-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The latest newz concerning the VAMPYRES ONLY pages. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---- Last Update: Saturday, May 11 1996 ----- *** NEWEST *** Now that the summer has arrived, I should have more time to put towards VO, considering I've basically neglected it since last September ... I've added several new listings to the Vampyric Shops page. Now you can automatically link your home page to VO! Now you can use a simple search engine to (hopefully) find what you are looking for. I've added several new conversation areas, including WebChat! Feedback on how to improve these areas is always appreciated. I'm working on some new stuff for the Gallery, including a Vampire Film Poster area, as well as getting the Bloofer Ladies area up and running again. Over the summer, I'll be going through all of the files in VO, and perhaps adding more features found in the new HTML standards. ** NEWER ** The following page has been updated: Fangdom (The Vampyre's Lists of Lists) * MOST of the book lists have been updated Walpurgis Nacht (Electronic Text) * E-text of Dracula: links needed updating * Five new e-text contributions added PdL Gallery * Completely re-done: 99% of the pictures are now available for downloading! New sections added, with more to come. Interview With A Vampyre (FAQs) * vampire-related MUSHs list added * listserver list updated * newspaper articles page updated * The Humor page has been resurrected, with new jokes added. * The Shops list had been updated; several US shops added. * The Scrolls of Those Who Must Be Kept has been updated. * NEW * INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPYRE (FAQs) * Added a mini-FAQ on "Dracula, The Series" * Updated the Vampire Hunter D FAQ * Updated the alt.books.anne-rice FAQ * Updated the "how to make your own fangs" FAQ * Added an FAQ on vampire-related listservers, with links * Updated the list of Amateur Publications FANGDOM (Lists) * Corrected an error in the list of White Wolf publications * Updated the list of Dracula Editions WALPURGIS NACHT (Electronic Text) * Added a document, "The Vampire's Dilemma: Animal Rights and Parasitic Nature" * Added a short poem, "Madness" * Added a term paper, "From Fear To Fascination: A Study of the Transformation of Social Roles of the Slavic and American Vampire" PdL GALLERY * Added a few more pics, plus two new sections Updated the International Shop List (added another shop in the USA) T H E D R A C U L A S E T ... is finally on-line! Be sure to hit the URL: http://www.vampyre.wis.net/vampyre/electext/drac_set/drac_set.html Or, from the Home Page, hit "Walpurgis Nacht" (a.k.a. Electronic Text), then click on "The Dracula Set". I know you'll love it. Hey You! Yes, I'm talking to you!! Do you have any vamp-related files sitting on your hard drive, that you've just been aching to share with the rest of the world? Well, send them to me! Vampyres Only will accept: * pics * research papers * film/book reviews * original short fiction/poetry Vampyres Only can only get better with your input. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Now, for a little self-indulgence! =========================================================================== Vampyres Only has been referenced in two Internet books! =) They are: 1. Walking The World Wide Web (Ventana Press) written by Shannon R. Turlington 2. Internet Roadside Attractions (Ventana Press) (thanks to Dave Scott for this information) =========================================================================== Here's what the World has to say about Vampyres Only: ============================================================================ The Fringe WEBster HOTlist Nov. 8, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAMPYRES ONLY Halloween may be over, but vampires still exist. Turn to the Vampyres Only home page for a year-round glimpse of the preternatural. Eavesdrop on an "Interview with a Vampyre." Visit the impressionist vampire art collection at the Pointe du lac Gallery, or snuggle up with an electronic version of your favorite vampire tome found where else but in "Fangdom." Curious about your own propensity toward vampire nature? Take the Vampire Probability Quiz. Those more confident of their human nature can take the Vampire Vulnerability Quiz. And, after sucking this page dry, latch on the provided links to "veins of a similar nature." WEBster says: "Bloody interesting stuff" ============================================================================ ============================================================================ From "The Guardian", a national newspaper in England: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you a vampire? Or, possibly worse, are you likely to fall victim to one? Find out by doing the Vampire Probability Test or the Vampire Vulnerability Test on the Vampyres Only home page on the Vorld Vide Veb (sic) at: http://www.wimsey.com/~bmiddlet/vampyre/vampyre.html This excellent site also features an Interview with a Vampyre, a vampire art collection, and Fangdom, a library section that covers books, magazines, comics and films. Vampyres only is based in Vancouver, Canada, where Wimsey Information Services is the largest Internet service provider. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sorry, I just couldn't resist. =) (This message will change every few of days). Enjoy! Vlad III }:-[ bmiddlet@wimsey.com