Keyboard actions

GUI Reference Cards

BriCad uses the following keys:

Brick movement / placement

[x][X] decreases/increases the x-coord value by one.
[x] results in moving the brick to the left; [X] moves it to the right.
[y][Y] decreases/increases the y-coord value by one.
[y] results in moving the brick to the back; [Y] moves it to the front.
[z][Z] decreases/increases the z-coord value by one.
[z] results in moving the brick down; [Z] moves it up.
[Return] Place the brick at the current position. You can not use the left mouse button instead; that would insert the brick at the current mouse pointer position.
Place the brick at the current position, even if BriCad indicates a collision with an existing brick. This is not useful for regular bricks, but there are cases where you'll need it.
[Backspace] Undo last insert or delete action. Undo is unavailable after rotating the model.
Note: [x] means just pressing the 'x' key; while [X] refers to pressing the 'shift' key plus the 'x' key.

Model and building step navigation

[<],[>] Rotate the whole model to the left or right.
[-],[+] Go to the previous/next building step.
[1],[*] Go to the first/last building step.
Cursor keys Scroll the model in the respective direction.


[Del] Cycles the editing mode from Insert->Delete->Paint and back to Insert.
[r] Redraw the screen.
[q] Quit.
[?] Shows some system info.
[Help] Bring up the "About" requester (yeah, right, that's stupid ;-)

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Copyright 1996 Carsten Gnörlich. Last change: 24.07.96