Power HTML !

This file is a run down of the present status of the release you are looking at. For guides, references and general information, please refer to Page's INF help file.


Version 1.1e is a bug fix for for 1.1d and 1.1c. Basically I stuffed up and a couple of bugs got through that would crash the program. All is now fixed and I have added some code to defend against any other such bugs. See below ...
Version 1.1e Version 1.1a Other Stuff

* New in the 1.1d Edition.

* Changes and Fixes in the 1.1d Edition.

I can speed up the table editor by reducing it's WYSIWIG factor. I.e. adjusting values does not changes the display and cells do not grow and shrink to cover other cells when spanning is in effect. However, I'm more inclined to leave it as is for the moment. Perhaps you could drop me a line and tell me what you think.

* Whats New in Version 1.1

Forms Support

I have now added dialogs for inserting the various Form Objects that are available. I.e. Data Entry Fields, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Text Areas, etc. This is still a rather primitive support as Page does not regard forms as a separate enitity as it does Tables. However this was the most flexible way I could think of at the moment for handling forms. Please by all means e-mail me regarding any ideas you have for how forms should be handled.

Tag Structure Checker

No, this is not a spell checker. It is a routine which will look through the document you currently have loaded and check out the tags you have used. It will perform the following checks:-

This syntax checker is driven from a database which you can access from the syntax checkers dialog. This database is quite accessable for you to update it with tag information that is not already in it. However if you do, drop me a line as well so that I can update the master for future releases.

Ring Editing

Just like EPM, you can now edit more than one file at a time by either having a number of Page sessions open, or using the Edit Ring. Turning this on in the settings allows you to have any number of files open in the one Page session.

Text Import Filter

This appears when you drag and drop a file with the extension of TXT. It allows you to get a preview of the text you are dropping and to setup some automatic filter and tag insertions. For example you can tell it to remove blank lines, convert CRLFs to <P> tags, search for possible lists, etc. I have found it really helpful when bringing in large documents.

Page Specific Tags

I have created a range of tags which page picks up and processes as directives for it to do things. For example, include a file, insert a data, etc.

Multi-File Recursive Find/Change

Sitting under "Edit - Directory Utils - Find/Change Text..." this utility is one that has been much asked for by people working with large sites. In it you can do several things:

Table Editor

Yes I have finally added it in. This table editor is semi WYSIWYG. I can't make it totally WYSIWYG, but I have endevored to make it represent things to you visually so make it a bit easier to see what various parameters do and how they effect things.

Adding a new table is simply a matter of placing the cursor where you want the table to be inserted and selecting "Table" from the insert menu.

Editing an established table is just as simple. Just make sure that the cursor is somewhere within the <TABLE> ... <TABLE> tags when you select the table editor. You do not have to have the table selected, as Page will work out which table the cursor is within (Even if it's nested within another table!).

This table editor supports a range of tag which are talked about in the Web Explorer readme. It also supports some tags which are supported by the Web Explorer, but not mentioned in the readme. These include such things as cellpadding and cellspacing.

Tags to UpperCase Converter

I have added a function under Edit - Selection to convert all Tags in the currently selected text to UpperCase. This is another standards type function put in because most Web Authors I have talked to do their tags in upper case to help them see them. Note: this will not convert any textural parameters within tags such as URLs, Titles, etc.

On-Line and Context sensitive Help

I have added full on-line help for all fo Page's functions and tools. Further I have built it so that if the cursor is inside a tag and you press F1, then Page will locate the information for that tag and load that.

* Version 1.1 General Enhancements

* Version 1.1 last minute Enhancements

These are enhancements which I did during the beta testing. They are not in the general doco.

* Bug Fixes in Version 1.1

Here is a list of known bugs in version 1.0 which I have fixed in version 1.1 .

* Version 1.2 and Beyond ...

Page has received a very good response and I am very happy with the way things are going, therefore I am currently planning for the next major release which will be version 1.2 and will include some or all of these features:

At this stage I am planning to change the way I am marketing Page. Basically there will be two versions:

The good thing about the 1.2 version is that currently registered users of Page will be able to upgrade for free to the Pro edition. So if you want to save money and still have the best HTML authoring tool available under OS/2 ( and Windows! ), register now!

* Contacting me

Please drop me a line about Page. Version 1.1 has been an exciting product to produce and I already have some exciting ideas in mind for version 1.2, so if you have anything you would like to suggest, please let me know.

So please drop me a line:

    Derek Clarkson
    E-mail: derek@os2zone.aus.net

* Gratuitous Site Plug

OS/2 Zone Magazine
Ok, I had to do it. If you haven't heard of us yet, come and visit us at OS/2 Zone Magazine. First published (paper form) two years ago in Australia, and recently moved to the net, we specialise in street level information, reviews, how toos, tricks and tips, shareware, and lots more.