═══ 1. General Information ═══ Inet.Mail Pro Install The Inet.Mail Pro Install program is used to install Inet.Mail automatically. By choosing the Install button or the menu choice, the install process is started. The install process creates the necessary directories, unpacks the files, builds the desktop folder, and saves the installation choices. ═══ 2. License Agreement ═══ License Agreement This window shows the Hethmon Brothers license agreement for Inet.Mail. You must agree to the terms of the license in order to install and use the software. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions as stated, please destroy all copies of the software. ═══ 3. Selection Window ═══ The Selection Window This window is used to select the individual components to install. Check each component you wish to install and then modify the directory choice as desired. ═══ 4. Config.sys Modification ═══ Config.sys Modification The install program will update your config.sys file if you choose to reflect several things: 1. Update LIBPATH to add the Inet.Mail main directory. 2. Update PATH to include the Bin subdirectory of Inet.Mail. 3. Update HELP to include the Inet.Mail main directory. 4. Add a SET STEWARD_CF to reflect the location of the Steward files. 5. Add a SET AUTOREPLY to reflect the location of the AutoReply files. These modifications are used to make the operation of Inet.Mail as simple as possible for you. If you do not wish the config.sys to be automatically updated, then the install program will create a config.add file for you with the suggested modifications. This file will be saved in the Installation Tools directory if you install them or the Inet.Mail directory otherwise. ═══ 5. Progress Window ═══ Progress Window The progress window gives status information on the installation. ═══ 6. Technical Support ═══ Technical Support Technical support is available from Hethmon Brothers if you run into difficulty. Please contact us via email at suppport@hethmon.com or you may check our website at http://www.hethmon.com. ═══ 7. Unzip32.dll Information ═══ Unzip32.dll Information This installation product makes use of the InfoZip group's unzip32.dll. This dll is a freely available product. NOTE: Hethmon Brothers Inet.Mail is packaged using Info-ZIP's compression utility. The installation program uses UnZip to read zip files. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables from various bulletin board services and Internet/WWW sites, including CompuServe's IBMPRO forum and ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ .