2

Change these settings in the config.sys file on the boot drive
Then Reboot OS/2 to make them take effect.


OS/2 requires a minimum of 80 threads to run.

Make THREADS=512 as minimum, or THREADS=1024, if you expect to have a VERY busy site.

PowerWeb requires a thread for each simultaneous connection (two threads if CGI or Perl are used).


To avoid SYS3175 popup messages caused by traps within CGI scripts, insert the line:



The ETC environment variable MUST be set to enable TCP/IP to run properly.

It is typically set to "c:\mptn\etc" or "c:\tcpip\etc" depending on your version of tcpip and the drive it was installed on.


We highly recommend using a local hosts file to speed up translation of domain names to ip addresses for your own machine. The name of the file is "HOSTS" and is stored in your "ETC" directory (see above).

If you use this file then you must also put the following line into your config.sys:



This environment variable defines the timezone of your machine. It MUST be set properly otherwise remote clients cannot reliably use the caching within their browsers.

For further assistance, use your browser to OPEN the tcpipos2.htm file in your server root directory