Mouse actions

GUI Reference Cards

BriCad has two different modes for the mouse: Brick Cursor mode and Menu mode.

Brick Cursor mode

Brick Cursor mode is the standard mode, when no mouse buttons are pressed. In Brick Cursor mode, the brick cursor follows your mouse pointer as long as the mouse pointer is located on a valid position in your model.

Performs an action with the brick cursor depending on the editing mode BriCad is currently in:
Editing mode Action
Insert The current brick is inserted into the model, if the brick cursor is located at a suitable position.
If the brick cursor is ghosted or invisible, you can not insert a brick at the specified position.
Delete Deletes the brick which is currently intersecting with the brick cursor.
Paint Changes the color of the brick which is currently intersecting with the brick cursor. The color currently selected in the color palette will be the new brick color.
The left mouse button is also used to change the color selection in the color palette (Insert and Paint mode only).
Rotates the brick cursor by 90 degrees clockwise.
Activates the menu bar and switches into Menu mode.

When BriCad is configured for a two-button mouse, the right mouse button does also function as the middle button.

Menu mode

BriCad is in menu mode as long as the right mouse button is pressed. While holding the right mouse button, you can browse the menu system by moving the mouse pointer along the menu bar and menu entries. Menus and submenus will pop up automatically when the mouse pointer is moved over the corresponding entries.

Can be pushed to select/unselect "checkmarkable" menu items. Multiple menu items can be checked/unchecked in sequence, without leaving the menu system.
This button is unused in Menu mode.
If released over a menu entry, the corresponding action will be carried out (e.g., a brick gets selected, or the "Load" requester is brought up).
When released outside the menu system, the menu gets unmapped without doing anything.
In two-button mouse mode, releasing the right mouse button also rotates the brick cursor.

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Copyright 1996 Carsten Gnörlich. Last change: 23.07.96