v1.01 o Fixed the SYS error message caused by reading the address book at the same time the drives were being checked. o If a link resolves to a directory that is already in the tree somewhere else and the resolve directory is loaded, the data will no longer appear in the other directory. ftp.cdrom.com and boris.infomagic.com had problems related to this. v1.02 o Added support for IBM's FTPD server. The parser didn't like the output from the dir command with this server. o Fixed packaging .cmd file which grabbed the incorrect registration form. The correct register.txt is now included in the archive. o The local file view was accidently deleting the file from the hard disk after viewing because it thought it was a temp file. o Permission denied on the delete processed correctly now. o Added toggle to install program to decide if the default .ini file will be installed. This allows the option to not have your previous version's .ini overwritten. v1.03 o Fixed upload/download/list problems with Windows NT FTP servers. v1.04 o Fixed problem with accepting the connection from the server. This would often InterFTP to become stuck retrieving directory lists, upload, and download. v1.05 o You probably have been wondering what I have been working on for so long. Well here is the beginning of it. We have written a custom treeview control which removes the limitations that OS/2's container control has. We have replaced only the address book container with the new treeview in this version so that we can have a wide scale test of the new control and see if it is functioning like it should. The next version will use the new treeview control for the file listings. This new control allows scrolling during drag/drop and selection operations. It also supports multiple selection of items. v1.06 o Fixed bug in treeview control with the double click over the expand/collapse button. It was sending the double click message causing a connection to the site instead of just expanding/collapsing the branch. o Fixed a bug in the drawing of the connecting lines between items in certain circumstances. o Fixed redraw bug in the treeview which caused vertical scroll bar to be overdrawn by items in the treeview. o Enhanced redraw of the blank spaces between the horizontal scroll bars in the treeview. o Added support for enter and carriage return keys in the treeview. They have the same effect as double clicking on an item. o Fixed the popup menu, on the remote directory list, not highlighting the queue command when an entry in the local list was not selected. o Fixed some of the local listing popup menus from being highlighted when they shouldn't have been. o Finally fixed the problems with WindowsNT FTPD. I made the mistake of testing InterFTP on ftp.microsoft.com Come to find out that isn't NT FTPD that they are running. It is a hacked version of something like NetBSD which reports Windows_NT 4.0 when the SYST command is issued. Just goes to show you that microsoft knows their stuff can't handle it. o Enhanced algorithm that checks for duplicate entries while adding a group of files to the upload/download queue. o Fixed a bug in the treeview delete function. It was incorrectly deleting the last item in the root directory. o Fixed bug in the function that adds an entire path to the treeview. This wasn't apparent in prior versions because they didn't have the new treeview. o Replaced the OS/2 container control with the new custom treeview control. o Simplified the popup menus. o There is no longer tagging of files by double clicking because multiple selection is supported by the treeview control directly now. o The last column in the treeview will always be as wide as possible now. o The highlighting bar for a column is only as wide as the text now. o Fixed bug in the loading of a saved FTPD directory structure. If there was no saved directory and the path where IFTP has installed wasn't a FAT 8.3 filename then it would take the HPFS path and create the FAT equivalent. o Some servers did not understand the SYST command. In this situation we now assume it is a unix type server. This stops the hangup that InterFTP had with a server running on a SunOS machine. o Added Load (normal and recursive) option to the remote directory popup menu. v1.07 o Fixed bug in changing to the starting directory in a site. ftp.wilmington.net had a link for the starting directory "/bmtmicro" which confused InterFTP. Now it issues the CWD command and if successful sends the PWD command to find out the actual path. o Some machines running IBM's FTPD were generating an error message for DosOpen if a LIST X: (Where X is the drive letter) was performed. To solve this problem a \ is appended when dir for a root directory on any drive is performed. o Fixed the SYS3175 caused when queuing a file. o The options on the popup menu take effect on all the selected items now. If no item is selected then the item underneath where the mouse is right clicked is selected. If two types of items (i.e. dir and file) are selected then the popup menu for the first item is selected. The other selected items that aren't of the same type are ignored. o Multiple sites can now be selected in the address book. When the connect button is pushed it will log in to all the selected sites. v1.08 o Fixed a minor drawing bug in the treeview when multiple lines for each entry. o Made a seperate child window in the treeview control that is used for the painting of the tree. This allows us to now paint the partially visible items. o Added feature to load description files, such as 00-index.txt, from the server and place the descriptions in a column. The loading of the descriptions can be done manually from the popup menu for a remote directory. You can also toggle a checkbox in the address book to have it automaticly load them for you for a specific server. If you have a fast connection then this option is great for sites like ftp.cdrom.com o Vertical scroll bar in treeview control now disappears when it isn't needed. o The individual scroll bars for the columns in the treeview control are now only visible only when necessary. o Added support for MudOS FTPD, but there is a bug in the MUD I did the testing on which caused the FTPD to chop parts of the filenames when it transferred them. This isn't a problem with InterFTP so everything should be fine once the author of that MUD fixes the problem. o Added an overall horizontal scroll bar. This bar should be used when branches of the tree are expanded and the right hand columns are not viewable. o Fixed the calculation of the actual string length of a text column during drawing. o Modified the code which expands the last column in the treeview to take in to account the largest item in the column. That way it only expands it when it needs to be. v1.09 o Fixed a bug caused by the automatic expansion/contraction of the last column when the treeview is sized. If it was scrolled and the size of the column was increased so that the scroll bar wasn't needed it would disappear and you couldn't scroll the text back to normal position. Now it resets the scroll position to zero if the scroll is hidden. o Worked out some of the bugs with the tracking of the current position in the treeview control caused by inserting/deleting items. This will hopefully remove the problem of not being able to scroll back up to the top of the list. o Fixed another bug with the current position indicater for the scroll bar. The position should have been recalculated each time the list was sorted. o Added batch delete functions to the treeview control which helped to optimize the deleting of large numbers of items. o Found and fixed a memory allocation error in the log window code. o Added a notebook control to store the listboxes which serve as logs. This makes it much easier to navigate between the logs than before. The tabs on the notebook are also alphabetized. v1.10 o A presentation space handle that was created to measure the font size wasn't released. o Fixed the sys3175 if you right click on the treeview where an item isn't located. o Added the rename function for remote files. o Fixed some bugs in the Make Path function that had to deal with the base path. o Fixed bug when deleting a directory including subdirectories. It wasn't removing the long paths first. o Fixed bug with InterFTP not responding after a permission denied message was received when trying to get a file. v1.11 o All paths and filenames for FAT drives now appear in lowercase instead of uppercase. o Fixed a bug in the change directory command when a SunOS FTPD produced a result code of 500 instead of 550 when trying to change to a directory that didn't exist. This was mainly experienced during the making of a directory on the SunOS FTPDs. o Fixed the problem with the 500 result code for the MKD command. o Also fixed a bug in the make path function. On unix machines it wasn't making the path because it wasn't starting with the first directory after the root / o Added a manual connect dialog box so that entries that might only be connected to once don't have to be added to the address book. v1.12 o Fixed a minor problem found just after the 1.11 release v1.13 o Fixed a major bug. The ID of the system was being incorrectly stored during a drag operation. This caused things like downloads, etc. to appear like they weren't working. v1.14 o Fixed the "disappearing address book entries" bug. The problem was that data in that is stored in .ini files can not be greater than 64K. The address book entries were crossing this boundary if the user added a few more entries beyond the default address book. To solve this problem we now store the folders and entries in two seperate files named abfolder.dat and abentry.dat