═══ 1. Product information ═══ WebWriter/2 Version 1.2 An HTML editor for OS/2 Don't write Home without it! Written by John Blumel. Copyright (c) 1995, 1997 John Blumel. All rights reserved. WebWriter/2 is an HTML editor designed and written for OS/2. Starting with v1.2, WebWriter/2 is distributed as Freeware and no registration is necessary to use it. WebWriter/2 now supports the creation of HTML version 3.2 documents. It also includes the capability for the user to define tags which are not currently supported, allowing users to include vendor extensions or tags from more future HTML specifications. You can markup documents by selecting elements from menus or from the Tag manager dialog. WebWriter/2 provides drag & drop Workplace Shell integration and allows configuration of multiple applications to preview your HTML documents. Thank you for trying WebWriter/2. I hope you find it both useful and easy to use. If you have suggestions for enhancements or useability improvements, or if you discover defects in WebWriter/2, please contact me through one of the methods listed under Technical Support. Additional product information is available on the following topics:  License agreement  Technical support and contacting the author Acknowledgements: Special thanks to my wife, Miriam Corti, for creating the WebWriter/2 icons. ═══ 1.1. License agreement ═══ WebWriter/2 Use WebWriter is Freeware and may be used by any individual, organization or company without restriction. WebWriter/2 Distribution You may make copies of and freely distribute WebWriter/2 subject to the following conditions.  You must include all of the files and only the files that were part of the original distribution copy of WebWriter/2 which you obtained.  If you give a copy of WebWriter/2 to another person you must inform them of the restrictions stated in the WebWriter/2 Evaluation section above.  You may not sell or distribute WebWriter/2 for a fee in excess of the costs actually incurred in doing so without the express written consent of the author. Limitations on Liability THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE AUTHOR (John Blumel) BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR ITS DOCUMENTATION. ═══ 1.2. Technical support and contacting the author ═══ Requests for technical support, suggestions or bug reports should be directed to: jblumel@acm.org Or: John Blumel 1949 Green Oak Drive Terrytown, LA 70056 USA ═══ 2. Using WebWriter/2 ═══ WebWriter/2 allows you to create HTML documents from scratch or to markup existing text documents. Full support is provided for the creation of HTML version 3.2 documents. WebWriter/2 also includes the capability for the user to define tags which are not currently supported, allowing users to include tags from more recent HTML specifications or to define customized versions of existing tags. Full support is also provided for the ISO-Latin-1 character set through menu options and the Character manager dialog. You can edit multiple documents at once as well as preview your documents using the WWW client of your choice. At least some knowledge of HTML is assumed and no syntax checking of documents is performed. For information on a specific topic select one of the following:  Inserting HTML tags  Inserting HTML attributes  Inserting character entities  Editing multiple documents  Previewing documents  HTML information ═══ 2.1. Inserting HTML tags ═══ To insert HTML tags, select the desired tag from the Tags menu. Tags which have additonal or optional elements may present the user with a dialog prompting for the necessary information. You can select tags and markup your text as you write it or you can first create the content for your HTML document and then focus on its presentation. Prompting for some HTML elements is optional. This is indicated by a [...] following the menu item text. You will be prompted for these items only when you hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the item. This allows you to work more quickly by bypassing the dialogs most of the time, yet, still providing access to prompting when you request it. Additional tags may be defined and inserted using the Tag manager dialog. The Tag manager dialog can be displayed by selecting the Tags/More tags... menu option. When inserting HTML tags, selected text will be wrapped by the tag if it is two sided. One sided tags are inserted before selected text. ═══ 2.2. Inserting HTML attributes ═══ To insert HTML attributes, select the desired attributes from the Attributes menu. Attributes which have additional or optional elements may present the user with a dialog prompting for the necessary information. By providing support for HTML attributes separate from their associated tags, WebWriter/2 allows you the flexibility of being able to easily modify your documents formatting without having to resort to either typing the attributes in manually or having to first delete then reapply tags in order to change their attributes. Prompting for some HTML attributes is optional. This is indicated by a [...] following the menu item text. You will be prompted for these items only when you hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the item. This allows you to work more quickly by bypassing the dialogs most of the time, yet, still providing access to prompting when you request it. HTML attributes are inserted before selected text. ═══ 2.3. Inserting character entities ═══ Character entities from the ISO-Latin-1 character set can be inserted by selecting the desired character entity or character accent from the Characters menu. Additional character entities are available in the Character manager dialog. The Character manager dialog can be accessed by selecting the Characters/More characters... menu option. Character entities are inserted before selected text. ═══ 2.4. Editing multiple documents ═══ WebWriter/2 uses a MSDI (Multiple Single Document Interface) method of editing multiple documents. You can open as many WebWriter/2 windows as you want as long as you can keep track of what you are doing. To open another WebWriter/2 window, select Windows/New window. To help manage your open documents you can display the WebWriter/2 Window manager. You can do this by selecting Windows/Window manager or by selecting it from the OS/2 window list. You can manage the open Edit windows by selecting options from the Window manager Windows menu or from the Window manager context menu. You can copy and paste selected text or entire documents from one Edit window to another by simply dragging from the source to the target window. ═══ 2.5. Previewing documents ═══ WebWriter/2 allows you to preview your HTML documents in the WWW client of your choice. The preview function will start the preview application you have selected and load the current document. If you are using the IBM WebExplorer or Netscape Navigator as your preview application and there is already a copy of running, WebWriter/2 will load the document into this already open window rather than starting a new copy of the program every time. This will work for Netscape only if it is configured to run in a WIN-OS/2 window. If you configure Netscape to run in a full screen WIN-OS/2, WebWriter/2 will still start a new copy for each preview. You can select and configure these applications via the Preview pages of the WebWriter/2 settings dialog. The applications that you select are displayed as choices in the File/Preview submenu. You can preview the current document by selecting one of these menu choices. You can also select another preview application on the fly by choosing File/Preview/Other... If you use the IBM WebExplorer, you can also preview a document by simply dragging it to an open WebExplorer window. WebWriter/2 has been tested with both the IBM WebExplorer (v1.03) and Netscape Navigator (v2.0b3). ═══ 2.6. HTML information ═══ If you are not familiar with HTML you may wish to obtain one of the many books available on this topic. The Teach Yourself Web Publishing... and Teach Yourself HTML... books by Laura Lemay (SAMS Publishing) are good for beginners and as general references for more experienced HTML authors. There are also many WWW sites which provide up to date HTML documentation and examples. The WebWriter/2 readme file contains additional information on WWW sites which maintain information on the HTML specification. If you have a primary preview application configured, you can view an HTML version of this file by selecting Help/WebWriter/2 readme from the Edit window menus. Otherwise, you can view the readme.txt file located in the WebWriter/2 directory by loading it into any text editor, including WebWriter/2. For basic HTML 3.2 information, you can load the Web Design Groups HTML 3.2 reference which is included with WebWriter/2 by selecting Help/HTML 3.2 reference from the Edit window menus. This document is also available online at www.htmlhelp.com. Definitive specifications on HTML and related standards can be found at the W3C's web site at www.w3.org. ═══ 3. WebWriter/2 key assignments ═══ The following keys may be used when editing document text in the WebWriter/2 edit window. Enter Start a new line by inserting an End-of-Line character at the insertion point. Ctrl+Enter Start a new paragraph by inserting an End-of-Line character and Paragraph tag (

) at the insertion point. Shift+Enter Start a new list item by inserting an End-of-Line character and List item tag (
  • ) at the insertion point. Tab Insert a tab character at the insertion point. Insert Switch between insert and overtype mode. Backspace Deletes the previous character or, if text is selected, deletes the selected text. Shift+arrow Select text or extend the selected text in the direction of the arrow. Shift+Home Select text or extend the selected text to the beginning of the current line. Shift+End Select text or extend the selected text to the end of the current line. Shift+Page Up Select text or extend the selected text up one full window of text. Shift+Page Down Select text or extend the selected text down one full window of text. Shift+Ctrl+Right Select text or extend the selected text to the beginning of the next word. Shift+Ctrl+Left Select text or extend the selected text to the beginning of the previous word. Shift+Ctrl+Home Select text or extend the selected text to the beginning of the document. Shift+Ctrl+End Select text or extend the selected text to the end of the document. Page Up Scrolls the document up one full window of text. Page Down Scrolls the document down one full window of text. For information on the assignment of accelerator keys to WebWriter/2 menu options, select one of the following topics.  File menu key assignments  Edit menu key assignments  Tags menu key assignments  Characters menu key assignments ═══ 3.1. File menu key assignments ═══ The following accelerator key assignments apply to File menu options. Ctrl+N Closes the current document, if any, and starts a new document. Ctrl+O Opens an existing document for editing. Ctrl+S Saves the current document. Ctrl+C Closes the current document. Ctrl+1 Preview the current document using the primary preview application. Ctrl+2 Preview the current document using the secondary preview application. Ctrl+0 Preview the current document using a preview application which you select. Ctrl+P Print the current document. F3 Close all WebWriter/2 windows and exit WebWriter/2. ═══ 3.2. Edit menu key assignments ═══ The following accelerator key assignments apply to Edit menu options. Alt+Backspace Undo the last change made to the document. Shift+Delete Remove the selected text and place it on the clipboard. Ctrl+Insert Copy the selected text to the clipboard. Shift+Insert Insert the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point. Delete Delete the selected text. Ctrl+/ Select the entire document. Ctrl+\ Deselect all text. Ctrl+F Display the Find dialog. ═══ 3.3. Tags menu key assignments ═══ The following accelerator key assignments apply to Tags menu options. Alt+1 Insert a Heading 1 tag (

    ). Alt+2 Insert a Heading 2 tag (

    ). Alt+3 Insert a Heading 3 tag (

    ). Alt+4 Insert a Heading 4 tag (

    ). Alt+5 Insert a Heading 5 tag (
    ). Alt+6 Insert a Heading 6 tag (
    ). Alt+P Insert a Paragraph tag (

    ). Alt+D Insert a Division tag (
    ). Alt+C Insert a Center tag (
    ). Alt+R Insert a Horizontal rule tag (
    ). Alt+K Insert a Line break tag (
    ). Alt+B Insert a Bold text tag (). Alt+I Insert an Italic text tag (). Alt+U Insert an Undelined text tag (). Alt+Y Insert a Typewriter text tag (). Alt+. Insert a List item tag (
  • ). Alt+L Insert an Unordered list tag (). Alt+O Insert an Ordered list tag (
      ). Ctrl+A Display the Anchor dialog. Ctrl+I Display the Inline image dialog. ═══ 3.4. Entities menu key assignments ═══ The following accelerator key assignments apply to Entities menu options. Alt+Shift+< Insert the character entity for the < sumbol. Alt+Shift+> Insert the character entity for the > sumbol. Alt+Shift+& Insert the character entity for the & sumbol. Alt+Shift+" Insert the character entity for a quotation mark. Alt+Space Insert the character entity for a non-breaking space. Alt+G If a character is selected, convert the selected character to the character entity for the selected character with a grave accent. If no character is selected, convert the previous character to the character entity for the previous character with a grave accent. Alt+A If a character is selected, convert the selected character to the character entity for the selected character with an acute accent. If no character is selected, convert the previous character to the character entity for the previous character with a acute accent. Alt+Shift+^ If a character is selected, convert the selected character to the character entity for the selected character with a circumflex accent. If no character is selected, convert the previous character to the character entity for the previous character with a circumflex accent. Alt+Shift+~ If a character is selected, convert the selected character to the character entity for the selected character with a tilde. If no character is selected, convert the previous character to the character entity for the previous character with a tilde. Alt+M If a character is selected, convert the selected character to the character entity for the selected character with an umlaut. If no character is selected, convert the previous character to the character entity for the previous character with an umlaut. Alt+Shift+* If a character is selected, convert the selected character to the character entity for the selected character with a ring. If no character is selected, convert the previous character to the character entity for the previous character with a ring. Alt+/ If a character is selected, convert the selected character to the character entity for the selected character with a slash. If no character is selected, convert the previous character to the character entity for the previous character with a slash. Alt+, If a character is selected, convert the selected character to the character entity for the selected character with a cedilla. If no character is selected, convert the previous character to the character entity for the previous character with a cedilla. Alt+Z Insert the character entity for an sz ligature. ═══ 4. Workplace Shell integration ═══ WebWriter/2 is designed to interact with the OS/2 Workplace Shell as well as with other OS/2 applications. For information about WebWriter/2 Workplace Shell integration select one of the following:  Drag & Drop support  WebWriter/2 associations ═══ 4.1. Drag & Drop support ═══ You can use Drag & Drop shortcuts to perform many WebWriter/2 functions. The following Drag & Drop operations are supported: 1. Dropping a data file object onto the WebWriter/2 window will result in an action that depends on the drop action requested and the type of file dropped. Different drop actions can be requested by the use of the Ctrl, Alt & Shift keys and defaults can be configured via the Drag&Drop settings page of the WebWriter/2 Settings notebook. WebWriter/2 attempts to follow Workplace Shell conventions as much as possible in implementing drag & drop support, although, some variance in meaning was necessary. The basic Drag & Drop operations work like this: Drop Will perform the action indicated by the Default drop action for documents setting on the Settings notebook Drag&Drop page. Shift+Drop This will result in the file which is dropped being opened by the Edit window it is dropped on. If there is a document open with unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save or discard those changes before the new document is opened. Ctrl+Drop This will result in the contents of the file which is dropped being inserted at the current cursor position. Shift+Ctrl+Drop This will result in a hypertext link to the dropped document being inserted at the cursor position or wrapping selected text, if any. Of course, as with any rules there are exceptions: WebExplorer URLs Dropping a WebExplorer URL will always result in a link to that URL being inserted. You can drag & drop WebExplorer URL's which you have saved to your Desktop (or some other folder) or, if you are viewing a Web page that you want to link to, just drag directly to WebWriter/2 and the link will be inserted without having to save the URL object first. WebBook URL's WebBook is an OS/2 URL manager published by Sine Qua Non, Inc. It allows you to save collections of WebExplorer URL's organized into libraries, shelves, books and pages. You can drag URL's from WebBook to WebWriter/2 in order to insert hypertext links to the resources referenced by those URL's in the same way that you can use URL's dragged directly from WebExplorer. Dropping a WebBook URL will always result in a link to that URL being inserted. Images Since, you probably don't want WebWriter/2 to open or insert the contents of image files into your documents, it seemed to make sense to modify the Drag & Drop behavior for these file types. For image files, the following rules apply: Drop If the Default drop action for documents is set to Open then the result of this action will be determined by the When 'Open' dropping image file... setting on the Settings notebook Drag&Drop page. Otherwise, the modifier key equivalent (i.e., Ctrl+Drop or Shift+Ctrl+Drop) drop action will be performed. Shift+Drop This is determined by the When 'Open' dropping image file... setting on the Settings notebook Drag&Drop page. Ctrl+Drop This will result in the Inline image dialog being displayed with the path & file name of the image already filled in. Shift+Ctrl+Drop This will result in a hypertext link to the image being inserted at the cursor position or wrapping selected text, if any. Note: When hypertext links are inserted the exact behavior will depend on whether or not text is selected when the drop occurs. If no text is selected, the file name (or URL title for WebExplorer URL's) will be inserted as the link content. If there is selected text, then the selected text will be used as the link content. Note: In all cases where hypertext links to local files are inserted, the links will use relative paths with forward slashes rather than back slashes (i.e., '/' and not '\'). Tip: If you Ctrl+Drag a document from WebExplorer to WebWriter/2 to view the HTML source and want to open it instead of inserting it into the open document, release the Ctrl key once the pointer changes to the Pointer+MiniFile pointer and hold down the Shift key while you drop the HTML source on the WebWriter/2 window. If you have "Open" configured as your default drop option you can omit holding down the Shift key. You can also just drag to the Window manager window. 2. Dropping a data file object onto the WebWriter/2 Window manager will open the the file in a new WebWriter/2 window. 3. Dragging from the edit window to a printer object will print the current document. If there is selected text, only the selected text will be printed. 4. Dragging from the edit window to the Shredder will delete the current document. If there is selected text, only the selected text will be deleted. 5. By dragging from one WebWriter/2 window to another you can copy & paste either an entire document or selected text if any. 6. If you drag from the edit window to the desktop or a folder, a copy of the document, or selected text if any, will be saved there. This can be useful if you wish to save sections of a document for re-use in other HTML documents. 7. You can drag from a WebWriter/2 window to a WebExplorer window to preview your document or selected text if any. This is particularly useful if you wish to quickly preview changes in a document that you have already loaded into WebExplorer via the File/Preview menu options. 8. From an open WebExplorer window you can drag the curent HTML document to an open WebWriter/2 window. The document will be treated the same as a Workplace Shell file object and will inserted into the current document if one is open or opened if there is no currently opened document. Note: How you do this depends on the vesion of WebExplorer that you have. Some versions require that you hold down the Ctrl key while you drag. With other versions you simply drag the document from WebExplorer. The version of WebExplorer current as of writing this (v1.02) requires that you hold down the Ctrl key while you drag a document from WebExplorer. If you have a different version you may need to experiment to determine how this works with it. 9. Dragging from the Tag manager dialog and dropping on the WebWriter/2 window will insert the tag at the cursor position. If text is selected in the WebWriter/2 window the tag will be wrapped around the selected text. 10. Dragging from the Character entity dialog and dropping on the WebWriter/2 window will insert the character entity at the cursor position or before selected text. If you wish to perform a drag & drop operation that is not listed here, try it and see if it works. The WebWriter/2 <-> WebExplorer type interactions have not been tested with but should work with other OS/2 applications which are Workplace Shell aware. ═══ 4.2. WebWriter/2 associations ═══ The WebWriter/2 installation program creates associations between between WebWriter/2 and files with .htm & .html extensions. This allows you to start WebWriter/2 by double clicking on an HTML document file object. You may notice that when you open a document in this way it does not remain cross hatched after the document is open. This is perfectly normal and does not mean that the open of the document has failed. If you do not want files with .htm and .html extensions to be associated with WebWriter/2 you may remove the association from the Associations page of the WebWriter/2 program object settings notebook. Conversely if you would like to add additional associations (e.g., .ht3 or htm3 for HTML 3.0 documents) these can also be added to the Associations page of the WebWriter/2 program object settings notebook. For information on how to do this refer to the help for the settings notebook Associations page. ═══ 5. WebWriter/2 Window manager ═══ The WebWriter/2 Window manager allows you to keep track of your open WebWriter/2 edit windows. The Window manager displays a list of open WebWriter/2 windows and the documents being edited in each window. From the Window manager you can hide, display or close an open edit window. You can also open a new edit window or close all of the open windows and exit WebWriter/2. When you double click on an HTML document to open it and WebWriter/2 is already active the document will be opened by the currently running copy of WebWriter/2 and added to its Window manager. Because of this there will only be one WebWriter/2 Window manager open at any time. If you are editting a large number of HTML documents at the same time, the Window manager can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes you to locate a particular document. Additional Window manager information:  Window manager Drag & Drop support ═══ 5.1. Window manager Drag & Drop support ═══ Dropping a data file object onto the WebWriter/2 Window manager will open the the file in a new WebWriter/2 edit window. ═══ 6. WebWriter/2 Settings ═══ You can customize WebWriter/2 to work the way you want it to by modifying these settings. For information about a specific settings page select one of the following:  Documents  Drag&Drop  Pop-ups  Preview  Templates ═══ 6.1. Document settings ═══ When Edit window is opened... Use this option to define what action you would like WebWriter/2 to perform as a default whenever a new edit window is opened. Choose from one of the following. Open new "untitled" document Select this option if you want WebWriter/2 to initialize the edit window to begin editing a new document. This is the default Prompt for document to open Select this option if you want WebWriter/2 to prompt you for a document to open whenever an edit window is opened. Wait for user action Select this option if you want WebWriter/2 to simply wait for you to open a new or existing document to edit. Default document directory This is the default path which will be used in all file dialogs if it is specified and "Use last path in file dialogs" is not selected. Default document extension This is the default extension which will be used when saving documents. You may select an extension from the drop down list or enter an extension directly into the entry field. Use last path in file dialogs Selecting this check box will result in the default file dialog path being the last path that a file was opened from or saved to. ═══ 6.2. Drag&Drop settings ═══ These settings allow you to configure the default actions that will be performed when documents and images are dropped on WebWriter/2 edit windows. These defaults may be overridden to another of the supported drop actions by the use of modifier keys. For more information on supported drop actions and the use of modifier keys to select the desired action refer to the Drag & Drop support section of the online help. Default drop action for documents This option allows you to specify the default action that WebWriter/2 should take when a document is dropped on a WebWriter/2 edit window. Select one of the following: Open document Sets the default drop action to "Open" or the same as when the Shift key is held down. Import document Sets the default drop action to "Insert" or the same as when the Ctrl key is held down. Because this was the only action available in previous releases of WebWriter/2, this is the default. Insert link to document Sets the default drop action to "Link to" or the same as when the Shift+Ctrl keys are held down. When 'Open' dropping image file This option allows you to specify the default action that WebWriter/2 should take when an image file is dropped on a WebWriter/2 edit window and the result of the requested drop action would be to open the file. Select one of the following: Inline the image This is the same as the Ctrl+Drop or "Insert" action. This is the default. Insert link to the image This is the same as the Shift+Ctrl+Drop or "Link to" action. You may define which file types are to be handled as images on the Define images back page of the Drag&Drop page. ═══ 6.3. Define images settings ═══ This back page of the WebWriter/2 Drag&Drop settings page allows you to define the file types that are to be handled as image files when dropped on a WebWriter/2 edit window. New extension Enter a file extension to be added to the list of Current extensions. Add >> Click on this button to add the extension entered in the New extension field to the list of Current extensions. Remove Click on this button to remove selected extensions from the Current extensions list. Current extensions This is the list of extensions which define the file types to be handled as image files. ═══ 6.4. Pop-ups settings ═══ These settings will configure how WebWriter/2 handles mouse button 2 clicks over the edit window. You can select any edit window menu, including the menu bar, as your default pop-up menu. You can also select an item on each available menu as the default mouse position for that menu. Default pop-up menu Select the menu you wish to have displayed when clicking on the edit window with mouse button 2. If you select Edit window menu bar, you may then select one of the other menus from the pop-up menu displayed. Configure pop-ups These settings allow you to configure default mouse positions for all of the available pop-up menus. Menu Select the menu you wish to configure. Default item Select the menu item you wish to have the cursor positioned over when the menu is displayed. If you do not want a default item for the menu you have selected, select '' from the list. ═══ 6.5. Preview settings ═══ Specify the following preview options: Preview save options Choose one of the following to indicate the default save option when previewing documents. Save before preview If you select this option, WebWriter/2 will save the document and instruct your preview application to load it. Don't save before preview When this option is selected WebWriter/2 will save your document to a temporary file and instruct your preview application to load the temporary file. Prompt for Save/Don't save When this option is selected you will be presented with a dialog asking you whether or not to save the document before previewing. This is the default Preview from... Choose one of the following to indicate the location of the temporary file created if you opt to not save the file before previewing. Document's current directory The document will be previewed from the directory in which the original document resides. If the document has not yet been saved, it will be previewed from the Default document directory. If no Default document directory is configured or the default document directory points to the A or B drives, then the TMP (or TEMP) directory will be used. Default document directory The document will be previewed from the Default document directory. If no Default document directory is configured or the default document directory points to the A or B drives, then the TMP (or TEMP) directory will be used. TMP directory (CONFIG.SYS) The document will be previewed from the TMP (or TEMP) directory defined in your CONFIG.SYS file. If no TMP directory is defined in your CONFIG.SYS, then the WebWriter/2 installation directory will be used. You may specify up to 2 WWW clients to use for previewing HTML documents on the Preview app 1 and Preview app 2 back pages of the Preview page. The specified preview applications will appear in the File/Preview menu. The Preview feature has been tested with the IBM WebExplorer & Netscape Navigator, but, should work with other WWW clients which can run under OS/2. When using Netscape or other Windows or DOS WWW clients you must be careful to use only path names which are FAT compatible, otherwise, the client will not be able to locate your HTML documents. ═══ 6.6. Primary preview application settings ═══ Use this page to configure the your Primary HTML preview application. Preview application Specify the full path and file name of an application to use for previewing documents. You can use the Find... button to locate the application or type the path and file name directly into this field. Menu text Enter the text to be displayed in the File/Preview submenu to represent this application. Command line switches You can use this field to enter any command line arguments that you would like to use when starting the preview application. You might, for example, want to use a value of '-q' with the IBM WebExplorer to suppress the display of its product information dialog when it is started. Application type Choose one of the following options to tell WebWriter/2 how to start the application: OS/2 PM window If the application you are using is a native OS/2 Presention Manager application, select this option. Full screen Select this option for OS/2 or DOS programs which must run in full screen mode. WIN-OS/2 window Use this option to run a Windows application in a seamless WIN-OS/2 session. WIN-OS/2 full screen Use this option to run a Windows application in a full screen WIN-OS/2 session. Set as default preview application If you select this option, the File/Preview submenu will become a conditional cascade menu and you can invoke this application by simply selecting File/Preview. ═══ 6.7. Secondary preview application settings ═══ Use this page to configure the your Secondary HTML preview application. Preview application Specify the full path and file name of an application to use for previewing documents. You can use the Find... button to locate the application or type the path and file name directly into this field. Menu text Enter the text to be displayed in the File/Preview submenu to represent this application. Command line switches You can use this field to enter any command line arguments that you would like to use when starting the preview application. You might, for example, want to use a value of '-q' with the IBM WebExplorer to suppress the display of its product information dialog when it is started. Application type Choose one of the following options to tell WebWriter/2 how to start the application: OS/2 PM window If the application you are using is a native OS/2 Presention Manager application, select this option. Full screen Select this option for OS/2 or DOS programs which must run in full screen mode. WIN-OS/2 window Use this option to run a Windows application in a seamless WIN-OS/2 session. WIN-OS/2 full screen Use this option to run a Windows application in a full screen WIN-OS/2 session. ═══ 6.8. WebWriter/2 Template settings ═══ HTML document template Specify a document to use as a basis for new documents. Use template for new documents Selecting this check box will result in the HTML document template specified being inserted into new documents.