
In the episode "The Eraser" Mac's sitting in his Jeep during the day and eating a sandwich with sprouts in it. Mac says, "I like bean sprouts for two reasons, they're chock full of minerals [Mac spills.....] and, they don't stain your clothes.

Here is the insturction on how to grow bean sprouts:

1. Sort out all the damaged and wrong-colored seeds. Then pour the seeds into a transparent bottle like the one on the picture.

2. Get hold of a cloth or net that water can get trough, and put it at top of the bottle like shown on picture two.

3. Clean the seeds in water.

4. Fill water in the bottle of seeds, and let them be in the water twelve hours, or one night. Use about one part seeds to four parts of water. Remember, some of the seeds expand a lot.

5. After the twelve hours, use the water from the seeds on you plants. Then clean the seeds in water again.

6. Put the bottle into a container, in such an angle, that the water pours off the seeds. Put all of it into a dark place (like a closeth), in about 20 centigrades.

7. Pour water on the seeds 2 or 3 times each day. Do not shake the bottle to much, then you'll kill the sprouts. After each water session, put the bean-sprouts into the closet again like on picture 6.

8. After 3-5 days can you eat the sprouts. Put the bottle a couple of hours in daylight or under a lamp to get the some sprouts greener. On the point of when to eat the sprouts, your own taste desides when they are ready to eat.

WARNING: This recipe isn't spell-checked, and probably will not be this month. Everything is translated partly from something I got on norwegian, and partly of how I like to do it. At times the lanuage is BAD. Please help me on this.. Mail me at:

Thanks for listening, I hope you'll eat it and like it!!

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