═══ 1. Overview ═══ InterFTP is a FTP client. Its main purpose is to transfer files between your computer and a server or between two servers. The features include: 32-Bit multithreaded PM application . Drag and drop support. Simple configuration. Address book with support for unlimited number of folders and sites. Drag and drop between folders. Ability to save the directory tree of an FTP site to speed up navigation during future visits to the site. Scripting support. Firewall support. Anti-Disconnect support. Server full redial. Queuing up of files to transfer. Server to server transfers (FXP) Multiple simultanious connections. Sites and local drives appear in Tree Views for easy navigation. Recursive directory loading and transfers on the servers. Online help Easy installation Low Price! And much more... ═══ 2. Requirements ═══ For InterFTP to run it requires: OS/2 Warp 3.x or greater TCP/IP Internet Access Kit Mouse ═══ 3. Configuration ═══ The configuration dialog is very simple at this point. There are only two things that can be configured. Email Address Your internet email address should be placed in this field. The reason for this is so that when you click on the password or login field in the address book it can fill in the anonymous login and use your email address as a password. Check Drive Access on Servers Some FTP servers are run off systems such as OS/2 or Windows that use drive letters like C:, D:, etc. If this option is checked then InterFTP will check for access to the root level of all the drives on the FTP server. ═══ 4. Basic Program Layout ═══ This is a bried description of the layout of InterFTP. InterFTP is divided in to two main sides. The left side is known as the local side. It contains the drive and directory structure for the local system. The right side is known as the remote side. It contains all the active FTP sessions. Each FTP session on the right side is denoted as a branch off the base of the list. Below the the local and remote lists are two bars. On the left side is the shredder. This is where items can be dragged in order to delete them. On the right hand side is the status entry for the FTP sessions. Only one session at a time is shown in this log. To switch sessions either use the arrow buttons to go through them or right click on the white part for a popup index. Below the two lists and the bars is a log of the session. This shows which commands are going to the server and the replies it is sending back. Only one server at a time is displayed in this log. To see a different server in the log window right click for a popup index or use the arrow buttons as described above. Finally there are the adjuster bars. These help to configure how much of each list or the log that will be displayed. These bars are proportional so if the window is resized the same percentage for each part will still show. The positions of the bars are saved upon exit and will take effect the next time the program loads. ═══ 5. Address Book ═══ The address book is where FTP sites are stored. It allows for password storing and configuration of how InterFTP will act once it connects to the server. The sites list is organized in a "Tree View" where folders and subfolders can exist. In each folder can be an unlimited number of FTP site entries. The entries in the sites list can be dragged from one folder to another and they will move. Folders can be dragged to any other folder except child folders and they will also move. Below are some comments about the addition of new sites. If the description field is not filled in then the address for the site will appear in the list to the left. If you double clich in either the login or password field it will automaticly fill in the login field with the word anonymous and the password field with your email address. Make sure your email address has been entered in the configuration dialog. The local and remote directory fields specify the starting locations in the list once InterFTP connects to the server. The script is the full path to an InterFTP script. See Scripting for more information. Save Dir Tree will save the entire directory tree of the server upon logout if checked. This will allow for faster navigation of the site upon your next connection. Enable Firewall will make all connection passive to the server. This should be checked if you are behind a firewall. Server full redial will reattempt connecting to the server if it is full. ═══ 6. Drag and drop ═══ Drag and drop is used throughout InterFtp. There are certains ways that different objects can be dragged. If these shortcuts get confusing there are always right click popup menus that are available for each item in the list. Some drag operations are effected by the CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT key being held down. Below is an explaination of these keys effect. CTRL: The operation will be performed recursively to all the files. Paths will be preserved for some operations such as PUT. ALT: The operation will be performed recursively to all the files. Paths will not be preserved for some operations such as PUT. SHIFT: The operation will be performed to only the tagged files. The SHIFT key can be held down in conjunction with the CTRL or ALT key. Source: Local File Targets: Remote upload queue Remote directory Shredder Source: Local Directory Targets: Remote upload queue Remote directory Shredder Key Options: CTRL, ALT, SHIFT Source: Remote directory Targets: FXP Queue Remote download queue Local directory Shredder Key Options: CTRL, ALT, SHIFT Source: Remote File Targets: FXP Queue Remote download queue Local directory Shredder Source: Remote download queue Targets: Local directory Shredder Key Options: CTRL, ALT, SHIFT Source: Remote upload queue Targets: Remote directory Shredder Key Options: CTRL, ALT, SHIFT ═══ 7. Server to Server (FXP) Transfers ═══ One of the neatest features of InterFTP to use is the FXP support. Using FXP means that you are transferring files directory from one server to another without the data passing through your machine. For people with slow internet connections this can be a drastic advantage. Usually this feature is used to pull data from a remote server to an FTP server that your Internet Server Provider (ISP) runs. Then you can download it from this site which is closer and will provide for a faster transfer time. Below is a basic outline of how FXP transfers should be conducted. First off you need to be connected to at least two FTP servers. Next load a directory of files on one of the servers by either dragging them or use the right click menus to add the files to the FXP Queue. Then go to a directory on the other server. Either drag the FXP Queue icon on top of this directory if they are both visible on the page, or right click on the target directory and choose upload FXP queue. ═══ 8. Scripting ═══ InterFTP has basic scripting abilities to allow you to automate those tasks that must be repetitively done. The script file is specified in the address book for each site. In the script field simply put the complete path to the location of the script. The script file is simply a plain text file. Each line is a command that is executed one after another. Below is a list of the commands and the parameters for them. BINARY Sets the current transfer mode to binary. ASCII Sets the current transfer mode to ascii. CDREMOTE Changes the current directory on the remote drive to the specified path. All other commands such as MGET *.* would take place from this directory. It is highly recommended that this command be issued at least once in each script. CDLOCAL Changes the current directory on the local drive to the specified path. All other commands such as MPUT *.* would be taken from this directory. GET Gets a file from the remote system and stores it on the local system in the directory specified from the last CDLOCAL command. PUT Puts a file from the local system to the remote system in the directory specified from the last CDREMOTE command. MGET This command gets a wildcard full of files that match the specification. If the R is specified as the second parameter then it will do a recursive GET. MPUT This command puts a wildcard full of files that match the specification. If the R is specified as the second parameter then it will do a recursive PUT. QUIT This command will logout of the FTP server and shut down InterFTP once all other FTP sessions are finished. MKDIR This command will make the specified path on the remote server. RMDIR This command will remove the specified path on the remote server. The path must be entirely empty of files. If subdirectories exist and are empty they will also be removed. DELDIR This command will delete all the files in the directory specified by the path parameter. DEL This command will delete the filename specified as the parameter. MDEL This command will delete all the files that match the specification. If the R parameter is specified it will delete all the files recursively. LOGOUT This command will logout of the FTP server. WAIT This command will cause InterFTP to wait a certain number of milliseconds (specified in that parameter) until it continues with the script. The number of milliseconds should not exceed 30000. ═══ 9. Trademarks and Copyrights ═══ The following is a list of trademarks and copyrights used in this program. All rights are reserved. InterFTP is Copyright (c) 1996 by Revolutionary Software, Inc. OS/2 is Copyright (c) 1987, 1995 by IBM Corporation All others not mentioned are trademarks or copyrighted by their respectful companies. ═══ 10. How to report a bug ═══ Bugs are bound to happen in every program and the only way to get them fixed is if the users report them. To fix a bug we need an effective bug report. Below are a list of components that we need for a bug report to be effective and allow us to fix it. 1. What FTP server where you logged in to? Please provide the actual address so we can perform the login. 2. Was the login anonymous? 3. What action where you performing that caused the bug. Was the action you performed on a file, directory, or link? 4. What error messages did you see in the log? 5. Did the program produce any SYS error messages? 6. Make sure your email has a valid return address so we can respond to you and let you know the status of the fix. Types of bugs you might find: Simple bugs in InterFTP are bound to occur because there are many FTP servers out there. Each of these servers has a characteristic way of acting. Since there are so many server types available we could not find and test them all. However, nugs related to unsupported server types of easily fixed. Eventually every type of FTP server will be found and correctly supported. Where to send bug reports: Please email all bug reports to jtew@mindspring.com ═══ 11. Technical support ═══ Revolutionary Software, Inc. can be contacted by Email - jtew@mindspring.com WWW - http://www.ixworld.com/iftp/iftp.html FTP - ftp://ftp.ixworld.com/iftp/ Telephone - (770) 906-9653 . ═══ 12. Registration ═══ InterFTP v1.x registration form InterCom is Copyright (c) 1996 by Jonathan Tew. All Rights Reserved. Note: InterCom is distributed via BMT Micro. BMT Micro is in no other way affiliated with Revolutionary Software or InterCom. Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (Orders only) (910) 791-7052 (Orders / Order Inquires) Fax Orders: (800) 346-1OS2 (1672) 24 hours, 7 days a week Online Orders via BBS: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 28.8k v.FC via Compuserve: Thomas Bradford, 74031,307 via Internet: orders@bmt.wilmington.net We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Diner's Club, money order, cashiers checks, and personal checks. We also accept DM and British currency via registered mail. Personal checks are subject to clearance. We accept purchase orders from educational institutions, governmental agencies and other verifiable businesses. Terms are "Due Upon Receipt" with a $250 minimum. Name: ____________________________________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State/Province: __________________ Country: ____________________________ Postal Code: __________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________ Product Price Quantity Total -------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Funds below specified in US dollars ) _InterFTP v1.x__________________ $_29.99__ x ________ = $____.___ ________________________________ $________ x ________ = $____.___ ________________________________ $________ x ________ = $____.___ ________________________________ $________ x ________ = $____.___ ________________________________ $________ x ________ = $____.___ Subtotal: $____.___ North Carolina residents, please add 6% sales tax: +$____.___ Shipping (check one): ___ Email (subject to credit card verification Free ___ Fax (subject to credit card verification Free ___ 1st Class ................................. 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Empfanger: Thomas Bradford Konto-Nummer: 0860221 Bankleitzahl: 500-700-10 After depositing the money, you can fax confirmation of the deposit to 910-350-2937 along with the registration form -or- you can wait until we are notified by Deutsche Bank that your deposit has been made, usually within 7-10 days.