East India Tea & Coffee Company

Most coffee roasters say they are the best...some of us are lying.

We want you to be the judge. If you are a specialty coffee retailer call (800) 829-1300 and ask John Paul or Pete Schmitt for sampling and prices.

We go to great lengths to help you build a strong business in a highly competitive industry. We are your source for quality products from source allowing you to successfully compete with the national chains.

We have the largest selection of estate coffees allowing you to retail at prices competitive with regular coffees. Our green bean buyer travels the world meeting farmers, sharing agricultural practices and of course, buying the best coffee available. Feel free to e-mail Pete Rogers and ask about his travels.

Our Tea Program has over 40 teas in prepackaged and 1 pound and 5 pound bulk bags. Tom Garber has just returned from Sri Lanka with many very unique teas. Our green teas from Japan are the best in this country. But do not forget your old favorites, EAST INDIA CINNAMON ORANGE and SASSAFRAS TEAS. E-mail Tom.

Call us at (800) 829-1300 or E-mail us at jbrcoffe@ix.netcom.com

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Copyright © 1996 East India Tea & Coffee Company
Created by Digital Service, April 20, 1996
Most recent revision July 21, 1996