The BriCad Menu

GUI Reference Cards

The leftmost entry "BriCad" in BriCad's menu bar gives you access to the following system functions:

New Discards the current model and starts over with an empty model, keeping the current world size.
New Dims Discards the current model, and asks for the maximum world coordinates for the new (empty) model. In the LEGO® domain, world coordinates are measured in multiples of 1x1 plates.
Load Loads a new model, discarding the current one.
Save Saves the current model to the last file name entered. If no file name has been entered yet, BriCad uses a default name (usually "unnamed.mdl").
Save As Lets you pick a new file name before saving the current model.
Write image Writes an image (typically .gif) of the current model to your harddisk. This is no replacement for saving the model using the regular "Save" option!
See also Note 1).
View Story Shows an accompanying text to the current model, if its author bothered to enter one. Story texts can currently only be entered by editing the .mdl file directly using an text editor.
Parts List on screen Show the model's piece count in the BriCad window.
on console Print the model's piece count to stdout.
to file Write the model's piece count into a (text) file.
Editing mode Insert Lets you change BriCad's editing modes.
The currently active mode is check marked.
Display Grid if check marked, the model is underlaid with a grid
Info if check marked, shows the grey bar containing the color palette. See Note 2).
Page numbers if check marked, building step numbers are shown.
Delayed Refresh The screen does only redraw when a certain user idle time has elapsed. See Note 3).
Immediate Refresh The screen redraws immediately after the insertion of a new brick.
Redraw Erases and redraws the screen.
About Shows the BriCad copyright message and copying license.
Quit Umm, do you really want to leave so soon ? ;-)

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Note 1 (Write image):

Note 2 (Info Field):

The info field can be disabled to save screen space. To access the color palette, move the mouse cursor to the right out of the BriCad window. This will make the info field reappear and lets you select colors (after reentering the info field) until you leave the info field to the left.

Note 3 (Delayed Refresh):

In the default immediate refresh mode, BriCad redraws the screen after each brick insertion to make sure that the user is always seeing a model with all hidden surfaces correctly removed.

However, when editing large models, repeated screen updates may degrade the system's responsiveness and slow the user down. In such cases, select the "Delayed Refresh" option to suppress immediate screen updates. In this mode, a screen refresh will only occur if

Inserting a row from several bricks of the same kind is reasonably faster in this mode, however at the expense of temporary showing a model with messed up graphics due to ignored hidden surfaces.

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Copyright 1996 Carsten Gnörlich. Last change: 23.07.96