═══ 1. Inet.Mail Main Window ═══ The main window of Inet.Mail consists of the following elements: Menu Options: File Users Virtual domain Help Button Bar: Configure Brings up the configuration notebook for Inet.Mail Add a User Brings up the Add User dialog Edit a User Brings up the Edit User dialog Remove a User Brings up the Remove User dialog List Users Brings up the List User dialog Help Brings up the Main Help Window ═══ 2. File Menu Help ═══ Options on the File Menu are as follows: Export Log: This option will allow you to export the current log file to another file. You may export either the SMTP log or the POP3 log. Export Data: This option will allow you to export the current data statistics to another file. You may export either the SMTP or the POP3 stats. Configure: This option will bring up the configuration notebook where you can set all the options for both SMTP and POP3. Registration: This option will bring up the dialog allowing you to enter your registration code. Exit: This option will stop the servers and exit Inet.Mail. ═══ 3. Users Menu Help ═══ Options from the Users Menu allow you to manipulate the user database. They are as follows: Add: Allows you to add new users. Edit: Allows you to edit current users. Remove: Allows you to remove current users. List: Allows you to list current users. ═══ 4. Virtual Domain Menu Help ═══ Options from the Virtual Domain Menu allow you to manipulate the virtual domain database. They are as follows: Select: Allows you to select upon which virtual domain to work. Add: Allows you to add new users. Edit: Allows you to edit current users. Remove: Allows you to remove current users. List: Allows you to list current users. Aliases: Allows you to add/remove aliases for the current domain. ═══ 5. Help Menu Help ═══ The help menu gives you access to the help database. It's options are as follows: Help Index: An index of all help topics. General Help: Main help window. Using Help: Help on how to use the help system. Product Information: Brings up product information dialog, which contains version information. ═══ 6. POP3 Configuration ═══ This page allows for the configuration of some global parameters used by the POP3 daemon. Maximum Number of Connections This is the total number of simultaneous users that should be allowed access to their POP3 mailboxes. Idle Timeout in Minutes The number of minutes of inactivity for each POP3 connection before it is disconnected automatically. Port What TCP/IP port number should inbound connections be expected on. 110 is the well-known port defined in the Internet RFC's and should not be changed without a thorough understanding of POP3 Mail and clients. Default Mail Directory This is the full path to the directory in which all user mail directories should be located. ═══ 7. POP3 Log ═══ This page allows for the selection of which individual commands to capture statistics for in the log files. A check in the box next to an item will cause that item to be counted in the log files. To disable all logging of these commands simply place a check in the box labeled Disable all logging of connections These statistics are kept on a per connection basis. Note: Disable all logging, or minimize which commands are logged, to increase performance. ═══ 8. POP3 Export Data ═══ This page allows for the selection of what information should be written to the export file for POP3 sessions. The file is written in comma delimited format suitable for import into a spreadsheet or database. A check in the box next to an item will cause that item to be written to the export file. To disable all exporting of all these items simply place a check in the box labeled Disable exporting of data ═══ 9. SMTP Configuration ═══ This page allows for the configuration of some global parameters used by the SMTP daemon. Maximum Number of Connections This is the total number of simultaneous hosts that should be allowed to connect to your SMTP host. Idle Timeout in Minutes The number of minutes of inactivity for each SMTP connection before it is disconnected automatically. Port What TCP/IP port number should inbound connections be expected on. 25 is the well-known port defined in the Internet RFC's and should not be changed without a thorough understanding of SMTP Mail. Seconds Between Queue Checks This controls the time period between checks of the queue directory to retry queued mail. It is expressed in seconds with 300 seconds (5 minutes) as the default value. Act as Relay Host? By selecting this option, Inet.Mail will attempt to forward any mail it receives to the proper host. If this option is not selected, only mail for this host will be accepted and all other mail will be rejected. Send Through Gateway? By selecting this option, Inet.Mail will forward any mail not for this machine to the machine defined in the Gateway machine field. This is useful for sending all mail through a firewall machine. Gateway Machine If configured to send through a gateway, this field must contain the fully qualified Internet hostname of the machine that will be accepting all mail from this machine. ═══ 10. Directories ═══ This page allows for the configuration of some more global parameters used by the SMTP daemon. Outgoing Mail Information Default Directory to Queue Outgoing Mail Full path to the directory in which outgoing mail should be queued prior to being forwarded. Number of Days to Try to Send How many days should Inet.Mail attempt to send a message in the Queue Directory before giving up and sending a failure notice. Note: This uses a backdown algorithm. There are more attempts earlier on and as the days pass, less attempts will be made each day. Note: It is recommended that this be no less than three (3) days. Incoming Mail Information Default Directory to Spool Incoming Mail Full path to directory in which incoming mail should be spooled prior to placement in user mailboxes or queueing for forwarding. Maximum Size of Incoming Messages By setting this to zero (0), no size limit will be imposed on incoming messages. Any number greater than 0 will be the number of bytes allowed in any incoming message. Any message exceeding this preset size will be rejected by Inet.Mail. ═══ 11. SMTP Log ═══ This page allows for the selection of which individual commands to capture statistics for in the log files. A check in the box next to an item will cause that item to be counted in the log files. To disable all logging of these commands simply place a check in the box labeled Disable all logging of connections These statistics are kept on a per connection basis. Note: Disable all logging, or minimize which commands are logged, to increase performance. ═══ 12. SMTP Export Data ═══ This page allows for the selection of what information should be written to the export file for SMTP sessions. The file is written in comma delimited format suitable for import into a spreadsheet or database. A check in the box next to an item will cause that item to be written to the export file. To disable all exporting of all these items simply place a check in the box labeled Disable all exporting of data ═══ 13. Spam Control ═══ By enabling spam control, you can filter out unwanted email before it is accepted by Inet.Mail. Both IP addresses and IP names may be entered. Wildcards are supported using the * character. To enable the feature, check the Enable spam control checkbox. Then enter the IP addresses and names and use the Add button. The Remove button will remove the highlighted address or name from the list of spammers. CAUTION: This feature will cause all mail from the listed domains to be rejected. ═══ 14. Relay Control ═══ Use this page to list the domains which can relay mail through your server. To enable, check the Enable relay control box. When unchecked, anyone may relay mail through your server. When this feature is enabled, only mail from hosts which are listed is relayed. Hosts not listed may only send mail which is going to a local user. By listing only your trusted domains, you eliminate spammers using your server to send their messages. The domains listed may be either IP names or addresses and wildcards using the * character are permitted. To add a name, type it in the entry field and then press the Add button. To remove an entry, hi-light it in the listbox and then press the Remove button. ═══ 15. Order Information ═══ To order your copy of Hethmon Brother's Inet.Mail Server, open the Order Form in the Inet.Mail folder. It contains all information necessary to register your copy. For the most up-to-date information, check on our web site at http://www.hethmon.com ═══ 16. System Requirements ═══ The following is the recommended minimum system configuration to run Hethmon Brother's Inet.Mail: Software: OS/2 Warp Connect with OS/2 Warp FixPack 17 MPTS Fix Level WR08210 TCP/IP Fix Level UN000067 or OS/2 Warp 4 with stack40.zip fixpack Hardware: 486/66 Mhz 32 meg ram SCSI Disk Subsystem recommended Note: These requirements depend greatly on your system load. The higher your volume of mail, the bigger the system should be. These are what we consider to be the minimum configuration for a small shop of 10-30 users with a mail volume of around 100-300 mail messages a day. ═══ 17. Registration Dialog Help ═══ Enter the registration code into the entry field. Insure that you type it exactly as you received it, including case. After entering your registration code, the shareware notice will no longer come up when you start Inet.Mail. ═══ 18. Command Line Options ═══ The following are all available command line options: -min The "-min" option will cause Inet.Mail to start minimized. Both sub-processes always start minimized. -l The "-l" option causes Inet.Mail to write error log files. Both sub-processes write error log files also. This option WILL slow down mail. Also note that these log files can get large rather quick. Use only if necessary. -nolist The "-nolist" option will remove both sub-processes from the window list. You will not be able to switch to either process or bring them up from the minimized state without a third party tool. -portpop The "-portpop" option will override the setting in the configuration notebook for the pop3 port to be used. -portsmtp The "-portsmtp" option will override the setting in the configuration notebook for the smtp port to be used. -vis The "-vis" option causes the Smtpd and Pop3d windows to start visible. !!!!!WARNING!!!!! Use the following debug options with great care. They should only be used to help isolate problems you are having with Inet.Mail, not as a normal part of operation. As noted, these options may change without notice between versions. Insure you know what their current function is before attempting to utilize them. If you have any questions, contact Hethmon Brothers for further assistance. -d1 Debugging switch. Currently causes local process windows to remain open after processing. Subject to change without notice. -d2 Debugging switch. Currently causes local process windows to open in the foreground. Subject to change without notice. -d3 Debugging switch. Currently not used. Subject to change without notice. !!!!!WARNING!!!!! Use the following mail processing options with great care. They have the ability to totally ruin your users' mail if mishandled. Read them carefully, and then read them carefully again. If you have any questions, contact Hethmon Brothers for further assistance. -allmail The "-allmail" option will force Inet.Mail to process all incoming mail through a local process of your choice. The local process used must be put in a file named "allmail" located in the Inet.Mail directory. The local process filename must be fully qualified or on your PATH statement as listed in the config.sys. The local process filename must be on the first line of the "allmail" file. Inet.Mail will pass this process two arguments. The first is a filename containing the address of the sender and the names of all the recipients. The second is the message file as received from the remote host. Nothing will have been added to it. Your process should add a "Received" line per RFC 821 during processing. The format of the first filename is: line numbers added for clarity only 1) from: sender 2) rcpt: number 3) rcptname 4) rcptname 5) ... The line numbers are not present in the file. This file is the spl file in the spool directory. The "sender" field will contain the Internet address of the sender. The "number" field is the number of recipients present. Starting on line 3, the recipients will be listed one per line. Be aware that the sender address can be empty. This is to prevent mail loops when other servers send error messages back. Your local process is responsible for removing both of these files when finished. The spool file MUST be removed first. This is very important. Inet.Mail creates the message file first for incoming mail. Deleting the message file first could result in filename clashes and bad data or the wrong files being deleted. In order for Inet.Mail to relay mail when this option is on, you must place the mail in the queue directory. The message information is placed in a file with the "que" extension while the message is placed in a file with a "msg" extension. The rest of the filename should match. The format of the que file is: line numbers for illustration only 1) time last tried 2) time entered into queue 3) sender 4) hostname 5) recipient 6) recipient 7) ... Both time fields are in seconds. The exact value is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00. This is the time returned by the C library call time(). The time last tried should be zero upon entry into the queue. The sender is the Internet address of the sender of the message as received in the spl file. The hostname field must contain the remote hostname to send the message to. The recipient names follow starting on line 5, one per line. -queue The "-queue" option will cause the queue thread to delay attempts to send mail when a flag file is present. When you wish the queue thread to NOT send the queued mail, place a file named "noqueue" in your Inet.Mail directory. If this file is present, the queue thread will not do any sends. -relay The "-relay" option will cause Inet.Mail to not immediately attempt to relay mail. It will place it in the queue directory instead. Local mail will still be delivered. This is controlled by a flag file being present. If you wish to have Inet.Mail NOT immediately relay mail, place a file called "norelay" in the Inet.Mail directory. When this file is found, mail will be queued. The -allmail option overrides the relay option. ═══ 19. About the Demonstration Version ═══ Thanks for taking the time to evaluate Hethmon Brother's Inet.Mail for OS/2. We think you'll be pleased with it's easy configuration and operation. If you like this product, please register it. More ordering information can be found here. A few words about the demonstration version. Once installed Inet.Mail will operate for 45 days unless a valid registration code is entered. The demonstration version is limited to 10 users and the IGate option is unavailable. If you have need to evaluate the full unlimited version and/or the IGate option, simply enter demolicense as the registration code. This will enable the unlimited version and the IGate option; however, it will not extend the 45 day limit. More information about Inet.Mail can be obtained by: 1) Reading the README.1ST file in the Inet.Mail directory. 2) Sending email to support@hethmon.com. 3) Sending email to sales@hethmon.com. or 4) Visiting our web site at http://www.hethmon.com ═══ 20. How Do I... ═══ How Do I... 1. Create a user alias 2. Create a domain alias 3. Configure DNS entries for Mail 4. Pass a message to a local process for delivery 5. Configure Inet.Mail for Dial-Up operation 6. Get additional help ═══ Add User Help ═══ All of the options on this page of the Add User Notebook are REQUIRED. They must be filled in to add a user. Real Name: Add the user's real name, i.e. Bob Jones User Name: Add the name the user will use to access their mail, i.e. bjones Note: If the home email directory is on a FAT drive, then the username can be no longer than 8 characters. Note: Usernames are not case-sensitive. Note: Usernames should be restricted to letters, numbers, dash, and underscore. Use of other characters maybe restricted by the SMTP standard. Password: Add the password the user will enter to access their mail. The password is case-sensitive. Home email directory: The path to directory in which you want this user's home directory to be stored. The user's home directory will be placed off of this directory. This path is set from the Virtual Domain configuration. Advanced Tab CC Tab ═══ Edit User Help ═══ From the User Name drop down box, select the user you wish to edit. After selecting the user, you may change that user's Real Name, Password, or Home email directory. Note: There is no way to rename a user. To make corrections to a user name you must first remove that user and then add the corrected user name. Note: By changing the email directory, any mail in the old directory will be lost to that user. For more information on the individual fields, look at the Add User Help. Advanced Tab CC Tab ═══ Remove User Help ═══ To remove a user, 1) Hi-light the user's name 2) Click the Remove button 3) Repeat as necessary for other users 4) Push OK to delete the users and close the dialog ═══ List User Help ═══ This dialog box will list all users in the active domain. ═══ ═══ Request for Comment 821. Postel, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", STD 10, RFC 821, USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1982. For more information on the RFC, look on either http://www.hethmon.com or http://ds.internic.net ═══ ═══ Request for Comment 1939. J. Myers, M. Rose, "Post Office Protocol - Version 3", 05/14/1996. For more information on the RFC, look on either http://www.hethmon.com or http://ds.internic.net ═══ Add/Edit User Help ═══ Password method: There are two options for the type of password authentication to use. Password: The default method. The password crosses the wire in plain text format. APOP Method: This will force the use of APOP authentication as specified in RFC 1939. The password is encrypted across the wire using this method. NOTE: In order to utilize the APOP method of password authentication, all client software must have the ability to use APOP. This method is not available with most client email packages on the market today. Forward mail: To have all the mail for this user automatically forwarded to another email account, click on this box and enter an email account in the entry field. For example, postmaster@company.com This is how to configure a user alias. For example, if you want the account sales to go to user bob, then create a user with name sales and select forward mail and enter bob's email address. Local process delivery: To have all mail for this user handled by a program other than Inet.Mail, click on this box and enter the full path to the program that will handle the incoming mail. For example, e:\local\local.exe The process started by local process delivery will have two parameters passed to it on the command-line when the server starts that process to handle the incoming mail. The first parameter will be the fully qualified user name of the recepient of the message. For example, bob@hethmon.com The second parameter will be the fully qualified filename of the file containing the actual message. For example, c:\temp\00000000.tmp. It is the responsibility of the local process to delete this temporary file once processing is complete. ═══ Add/Edit User Help (cc) ═══ CC mail: To have all the mail for this user automatically copied to another email account, click on this box and enter an email account in the entry field. For example, postmaster@company.com. Mail is still delivered to the user's account. Note: This feature has nothing to do with cc:Mail from IBM/Lotus. It is simply a method to allow a carbon copy of messages to be automatically forwarded to another email account. ═══ Create a user alias ═══ To create a user alias, follow these steps: 1) Create a user account with the name to be an alias. 2) Under the Advanced tab on that user, select the Forward option and place the email address of the real user in that field. This will pass all mail for the alias account into the real account. ═══ Create a domain alias ═══ To create a domain alias, follow these steps: 1) Open the Virtual Domain Aliases dialog from the main menu. 2) Type the domain alias you wish to add, into the Alias entry field. 3) Hit the Add button. This will add a domain alias to the configuration for Inet.Mail. By doing this, Inet.Mail will accept mail for users to this alias as if they were local users. A common use of this is to accept mail in the form bob@hethmon.com on the machine test.hethmon.com Without the domain alias, hethmon.com, mail would have to be of the form bob@test.hethmon.com ═══ Configure DNS entries for Mail ═══ Here's a scenario for configuring DNS for mail. This applies to Inet.Mail as well as any mail program. Given the situation: You wish your users to have mail addressed to them in the form of user@example.com You have two machines set up to receive mail. One is the primary mail server and the other is a backup in case the primary fails. So you have the following: example.com (used in actual addresses) mail1.example.com (is your primary) mail2.example.com (is your backup/secondary) You'll need your DNS to look like this: example.com. IN MX 10 mail1.example.com example.com. IN MX 20 mail2.example.com mail1.example.com. IN MX 10 mail1.example.com mail1.example.com. IN MX 20 mail2.example.com mail2.example.com. IN MX 10 mail2.example.com Here's how the mail will flow in this situation: A remote host has mail for user@example.com. It looks ups the entries and gets the first 2 MX records. Since mail1.example.com has the higher preference, the remote host will attempt to send to it first and then mail2.example.com second. Note: The machine mail1.example.com needs to know that example.com is an alias for itself. For more information on this, check out (How do I configure a domain alias) If the machine mail1.example.com is down, then the remote host will send the message to mail2.example.com. mail2.example.com will treat the incoming message as one which needs to be relayed. It will then try to send to mail1.example.com first. It then checks mail2.example.com but finds out that is itself and so discards that record (and any with higher preferences). As there are no further records, mail2.example.com will queue the message and attempt to forward it to mail1.example.com at a later time. This will insure that the message is delivered or that an appropriate bounce message is sent back to the originator of the message. ═══ Pass mail to local process ═══ There are two methods of passing mail to a local process: 1) Local process delivery of a user's mail. 2) Local process delivery of all mail using the IGate option. User Local Process In order to process mail through a local process for a user's mail, follow these steps: 1) Bring up the Edit User notebook. 2) Select the Advanced Tab. 3) Place a check mark in the Local Process Delivery box. 4) In the Local Process Delivery entry field, type the full path to the program that will do the local processing of the mail. For example, e:\inetmail\localdelivery.cmd. By doing this, all mail for this user will be passed on to the defined local process for delivery. Inet.Mail will NOT deliver this mail to the user's mailbox. If you wish to have this mail processes and then delivered, consider using the Inet.Mail REXX DLL's to place the processed message in the user's mailbox. For more information on the REXX DLL's visit http://www.hethmon.com/imrexx.html. IGATE Local Process If you wish to have all mail delivered through a local process, you may use the IGate option. This option can also be set to deliver local user's mail to their mailbox and pass any other mail to the local process you define. Follow these steps to use the IGate option: 1) Bring up the Virtual Domain Edit dialog. 2) Place a check next to the Enable gateway option box. 3) In the entry field enter the full path to the program that will handle local processing. For example, e:\inetmail\localdelievery.cmd. If you wish to still have Inet.Mail deliver local user's mail, place a check next to the Still deliver to local users box. This will force Inet.Mail to deliver to local users, but for mail to the domain or any defined aliases that there is not a local user defined for, mail will go through the defined local process delivery program. ═══ Get additional help ═══ There are several ways to obtain more information about Inet.Mail. We strongly suggest that you join the Inet.Mail mailing list for the latest information about the product. We place all of the latest announcements there. The list also serves as a general discussion forum with other Inet.Mail users. Subscription information can be found at: http://www.hethmon.com/imlist.html. A list of frequently asked questions is maintained on our web site at: http://www.hethmon.com/faq.html. Information about the rexx scripts may be found at: http://www.hethmon.com/imrexx.html. You may also email us at one of the following addresses: Sales Information: sales@hethmon.com Technical Questions: support@hethmon.com Also, for the latest information, service patches, etc be sure to check out our web site: http://www.hethmon.com. ═══ Configure Inet.Mail for Dial-Up Operation ═══ How to Set-up Inet.Mail for Dial-up Use Inet.Mail was designed for use on a network with full-time Internet connectivity. However, there are some features available to make it easier to use Inet.Mail in a dial-up situation. The latest information about dial-up support may be obtained at our site: http://www.hethmon.com/dialup.html 1. Outbound Mail In order to minimize your connect time, Inet.Mail can be set-up to queue your mail until you are connected and then send it all at one time. 1.1 Gateway Option In the Inet.Mail configuration notebook, you should check the use gateway box and enter your ISPs mail server machine in the entryfield marked gateway machine. When this option is checked, Inet.Mail will forward all mail through your ISPs machine instead of directly delivering the mail. This will minimize the amount of time needed to send the mail from your server to the Internet. 1.2 -relay Option Inet.Mail should be started with the -relay command-line option. When this option is used, Inet.Mail looks for a file called norelay in the inetmail directory. If this file is present, Inet.Mail will defer delivery of outbound mail when it is received from your users and instead place it into the queue directory. The contents of the norelay file do not matter, only its placement in the inetmail directory. Under normal circumstances, you should always have this file present. 1.3 -queue Option Inet.Mail should also be started with the -queue command-line option. When this option is used, Inet.Mail looks for a file named noqueue in the inetmail directory. If this file is present, the queue thread in Inet.Mail will not try to send queued messages. When the file is NOT present, Inet.Mail will try to send queued messages. By controlling the presence of this file, you are able to control when Inet.Mail delivers the queued outbound mail. This can be controlled by some OS/2 dialers or via a cron type program. A simple rexx script can even be used. In any event, it should be tied into your dial-up connections. When your dial-up connection is made, the noqueue file should be deleted from the inetmail directory. The queue thread in Inet.Mail operates on a 5 minute cycle. Every 5 minutes, it will wake up and check the queue directory for mail to deliver. So your connection time to your ISP will have to be a minimum of 5 minutes in order for Inet.Mail to *start* to deliver the queued mail. The amount of time it takes to actually deliver the mail will depend on the number of messages and their size. The messages are delivered consecutively. This is the reason to always use the gateway option. Once the mail is delivered, the noqueue file should be created again and then the dial-up connection can be broken. 2. Incoming Mail There are several different ways in which incoming mail can be delivered. 2.1 By your ISP With a cooperating ISP, you can have your ISP act as a secondary MX host for your domain. This means remote systems will first try to deliver mail to you directly and then fall back to delivering through your ISPs machine (the secondary MX record). The ISP in this case must be able to determine when you make a dial-up connection and activate their mail server to deliver your queued mail at that time. This is the cleanest way of handling it. Each user at your domain is guaranteed all mail will come to them. Some of the other methods have drawbacks due to limitations in the Internet email system in this regard. Newer email systems support this option using the ETRN command. If your ISP's software supports ETRN, then you may obtain a simple command line utility from Hethmon Brothers to send this single. Please contact technical support for full details. 2.2 Multiple POP3 Accounts at your ISP This is the second best choice to retrieve your mail. Your ISP maintains POP3 accounts for each of the users on your system. Mail is then retrieved via POP3 protocol for each user and placed into the users mailbox in Inet.Mail. Inet.Mail does not provide direct support for this at this time. Our customers using this method have been successful in using an email client such as PMMail or Post Road Mailer to fetch mail and then process through a rexx script to place into the local mailboxes. We provide two rexx dlls, HRxMail.dll and HRxPass.dll, to aid in this. With this option, the email client retrieves the mail and processes it via a rexx script. The rexx script simply takes each email message and places it into the appropriate user's mailbox using the rexx dll's. We hope to have some example scripts available shortly. 2.3 Single POP3 Account at your ISP This is the last choice available. This choice is similar to the multiple POP3 accounts choice. Your ISP only maintains a single mailbox for all of your accounts though. This can be a problem when determining who the mail is for. If the mail comes from a mailing list, it most often does not contain the recipients name in the email message itself. Your rexx scripts (per above), must know some extra knowledge in order to properly store the mail in the correct mailbox. This might be the list name in a header or by using the "from" address in the message. Some ISP's help you in this task by placing what is called the "envelope recipient" name in the email message. A common header for this is "X-Envelope-To". If this information is provided in some way, then your rexx script can use it to determine the local user. Other than this problem, the processing is the same as for the multiple POP3 accounts. We don't currently directly support the actions to accomplish this, but instead recommend using an email client with an automated script to process the received mail. We do hope to provide sample scripts in the near future. 3. Future Options Hethmon Brothers is aware of the need for more integration of Inet.Mail for solving this problem. We hope to provide a free POP3 agent in the future to automate retrieval of mail from your ISP. Please check with us on availability. Currently, we have a POP3 agent to retrieve mail and a sample REXX script to use with it. Please contact technical support for more information about it. 4. More Resources Please be sure to join the Inet.Mail mailing list for the latest information about the product. We place all of the latest announcements there. The list also serves as a general discussion forum with other Inet.Mail users. Subscription information can be found at http://www.hethmon.com/imlist.html. Information about the rexx scripts may be found at: http://www.hethmon.com/imrexx.html. ═══ Virtual Domain - Add ═══ This dialog is used to create a virtual domain. In order to support virtual domains, you must configure your machine with multiple IP addresses. We recommend OS/2 Warp 4 for this since the ifconfig.exe command accepts the alias switch to do this. This allows you to configure multiple IP addresses on a single physical adapter. Once configured, you enter the virtual domain information into this dialog. In the Domain name field, enter the fully qualified domain name associated with the IP address given in the IP address field. The domain name should resolve to the IP address in the DNS (an A record). The Directory location field specifies where the per domain information files are kept. The password and aliases files are kept in this directory. The User's home directory location field shows where user directories will be created for this domain. Each user in a domain has a directory created with the same name to hold their email. On FAT disks, this limits usernames to 8 characters. The Enable Igate option is used to divert all incoming mail for this domain through a local process you specify. You may also check the Still deliver to locally defined users box to have mail still delivered to those usernames defined on the system. All other usernames will be processed through the local process. The local process is started with two command line arguments. First is the fully qualified username including the domain; second is the name of a temporary file containing the email message. It is the responsibility of the local process to delete this temporary file or otherwise dispose of it. If you feel your needs would be met by the Igate option, please feel free to contact technical support for more information about it. ═══ Virtual Domain - Edit ═══ The edit virtual domain dialog is used to edit the virtual domain information. Detailed information is available in the Virtual Domain Add section. Domain name. The fully qualified domain name. IP Address. The dotted decimal address. Directory Location. Location for per domain files. User's home directory location. The location to create user mail directories. Enable Igate option. Used to force all incoming mail through a local process delivery. Still deliver to locally defined users. Overrides Igate for user accounts which are defined. Unknown user mail is still processed through the Igate process. Local process. The local process to run. ═══ Virtual Domain - List ═══ This dialog box lists the domain names of all defined virtual domains. ═══ Virtual Domain - Remove ═══ This dialog is used to remove a virtual domain. Hi-light the desired domain and then press the Remove button. When finished, press the Done button to delete the domains. ═══ Virtual Domain - Select ═══ This dialog allows you to select which virtual domain is currently active. It may be accessed from many of the other dialogs and notebooks in Inet.Mail. ═══ VIrtual Domain - Aliases ═══ For each virtual domain you support, alias names should be entered in this dialog. An alias name is one which should be considered the same as the domain name for determining local users. As an example, consider the domain name warp.hethmon.com. With this domain name we can receive mail as user@warp.hethmon.com. But we also want to be able to receive mail as user@moe.hethmon.com. To do this moe.hethmon.com must be listed as an alias. To add an alias, enter the name in the entry field and press the Add button. To remove an alias, hi-light the entry in the list box and press the Remove button. Once done, press the OK button to save your changes. There is no limit on the number of aliases for a domain.