MacGyver & RDA pages

Melissa Kelleys: MacGyver Homepage
MacGyver TV Show-WWW Page
The Pheonix Fundation
DXS home page
MacGyver related information
Datafox MacGyver Page
Tanista's Purple Dragon

Other MacGyver & RDA related links

NHL Open Net Main Menu

The NHL official site have a great lot of information reagarding hockey. A cool place to be if you are a MacGyver/Hockey fan.

The World of Hockey Online
Paramount Pictures

At Paramount Pictures site you can find information regarding their latest productions.

Victorinox Swiss Army Knives

This page contains information on the different Victorinox Swiss Army Knives in sale.

Wenger Genuine Swiss Army Knives
Info about RDA's miniseries on NBC

This page contains information on the last RDA production, a miniseries, where he is to be a pilot on a passasenger plane.

If you have any links that I have left out, or you have a MacGyver page not listed, please mail them to me (

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