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A Passion for the Finest Coffees

We could say Hubbard & Cravens Coffee Co. was created in a burst of genius. That we found an amazing new way to produce outstanding coffee. But the fact is we were born out of a very simple desire. We believed we could offer the finest coffee. Coffee far better than what people had come to expect. Coffee surpasing even that offered by so-called "gourmet roasters". Coffee delighting the palate of the most discriminating coffee drinker.

Hubbard & Cravens Logo

Today, we custom roast more than 30 of the most enchanting and popular varietals. Starting with the right bean is only part of what makes our coffee so extraordinary. Our approach to roasting truely sets us apart. Hubbard & Cravens roasts our varietals to our exclusive Maduro roast. It's a longer process demanding hotter temperatures and a perfect touch on the part of the roastmaster - who must stop exactly at the point at which the sour-tasting acids have been roasted out, but the bitter flavors haven't appeared. For the final step in the roasting process, we've chosen to air cool our beans. Then within two hours of roasting, our coffees are handpacked in special bags featuring a one-way valve that allows the gases to escape, while preventing outside air from entering.

Hubbard & Cravens offers mail order throughout the United States, both retail and wholesale. For more information please call us at (800) 545-2009 or write to us at:

Hubbard & Cravens Coffee Co.
7170 Zionsville Road
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268

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Copyright © 1996 Hubbard & Cravens Coffee Co.
Created by Digital Service,July 17, 1996
Most recent revision July 17, 1996