═══ 1. Sound Scheme Manager ═══ Sound Scheme Manager 1.0 Copyright ╕ 1997 David J. van Enckevort Sound Scheme Manager is a program to manage the Sound Schemes found in OS/2 Warp 4.0. This program can perform the following functions. Create new Sound Schemes Edit existing Sound Schemes Test play sound files for use in Sound Schemes Delete Sound Schemes This program was written by David J. van Enckevort and is released as Freeware under the following conditions: 1. The copyright on this program remains the property of the author, David J. van Enckevort. 2. This program is distributed 'as is'. No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. You may use it at your own risk. The author will not be liable for data loss, loss of profits or any other kind of loss caused by the use of, or inability to use this program. 3. You are granted a license to use this program, you do not own this program and any right that is not explicitly granted to you in these conditions is reserved to the author. 4. You may not reverse compile this program or alter it in any way. 5. You may distribute this program freely, as long as you don't ask money for the program. A small fee for mailing and a diskette is allowed. Also you may distribute this program only in its original zip file. 6. You may not distribute this program as part of a set of programs, or in any other way combined with other programs without prior permission of the author. 7. By using this program you accept these conditions. ═══ 1.1. Known bugs & limitations ═══ This is the initial release of this program. This program was written in one day, and released the next day. The core function, however where copied from another REXX program that I wrote before, and are well tested. The program is not tested with other versions of OS/2 Warp 4.0 than the International English version. It might, or might not work with other versions. At the moment I am aware of the following bugs and limitations. 1. No checking is done on the files, it is possible to select files that aren't WAVAudio files. 2. There is no possibility to select no sound for an action. 3. You can't type the filename in the sound entryfield. 4. When you change from an edited, but not saved Sound Scheme to another scheme the Sound Scheme list will not be updated. 5. You can delete all Sound Schemes. 6. You can save a new Sound Scheme without a sound assigned to each action. 7. When you create a new Sound Scheme, to each action ERROR: will be assigned. 8. When selecting a sound after your first selection the file dialog doesn't open in the previously selected directory. If you want to report bugs or if you have features requests, you can contact me by E-Mail. Please send your E-mail to the following address: enckevor@dds.nl. ═══ 1.2. Contacting the author ═══ If you have any questions or remarks on this program, or if you want to report bugs or send features requests, you can contact the author by E-Mail. Please send your E-mail to the following address: enckevor@dds.nl ═══ 2. Managing Sound Schemes with Sound Scheme Manager ═══ This section explains how to work with Sound Scheme Manager to manage your Sound Schemes. ═══ 2.1. Creating a New Sound Scheme ═══ You can create a new Sound Scheme by executing the following steps: 1. Press the New button 2. Type the name of the Sound Scheme and press Ok 3. Assign a sound file to each of the actions (See assigning a sound file to an action) 4. Save the Sound Scheme by pressing the Save button This version of the program doesn't have much error checking, so you must take care that a sound file is assign to every action, otherwise you can unpredictable results. ═══ 2.2. Assigning a sound file to an action ═══ You can easily assign a new sound file to an action. Just press the File button and use the standard file dialog to select the sound file. The sound file has to be a WAVAudio file (.wav extension). You can't type in the filename in the Sound entryfield (yet). ═══ 2.3. Save a Sound Scheme ═══ If you have created a new Sound Scheme, or edited a Sound Scheme you can save your work easily by pressing the Save button. The Sound Scheme is saved in the System INI file and is directly available in the Sound Properties Notebook found in the Setup folder. ═══ 2.4. Deleting a Sound Scheme ═══ If you really hate a Sound Scheme you can delete it by pressing the Delete button. But note, once you have confirmed the deletion there is no way back besides recreating the Sound Scheme manually, so don't use this function easily. ═══ 2.5. Test play a sound file ═══ If you want to know how a sound sounds, you can press the Play button. The program will play the file completely and at the default volume, there is no possibilty to stop playing. ═══ 2.6. Selecting another Sound Scheme ═══ You can select a Sound Scheme by clicking on the arrow of the combination box and click on a Sound Scheme from the drop down list. If you hadn't saved your Sound Scheme before you will be asked whether the Sound Scheme must be saved. ═══ 2.7. Selecting actions ═══ You can select actions to assign a sound to by clicking on the name of the action in the action list. If you click on an action the sound that is assign wil appear in the sound entryfield so you can change it or test play it. ═══ 3. System actions ═══ This section explains the system actions to which you can assign a sound with Sound Scheme Manager ═══ 3.1. Begin drag ═══ This is the sound that you hear when you start dragging an icon on the desktop or in a folder. ═══ 3.2. End drag ═══ This is the sound that you hear when you drop an icon on the desktop or in a folder. ═══ 3.3. Opening window (animated) ═══ This is the sound that you hear when you open a window (a program or a folder) and you have enabled animations in the System properties notebook (on the window page) in the Setup folder. ═══ 3.4. Closing window (animated) ═══ This is the sound that you hear when you close a window (a program or a folder) and you have enabled animations in the System properties notebook (on the window page)in the Setup folder. ═══ 3.5. System Startup ═══ This is the sound that you hear when you turn on the computer and the desktop appears. ═══ 3.6. System Shutdown ═══ This is the sound that you hear when you shutdown the system. ═══ 3.7. Information ═══ This is the sound that you hear when a information dialog pops up (a dialog with a question mark or an information symbol) ═══ 3.8. Warning ═══ This is the sound that you hear when a warning dialog pops up or when you try to do something that is impossible (like scrolling down a window when you're already at the bottom). ═══ 3.9. Error ═══ This is the sound that you hear when a error dialog pops up. ═══ 3.10. Printer Error ═══ This is the sound that you hear when the system can't send a job to the printer, because the printer is offline or if the printer returns an error. ═══ 3.11. Lockup ═══ This is the sound that you hear when you lockup (blank out the screen) the system (select lockup now in the desktop popup meny). ═══ 3.12. Alarm Clock ═══ This is the sound for the alarm of the system clock (See properties notebook of the system clock) ═══ 3.13. Shred ═══ This is the sound that you hear when you delete a file or drop a file on the shredder when you have enable animations in the system properties notebook (on the window page)