# Illustrative Trustfile for the Internet Junkbuster # # Copyright 1997 Junkbusters Corporation. For distribution, modification and # use under the GNU General Public License. These files come with NO WARRANTY. # See http://www.junkbusters.com/ht/en/gpl.html or the README file for details. # For more detail, see http://www.junkbusters.com/ht/en/ijbman.html#trustfile # # This is like parsed exactly like a blockfile, except that a '+' # in column one is treated like a '~' (i.e. doesn't block) and # it adds the spec to the trusted-referer list. # # Also, the default is to block any URL that is NOT mentioned on this list. # # While browsing, the domains for URLs that are referred by a trusted referer # are added to this list. Thus this acts as a "white-list" of OK places # to browse. Note this means that the file will grow longer with use. # # Example: to allow only links that came from yahooligans, uncomment this line # +yahooligans.com # and remove the last line (* alone), which unblock everything: *