
Michael Greenhalgh, Department of Art History,

Australian National University


This series of screens is but a brief visual introduction to the splendours of classical architecture and sculpture in Turkey - splendours unequalled in Greece or Italy, let alone France. Not even North Africa or Syria & Lebanon, for all their grand sites, possess such a concentration of classical sites as does Turkey. Thanks to energetic and imaginative archaeological work, several of these are now literally "rising from the soil".

By March 1994, I hope to have well over 2,000 images of classical architecture from all around the Mediterranean Basin available on the Internet, with a searchable "database query" type interface, using Mosaic.

These screens form an introduction to the kind of work being prepared around my interest in the survival of classical antiquities in later centuries, for the importance of which topic see my short research paper on the topic.

In all of the screens, clicking on the inline thumbnail image should bring up a large JPEGed one. On some screens, clicking on the descriptive captions will do the same.

From here you may go to any of the following screens: